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  4. 32.13 Opkey Release – 5.58

32.13 Opkey Release – 5.58

New Features

All New Multi Browser Testing Platform

Now, there is a new cloud platform for multi browser testing in OpKey. Here, you can create a session by adding existing Test Cases, Gherkin features and Sparkin files and execute the session on the wide range of supported Web (Windows & Mac) and Mobile (Android & iOS) platforms by selecting the corresponding OS, Browser & mobile devices. You can schedule your session for test execution at a particular date & time. Once the execution has finished, you can go to the Result View and view your execution result.

Test Cases, Gherkin and Sparkin files created at the corresponding OpKey Web/Accelerator platforms, will be visible here in OpKey Multi Browser platform. Here, you just need to create a session by adding those Test Cases, Gherkin and Sparkin files and then execute the session on the desired browser/device. You can apply Advanced Execution Settings like step snapshots, snapshot quality, step timeout, mail report, update mapped test management artifact, skip empty data steps, randomize input default value etc. You can also add session tags and set runtime global variables for the test execution through advanced execution settings. You can select the optional agent from the list showing under the Advanced Settings and trigger test execution on that Agent.

Now there is an Agent Pool tab under the Agent Management section in OpKey Admin panel. Agent Pool contains the list of all the online/offline agents. When you create a new session and start test execution, an available agent (as per the selected OS, browser, version or mobile device for the session) picks this task and performs the test execution. Here, you can perform your test execution on the desired online Agent. Before running execution on the desired agent (from the list of Optional Agent under Advanced Settings) make sure that the Agent is online and registered for the corresponding browser version or device. You can edit and add browser versions from the Grid Browser Settings page under Tools menu in OpKey Agent. The list of browsers and versions added or updated from the Grid Browser Settings page under the Tools menu in OpKey Agent, displays in Agent Pool tab under the Agent Management section in OpKey Admin panel. You need to register/update the newly added/updated browser versions to the corresponding OpKey Agent by clicking on the respective button. Once the Agent is registered and updated, you can view it in the list of agents under the Optional Agent in Advanced Settings. From here, you can select the desired online agent and run your test execution.

There is a OpKey VNC Utility which allows you to view your live test execution of any particular session running on the respective machine. Once you triggered the test execution & VNC utility is connected, you need to go to the Result View page and open the sessions under the batch of respective test build and then select the desired session. There is a VNC icon under the Actions column; when you click on it you will be redirected to connect with the corresponding machine and view the live test execution. When test execution gets completed, close the live execution window. Make sure that the network of using the VNC utility and the live test execution machine is the same. You need to follow a few simple steps on command prompt in order to launch and connect the VNC utility.

Impact Analysis

Impact Analysis feature is now available in OpKey Web, Accelerator and BPMN Now, you can easily analyze the impact of any changes done in the lower artifacts (like OR, SR ,Coded FL) which is mapped with upper artifact like Function Library, Model, Test Case & Suite in Published/Approved mode. When you switch the mode of the upper artifacts (Function Library, Model, Test Case or Suite) having added lower artifacts, from Draft to Approved or Published then the state of mapped lower artifacts get also changed respectively. If you change the state of the mapped lower artifacts from Approved/Published to the Draft to make changes, make changes and then save it by switching its state to the Approved/Published state then the corresponding upper artifacts get impacted. This feature allows you to analyze such impacts easily and quickly. You can easily trace the impacted artifacts, analyze impact and do more. You can view the list of impacted artifacts under the UsedBy tab in the dockable panel of the lower artifact in which you have made changes. Here, you can view the hierarchy level of the impacted artifacts. Hierarchy of the impacted artifacts is shown up to two upper levels of the artifact. By clicking on the impacted artifact, you can directly navigate to those artifacts.

Integration of BPMN (Business Process Model and Notation) in OpKey Accelerator

Now there is a significant enhancement in the OpKey Test Accelerator. OpKey Accelerator users can now create Business Processes in BPMN (Business Process Notation and Model) view. BPMN view of Business Process has been primarily developed to design and read both simple and complex diagrams of business processes. BPMN view will provide business analysts and business development managers with the capability of understanding their internal business procedures and will give organizations the ability to communicate these procedures in a simple standard manner.

