39. BackUp and Restore
While creating the data in the MySQL workbench you can also perform the following actions.
For Backup and Restoring the data, follow these steps:
Open OpKey Build >> You’ll be able to view Installer >> Click on 5.65
You can find Backup Restore CLI and OpKey Database Manager.
The Backup Restore CLI works in the Command Line Prompt while the Database Manager works in the UI Format.
Open the Utility of OpKey Database Manager
A new UI will be visible to you with 3 radio buttons of
- Backup Database
- Create or Upgrade Database
- Restore Database
How to Create a Database
Click on the Create or Upgrade Database button.
You’ll get the option of either “Creating the Database” or “Upgrading the Database”.
Select the “Create Radio Button” or “Upgrade Radio Button” according to the requirement.
You’ll have to provide the complete data post selecting either of the radio button. Click on the “Next” tab present in the right-hand corner.
Fill in all the details of :
Username and
In the Host column, you’ll have to provide the IP address of the machine where the database will have to be created.
Now click on the Create button
It will now get connected with the Workbench and will begin creating the database
When a new version of the database is created, it will now sync the complete data present on the latest main database.
You’ll have to select the Location to store the database.
Click on the radio button where the database will be created.
On proceeding ahead, it will ask whether to keep the particular database in the shared location. You’ll have to provide details of the shared location path, either of AWS or shared system path.
How to Upgrade the database
To upgrade the database, you’ll have to provide the details of the location to store the updated database after upgrading the version if required. Else it can be placed in the existing location.
How to take the Backup of the Database
To take the backup of the Database, a window will open up like the one shared in the image above, where you need to click on the Backup database radio button. And then proceed to click on the Next button.
Please read the instructions carefully before proceeding ahead.
You’ll have to fill in the details on the column present on the window of :
Backup Location
If necessary, you can check the box which asks to “Include Execution Result Data in DataBase Backup”.
It will check the version of the data to be taken as backup, and place it in the specified location post taking a backup. Then click on the “Finish” button.
Post that it will ask to provide the shared path to place the attachments which can be either of AWS or the System’s shared path.
How to Restore Database?
You’ll have to fill in the details of :
OpKey Backup Path
Shared Disk Path
You can check the box to take a backup of the data and then proceed to click on the “Restore” button. It will then first take the backup and then restore the data.
The same steps which we performed above over UI can also be performed on the Command Line Prompt
On opening the command line, all the details will have to be provided similar to the UI.
You’ll have to provide the command for the specific actions.
For Backup you’ll have to provide Host, Port, Schema, Username, Password.
For Upgrade the requirements to be provided are Host, Port, Schema, Username, Password.
For Restore the requirements will be Host, Port, Username, Password, OpKey Backup Path, Shared Disk Path