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  3. 6. Working with Opkey Recorder
  4. 6.3 Mobile Recorder

6.3 Mobile Recorder

OpKey Mobile Recorder is an Recorder utility which enables you to create a Test Case/Function Library by recording actions performed on mobile devices, connected locally & pCloudy devices.

Recording on Local Mobile

Recording on pCloudy Mobile Device

Recording on iOS Device

While starting recording session for the first time on locally connected or pCloudy devices, you are asked to download and install OpKey Mobile Recorder. You just need to follow few simple steps to install it on your machine.

If you want to download and install it externally, go to the Download Center on dashboard page, download the Mobile recorder and then install it on your machine.

For details about using Mobile Recorder, please refer:

(1) Recording over locally connected device

(2) Recording over mobile device on pCloudy

(3) Recording over iOS mobile device on pCloudy

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