26.8 Artifact or File Sync
Artifact/File Sync is an advanced feature which allows you to sync your artifact/file of a project located on a Web domain to another project on different OpKey Web domain. In case you need to sync desired artifact(s) then it is recommended to sync the required Artifacts only instead of the whole project.
Need of Artifact/File Sync:
While working with OpKey Web, users usually need to sync their artifacts/files existing on one OpKey Web Domain to the another OpKey Web domain. In this case, it’s not feasible to sync the whole projects when you need to sync just few artifacts/files. OpKey users can now sync their files and folder from one project to another project in the same or different OpKey domain. In this way, all your file(s) and folder(s) will get exported and synced with the desired project existing on the targeted OpKey domain.
Let us see how to sync a folder (containing few files) from a project to another project existing on the same domain.
Steps to be followed:
- Navigate to the Project Workspace, right click on the folder and the click on Sync option.

- Enter OpKey URL Name (domain name), User Name, Password, select Project and click on Sync in sync wizard.
- You can save the entered credentials in Sync Wizard by marking Remember Me checkbox. If you want to sync file or folder without syncing user(s) then you can mark Sync without user(s) checkbox.

- Sync process gets started. Here, you can view the destination url, user name, project name, files with count and sync logs.

- Sync process is going on. Please wait until the sync process gets completed.

- In this step, it checks if the syncing file(s) & folder(s) are existing. Enter Data Encryption password of the Source Project and click on Submit to proceed sync process.

- Here, you can view that the sync process has completed. Click on Finish.

- Here, you can have a look at the synced folder is now existing in another project on the same OpKey domain.

- Thus, the sync process has now completed successfully.
Common Syncing Error Scenarios
Function Library
- While syncing an FL, if any other file with the same name and different type exists at destination location then the error occurs.
Syncing file: Name of the syncing file is “FL1” and type is “Function library”.
Syncing location: Name “FL1” already exists at the destination location with type “Test Case”.
- Function libraries are not allowed to sync if the data type of input parameters are incompatible and the Error message will be displayed in logs.
- Function libraries are not allowed to sync if the data type of output parameters are incompatible and the Error message will be displayed in logs.
- If no. of input parameters in FL at the syncing location is more and FL is also used in the higher component then error message will be displayed and syncing will be canceled.
- If no. of output parameters in FL at syncing location is more and FL is also used in the higher component then error message will be displayed and syncing will be canceled.
Coded Function Library
- While syncing a Coded FL file, if any other file with the same name and different type exists at syncing location then the error occurs.
syncing file: Name of the syncing file is “CFL1” and type is “Coded Function Library”.
syncing location: Name “CFL1” already exists at syncing location with type “Function Library”.
- Coded Function libraries are not allowed to sync if the data type of input parameters are incompatible. The error message will be displayed in logs.
- Coded Function libraries are not allowed to sync if the data type of output parameters are incompatible. The error message will be displayed in logs.
- If no. of input parameters in CFL at the syncing location is more and CFL is also used in the higher component then error message will be displayed and syncing will be canceled.
- If no. of output parameters in CFL at the syncing location is more and CFL is also used in the higher component then error message will be displayed and syncing will be canceled.
Service Repository
- While syncing an SR file, If any other file with the same name and different type exist at syncing location then the error occurs.
syncing file: Name of the syncing file is “SR1” and type is “Service Repository”.
syncing location: Name “SR1” already exists at syncing location with type “Function Library”.
- If the syncing location has a different type of service added with the same name.
syncing file: Service Repository named “SR1” and REST service named “Service1”.
syncing location: Service Repository named “SR1” already exist but SOAP service named “Service1” is added.
- If the input parameter of the added SR method in the test case or function library is incompatible at syncing location then an error will occur.
- If no. of input parameters in the SR method at syncing location is more and the SR method is also used in the higher component then error message will be displayed and syncing will be canceled.
- If any other file with the same name and different type exist at the syncing location then the error will occur.
syncing file: Name of the syncing file is “Suite1” and type is “Suite”.
syncing location: Name “Suite1” already exists at the syncing location with type “Function Library”.
Object Repository
- If any other file with the same name and different type exist at the syncing location then the error will occur.
syncing file: Name of the syncing file is “OR1” and type is “Object Repository”.
syncing location: Name “OR1” already exists at syncing location with type “Function Library”.
Global Data Repository
- If any other file with the same name and different type exist at the syncing location then the error will occur.
syncing file: Name of the syncing file is “GDR1” and type is “Global Data Repository”.
syncing location: Name “GDR1” already exists at the syncing location with type “Function Library”.
Test Case
- If any other file with the same name and different type exist at the syncing location then the error will occur.
Syncing file: Name of Syncing file is “TC1” and type is “Test Case”.
Syncing location: Name “TC1” already exists at the syncing location with type “Function Library”.
Permission related error
- If the original file of the version is restricted for the user during sync back then the error will occur.
Syncing file: Test case named “TC1”.
Syncing location: Test case named “TC1” already exists but is restricted for the user who syncs it.
Important Points:
- Files having Custom Keywords will be synced only when they are used within the corresponding artifacts.
- Only used Global Variables within the corresponding artifacts will be synced.
- If the artifact of a Project of Master database has been synced within a Project of the Slave database then the synced artifact cannot be re-synced within any project of the same Slave database.
- If there are two users in the source (Master) database having Admin & Non-Admin privileges whereas there are no users in the destination (Slave) database then after syncing the artifacts, both of the users will be Non-Admin users and their password will be 8 characters of their email id, starting from beginning.