When you create a new Business Process in BPMN view, a Default Lane is created. It contains Start, Task and End steps. You can add other required steps like Task, Data Object and Data Storage at desired step and link with the existing steps. You can browse, select and add Function Libraries (FLs) and add them at the desired step. You can add data from the Set Data tab to the input parameters of the added Function Libraries, if required. You can map this BP with a Test Case, set data and execute it.

Note: You are recommended to download the latest released OpKey Execution Agent, install it and then use for the successful test execution and work upon the newly released features.

Major Bug Fixes

Issue key Summary
SAS-31665 MBT || Appium || Execution || Browser is not getting launched/ LaunchChromeOnMobile is getting failed.
SAS-31829 BC ,BP and TC are not able to Open |Acc|
SAS-31810 getting exception on opening BC
SAS-31818 Not able to give data in LOV of input parameters
SAS-31599 advanced setting button is not clickable in scheduler in all platform
SAS-29710 New OpKey ||| Unable To Save And Stop Recording with Smart Recorder.
SAS-31961 Agent | require to remove the websockify from agent build
SAS-31952 After select the browsers if user update browser in Agent then if user refresh browsers then selected browsers is unchecked
SAS-31955 when user select optional agent then after that if user again back to optional agent and refresh it then it throw exception
SAS-31871 Build health drop down and last executed session name UI is not correct
SAS-31847 Set data window is not collapsing when no task is selected
SAS-31951 a message should come when a Task is not connected and user wants to associate BC on it
SAS-31912 UI height issue on Single Sign-On/User Management/Group Management/Project Management/Queued Sessions/Running Sessions/Agent Management on admin panel in firefox and IE11 browser.
SAS-31943 when user user optional agent then Waring message Icon is not correct
SAS-31610 Execution Result | Session Time duration is not display correct in batch
SAS-31926 Duplicate entry exception is coming on FL
SAS-31897 Queued/schedule | Paging is required in audit trail
SAS-28425 Exception “Column ‘name’ cannot be null” displayed when user try to publish and create test cases using model.
SAS-31945 only three step are present in TC but showing 10 in input data static data
SAS-31550 Used By hierarchy is not correct on Acc side
SAS-31918 Wrong steps are getting highlighted if update CFL with SR method in FL
SAS-31901 save button is getting enable in review , approved, published state
SAS-31936 BC tree ui is not proper in IE browser and firefox
SAS-31916 Loader get stuck while changing state of CFL
SAS-31821 Execution result | after refresh URL or some time after complete the execution result not opened
SAS-31675 Throwing exception while deleting a step from FL.
SAS-31928 SMTP Reoprt | when user export details report then in Report UI of data is not correct
SAS-31932 schedule session | when user update date/time then it throw exception
SAS-31933 Queued session | when user delete queued session then it throw exception
SAS-31934 schedule session | when user update date/time then it throw exception
SAS-31482 MBT || Throwing exception while running the blank TC.
SAS-31929 highlight is vanishing from task as set data window opens up
SAS-31623 session setting and run time global variable tab should be centre aligned in grid execution session default setting window
SAS-31627 smtp report list is not properly alligned in grid execution advance setting and scheduler advanced setting
SAS-31921 Audit trail of queued/scheduled session is combined
SAS-30932 Application display negative time | Total Execution time of suite| Test Execution summary report|
SAS-31908 Dashboard | other project execution is appeared in currently running session in a project
SAS-31884 when user sent smtp reports then flow of execution is getting wrong
SAS-31859 When user execute Session with accelerator TC and select summary report then in report Place of TC name BP name should appeared
SAS-31927 step details button is always in disable state
SAS-31113 GDR data source comes in LDR mode
SAS-31831 Highlight all button is not working on Suite and Job
SAS-31652 buttons of session tag and run time global variable window ui in advance setting of scheduler is not proper
SAS-30930 Accelerator | in Review state user able to update value in comment section of back up in FL
SAS-31907 add lane functionality is not working in right click of lane
SAS-31734 Need only delete button on right click a sequence flow . the whole list is opening
SAS-31756 when we switch from BC to BP then set data window of BC opens up in BP
SAS-31905 when user click outside the lane a message apears
SAS-31825 On web side BP_group folder is getting open
SAS-31671 Web side artifacts will not get open on Acc side and vice -versa
