20.2 Executing Suite with Jenkins
Quick Start Screencast
Let us install OpKey Web plugin in Jenkins for executing Suite in OpKey Web.
- Click on Manage Plugins to install required plugin.
- Go to the Upload Plugin section. Click on Choose File and select OpKey Web Jenkins plugin “.hpi” file and click on Upload.
When OpKey Jenkins plugin has been uploaded and configured successfully, you can execute your Suite in OpKey Web using Jenkins.
- Here, you can see that Jenkins plugin installation has been completed successfully.
- Let us create a new job. Enter name of the job and then select Freestyle Project.
- Go to the Build Environment tab and then Build section as shown below. Click on Add build step and then select Execute OpKey (SAAS TestSuite).
- Go to the Build section. Enter your login credentials to the OpKey Login section. Click on Test Connection to authenticate entered user credentials.
- Once your credentials are authenticated successfully, you will be allowed to proceed to choose execution platforms supported by OpKey Web, as shown below:
- Now, you can choose execution platform. Let us first choose Run Execution on Local platform. Further, you need to enter all required fields of Execution Settings.
You can check Continue on Build Step Failure checkbox while executing your build in Jenkins, which will execute your inner build steps even in case of failure of the parent build. If Skip Step checkbox is checked then test steps having no values for mandatory data input arguments, will get skipped during test execution.
Similarly, let us choose Run execution on pCloudy as execution platform. Enter pCloudy credentials to proceed. Once your credentials are authenticated successfully, Execution Settings form opens in which you need to enter all required fields and then Save it.
You can select Report Type of the Test execution (triggered through Jenkins) to be sent through SMTP Settings. To do so, a field has been added under the Execution Settings form fields.
- Go to the Report Type field. Click on the corresponding dropdown icon.
- Select Report Type from the dropdown list (Summary, Failed, Detailed & Outline).
- If you don’t need to send Report to anyone then select DontSend option. By default, DontSend options is selected.
This Jenkins configuration of sending Report Type (Summary, Failed, Detailed & Outline) will work only when you have configured SMTP Settings properly.
- Scroll down page to pCloudy Settings. Select duration from the dropdown and then select your Android/iOS mobile device based on mobile OS (Android/iOS) version.
- You can select multiple mobile devices from the list and execute your test on these devices.
- You can choose Run Execution on OpKey Cloud as execution platform. Enter your OpKey Cloud credentials. Once your credentials are authenticated successfully, Execution Settings form opens. Enter all required details under Execution Setting section. Click on Save to proceed.
- Once Project gets selected from the drop-down, OpKey Cloud Settings is enabled. Select your desired Web Browser(s) corresponding to the selected platform. You can also add Global Variables from here. Click on Save to save.
- Jenkins integrated with OpKey Web allows you to execute multiple builds one by one automatically. Let us go to the Post-build Actions section as shown in below given image.
- Select OpKey (SaaS TestSuite) Post option from the drop-down list as shown below:
- Go to the Build section. Enter your login credentials to the OpKey Login section for Post Build Actions. Click on Test Connection to authenticate entered user credentials.
- Once user credentials authentication gets completed successfully, Execution Settings form opens. Enter all required details under Execution Setting section. Click on Save to proceed.
Once, your OpKey Login credentials are authenticated successfully, you can choose your execution platform (Local, pCloudy or OpKey Cloud) where you will be asked to login with corresponding login credentials.
- You can also add Global Variables from here. After filling all required fields in Execution Setting, go to the Global Variables section and click on Add Global Variables and select your Global Variable from the drop-down list and provide its value.
Now, you can use your attachment file (Added to Global Variables list) for test execution. To do so, follow the given instructions:
- Go to the Global Variable section on Jenkins page.
- Select Blank attachment as GLobal Variable.
- Select Value of Global Variable from the dropdown. Your Attachment files under Global Variables are shown here.
Note: There are few file formats which are blocked to be used as Attachment and they are .exe, .msi, .bat, .com, .dll, war, .cmd & .reg.
- Now, click on Build Now to start execution process.
- Execution process gets started as shown in below given screenshot. Click on drop-down icon of your executing build (#1) and select Console Output to view execution logs.
- Here, you can see execution logs in the Console Output.
- When your execution process gets completed successfully, it is shown as Pass. A log file containing execution logs is located at the mentioned location.