SAS-31765 In right click delete option one more field should present “Task” and instead of “node icon” “task icon” should come as a text
SAS-31764 delete is not working from right click option
SAS-31760 Link business components, Flow Type and colour should be in disable state when we select a lane
SAS-31752 user able to start a sequence flow from task icon also this lead to starting a parallel flow which cant be possible in flowchart view
SAS-31666 when user export Reports then With sparkin/gherkin TC icon display BP icon
SAS-31667 Session summary report is not display correct flow at execution time
SAS-31576 Schedule/Queued session | Session is not deleted(Automatically) after 12 hours from the scheduled/queued session time
SAS-31851 Audit trail | default report name not appeared when click on export button and user not able to export audit trail from queued
SAS-31862 Spock Agent | Getting session id not created exception when we are executing flow on sauce labs account in which zero minutes left for automartion..
SAS-31873 CFL | Save button is not saving the changes in one click.
SAS-31872 Agent display error and when error is come then if user click on register/update agent button then loader is loaded continuously
SAS-31852 Audit trail | when user export audit trail excel report then P_ID , date time column is invalid and description field is not appeared on UI of Audit trail
SAS-31801 MBT || The queued session is not getting discarded.
SAS-31480 MBT || The session is not getting disappeared from the queued sessions after closing/completing the execution.
SAS-31478 MBT || The two session is getting created for the triggered execution.
SAS-31477 MBT || Not checking whether device is online or not, only triggering the execution.
SAS-31830 Record not found notification should not come in Used by model(Both Acc and web side)
SAS-31883 if task is linked with a BC then if user create any BC from that task then BC is created with the same name
SAS-31628 When user Mailed SMTP failed report of a session that have both platform TC(web-acc) then in fails report both TC is display(pass-fail)
SAS-31629 When user execute Session with accelerator TC and select summary report then in report Place of TC name BP name should appeared (SMTP)
SAS-31838 click set data button without selecting any task , UI of that particular window is not proper
SAS-31820 Schedule/queued session | if user delete all combination of session then complete session should be deleted
SAS-31855 Execution result | user also able to delete root node in execution result
SAS-31848 Loader get stuck while updating keyword in TC and FL
SAS-31754 There is no icon available for web services
SAS-31751 user not able to change color of the task
SAS-31747 Task or lane is not getting deleted from the delete button present in toolbar
SAS-31856 in node associater window by default highlight should come in root node
SAS-31845 schedule session | when enter wrong time then schedule session then UI is damage
SAS-31678 when user have single browser name in a agent then Alignment of browser name is not correct
SAS-31570 Create session | when click on data sheet then Value is hide behind the UI color
SAS-31697 Audit trail | Export audit trail and cross button not appeared in audit trail
SAS-31759 execution result | user not able to open snap shot in excel of details report
SAS-31822 schedule session | when user update date/time of scheduled session then updated data info not appeared in audit trail
SAS-31768 node associater window buttons, searchBox is not working
SAS-31775 LOV is not changing if user change input parameters
SAS-31778 node associater window ui is not proper
SAS-31828 when user click on optional agent drop down then drop down UI is not correct
SAS-31796 after clicking discard button save button is not getting enable
SAS-31797 If none of the task is selected then also set data window of any random task added is opening
SAS-31805 set data , auto arrange layout and discard get vanished as user click refresh button
SAS-31645 TC | Getting Invalid operation exception when deleting the step from TC.
SAS-31685 Step snapshot is not getting open inside popup on execution result when user clicks over “Captured Screen” for a step in result.
SAS-31521 Message should be same for all Objects
SAS-31440 Hierarchy on Acc is not coming correct sometimes
SAS-31534 OR,SR or CFL Used By two level artifacts of Acc side is also visible if some changes are done
SAS-31580 GV | when user click on used by after that when click artifact in used by then error message not display
SAS-31684 when user scheduled a session then scheduled session window loader is loaded and pop-up closed after some time
SAS-31733 Schedule session | when user delete a test case from session combination then its details not come in audit trail
SAS-31694 dashboard | when user click on drop down then Ui is not correct in session build health
SAS-31724 schedule session | when user click on schedule session then unwanted scroll bar is coming
SAS-31727 Queued/scheduled session | when user click on audit trail then it open after few second
SAS-31776 Spock | utility is not open when user use JAVA 9,10 version
SAS-31621 Advance settings are not saving
SAS-31620 Alignment in Advance setting is not correct
SAS-31683 UI of schedule/queued session is not correct of paging
SAS-31740 Schedule session | UI of search box is not correct
SAS-31750 Execution result | when user open result then remarks option not appeared
SAS-31753 Execution result | Meta data UI is not correct
SAS-31779 dashboard | in last executed session when user select or deselect the test then Ui of box is not correct
SAS-31782 gherkin | Color theme is not correct of gherkin pop-up
SAS-31688 dashboard | when user select Test name from drop down then Ui is not correct
SAS-31662 Schedule session | with scheduled session when user click on Edit date/time button then it display wrong time
SAS-31696 Schedule session | when user click on update date/time of schedule session then date/time is not display correct
SAS-31731 Schedule session | after click on 2-3 time on edit button then time zone is not appeared
SAS-31774 Schedule session | schedule session pop-up of date/time is editable and when user enter value then it throw exception
SAS-31785 when user try to export gherkin reports then loader is loaded continuously
SAS-31536 Artifact component Type is not correct for BC on Acc side-it should be Business Component on Acc side And for BP also
SAS-31807 Extra tabs coming on acc side in bottom factory
SAS-31808 Exception is coming on Acc side while opening BC
SAS-31668 Remove highlight All from Acc test case
SAS-31544 SR step is not getting highlighted in FL or TC if modified
SAS-31581 OR is not getting highlighted in case of TC
SAS-31434 Need one more level filter for OR and SR
SAS-31659 Execution Result | user not able to export gherkin report
SAS-31672 Result | when user try to delete on single Test case from session then all test case is deleted
SAS-31655 user not able to delete the batch and after delete the session batch is deleted but session is not deleted without refresh
SAS-31677 Dashboard | when user click on Session in “Test by date” then session is not clickable
SAS-30972 in paste and replica wizard in grid view of Manage artifact in accelerator , the right click option or even the refresh loader is coming at the back of the window
SAS-31000 In “restore to” window of backup right click option is coming at the back
SAS-31591 SMTP setting window UI is not proper
SAS-31592 Execution Result ui is not proper for Accelerator and Job-Portal
SAS-31735 Schedule session | refresh button not working according our scenario
SAS-31744 Queued session | edit button require to be removed from queued session pop-up
SAS-31737 Scheduled session | refresh button is not working in combination pop-up
SAS-31637 advance setting tab is coming as session settings in advance setting of grid execution
SAS-31730 Schedule session | user not able to update the schedule session date/time
SAS-31600 advanced setting window ui is not proper in grid execution advance setting
SAS-31728 Time zone field is not updated in scheduled session
SAS-31718 Audit trail | Fields name is not correctly display
SAS-31514 Not able to highlight steps on Acc side
SAS-31593 Spock Agent | Getting exception target exception when clicking on Pause button or stop button to pause or stop the current excution.
SAS-31540 Advance setting | Advance setting pop-up UI is not correct
SAS-31619 Spock Agent | Getting System.Argument Exception for a skipped over step in flow
SAS-31561 Schedule session | Delete button is not working and when click on edit button then it throw exception
SAS-31598 Agent | when user add blank row and click on refresh button and select Yes after that again click on Add button then it throw exception on agent
SAS-31674 Spock Agent | Getting System.ArgumentException when keyword is getting fail due to step time out.
SAS-31640 Dashboard | In “Last executed session” when user select two session then UI is damaged
SAS-31641 Execution result | when user move the split bar then UI is not correct
SAS-31642 Refresh button functionality is not working according scenario
SAS-31647 Execution Result | When execution start then Created session is display In last , not with selected build
SAS-31439 Exception is coming on Acc side while adding BC in BP
SAS-31429 UI issue in (i) tool tip is artifact name is big
SAS-31364 Agent | In mobile setting pop-up refresh button is not appeared
SAS-31630 Dashboard | “Currently executing session” refresh button focus is on “Test by date”
SAS-31624 Agent list is not appeared in Advance setting in “optional Agent”
SAS-31549 Total number of used suite are not display in Usedby of FL .|Aslo should display scroll bar.
SAS-31522 Execution result | Scroll is not come when expending the Execution Result
SAS-31612 Schedule session | One project scheduled session appeared in other project scheduled session
SAS-31611 When user change the tab then loader is not display on window
SAS-31393 Agent | when registered agent is delete from agent management then it throw exception
SAS-31366 Agent | when user add blank row then in OS field ICON not appeared
SAS-31362 Agent | when user save IOS device then “device name” is save(require model name) but in android model name is saved
SAS-31222 SF_SelectCheckbox is getting fail with object not found
SAS-31356 Agent | Icon is not come with mobile setting button in tools
SAS-31358 blank row is saved in mobile setting
SAS-31365 Agent | when mobile setting pop-up is blank then “Save”, “delete” is enabled
SAS-31563 Schedule session | when user enter past date/time then schedule session pop-up is closed
SAS-31565 Data sheet column’s drop down is enabled when user add sparkin/gherkin
SAS-31578 GV | user not able to decrypt the secure string value in Global variable
SAS-31466 Click on Gtree on SR usedby are not working | UI of Used by on SR are not proper|
SAS-31437 Exception is coming on Business component if perform any action
SAS-31111 In artifact of accelerator , right click to a step and then click Run Button , right click window is coming at the top of the local execution wizard
SAS-31083 CFL | Safari | Coded FL compiler update functionality is not working on safari browser. Its downloading the compiler jar again
SAS-28416 Actions button are in enable state and able to create replica when we click on backup compare button.( After state changed to Approved, Review, published)
SAS-31081 Deleted folder should be auto-closed while deleting previewed file. Error message “This artifact may have been deleted. Kindly refresh project work-space.” is displayed on screen when user selects deleted folder’s tab.
SAS-31957 User Unable to delete Keywords from BC |Acc|
SAS-31893 node associater window ui is not proper when browser zoom set to 90%
SAS-31913 highlight button are not getting clickable | Firefox|
SAS-31946 Imapcted data are not completely displaying in View modal.
SAS-31935 TC should be in freeze state but user able to add lane by add lane icon present on clicking on a lane
SAS-31167 User Getting Exception when click on delete button on Queued Session | During Serching Agent |
SAS-31788 Highlight All Icon are not available on Job .
SAS-30980 user unable to save details description on OR . |IE|
SAS-31891 FL and TC are not Getting Open On Internet Explorer Browser.
SAS-31034 Grid is not perfect under attachment management.
SAS-30903 Keyword Management || The grids are not perfect.
SAS-31840 Internal Imapct button are not getting highlight.
SAS-31895 User getting Exception when switch tab on Accelerator.
SAS-31048 UI Of Right pane of Execution Result on safari are not proper. | Buttons are overlap|
SAS-31607 Size of agent field in genrate document in accelerator is increasing as the name of agent increases
SAS-31832 after linking BC to a task the heighlight is showing in UI but when user unlink that BC then an error comes “please select a task”
SAS-31686 User map TC into job and without save click on delete button then Exception Appears.| Accelerator|
SAS-31021 CFL | Bottom Panel | Details Tab | Data is not getting save in add expected result section in details tab.
SAS-31793 save button getting disable after two click
SAS-31786 Admin Panel | Displaying improper icon of logout button in online users.
SAS-31387 Popup title is changing from “Mobile Settings” to “Grid Mobile Settings” when user clicks save option in mobile settings on OpKey agent.
SAS-31691 “Component Type ” are not getting correct in Usedby of Accelerartor.| Tc is displaying as BP|
SAS-31789 Highlight BUtton are not working on Job
SAS-31625 user not able to map tc into job .
SAS-31657 Imapct are not display when user change the method of Rest .
SAS-31758 Change into default value of Rest| Application throw Exception message .
SAS-30971 Admin Panel Sidebar | 1280*720 | State audit trails bar is not completely visible on UI when we expand the project management bar.
SAS-31695 At “TC ” Highlight and Highlight All Icon are not Visible On Accelerator .
SAS-31670 Loader getting stuck when user change state of CFl.
SAS-31546 Dismiss button are not Clickable on Accelerator | when User Switch Tab of one to other BC.|Acc
SAS-31584 BC<<BC1<<BP | User click on BC1 then Application show Error message .
SAS-31606 User Getting Exception when user Click to open BC and then click on project workspace.|Acc|
SAS-31617 when user create Artifact and Floder instantly then Application throw Exception message .
SAS-31626 user Click on tc to open it then tc is not open and window view blank.
SAS-31221 Logical Name is not showing on keywords created through Salesforce API
SAS-31448 Exception are getting appears when user create Fl artifacts.
SAS-31490 MBT || The grids are not perfect.
Issue key Summary
SAS-31749 Default colour is not present in colour Button in task
SAS-31535 On Web And Acc side Used By artifact component type is wrong


Known Issues

Issue ID Summary
SAS-31729 audit trails is not coming if we change anything in the BPMN flow
SAS-31726 Text annotation is not implemented
SAS-31722 In BPMN view pool header is coming , as we are showing only lane so pool header should not come
SAS-29442 Keyword Step Log | Not displaying step log when keyword is getting fail due to exception.
SAS-29076 Keyword Step Log | Utility Plugin | In step log its not displaying input which we have provided to the keywords of excel.
SAS-29037 Keyword Step Log | Visual QA keywords | Plugin is taking 5 minutes to upload the result when we execute flow with keyword VisualCheckpointForObjects. This is happening due to exception
SAS-29649 Visual QA | WEB | Keyword VisualComparisionForPage is not working it gets fail everytime and the comparision image which its creating is blank.
SAS-29414 Visual QA | Attachment | Spock Agent | Not creating new session for attachments when we execute the same flow second time. Its pasting the new attachments in existing folder.
SAS-29385 Visual QA | Mac | Creating spec file outside the given folder path with different name(Folder name\Spec file name). There is no image in image folder its copying the image outside the folder.
SAS-29353 Visual QA | IE | Keword VisualCheckpointForObjects is getting fail during execution on IE browser. Throwing null pointer exception
SAS-29261 Mac | Visual QA | Attachment | Spock Agent | During execution on mac visual QA keywords are getting fail and throwing exception.
SAS-31140 Visual QA | Attachment | Getting layout screen image of one keyword into another keyword in Visual Qa Report.
SAS-31030 Step Log | Agent Spock | Not displaying step logs for keywords having incomplete status
SAS-29264 Keyword Step Log | In step log of very first keyword of any plugin there is no space between plugin name and logs.
SAS-29258 Complete Logs | All Plugins | Getting duplicacy in complete logs for starting chrome driver and capture screenshot and in some other areas too
SAS-29136 Complete Logs | All Plugins | Getting triple zero(000) in timestamp at place of seconds in complete logs. This issue is only at the time stamp of particular logs line.
SAS-28836 Keyword Step Logs | In step logs, in the name of page title instead of printing “-” its printing “?”
SAS-28834 Keyword Step Log | In complete logs its printing step no in between the logs.
SAS-28772 Keyword Step Log | Some logs are missing in step log in comparison with complete logs.
SAS-28767 Keyword Step Logs | In step log its displaying the status of keyword as pass whereas the keyword is marked as is negative and getting fail during execution.
SAS-29537 Chrome Add On Recorder | Sikuli | When we adjust the cutted image up and down then the relative coordinates button gets deactivated.
SAS-31487 Create session | Copy/paste and move up/down button is enabled when TC is not added
SAS-31914 reports UI of graph is not correct in reports
SAS-31964 Spock agent | when user de-register agent then it throw exception on terminal
SAS-31643 If session is deleted from result (%temp%) then if execution try to find that session then it throw an error
SAS-31572 Schedule session | After complete the execution , scheduled session info deleted from the calendar
SAS-31900 CFL | Details Tab | Add description and add expected result tabs are switching on second click after making changes in it.
SAS-31864 Sauce Labs | Account of one data centre is getting login with another data centre.
SAS-31664 Spock Agent | Not displaying proper message when all plugins are busy due to which user is getting exception of session id not found
SAS-31970 VSTS Test | Run with Opkey button is not showing on VSTS Test UI
SAS-28874 Spotify || Execution || Mobile_SetSeekbar keyword is unable to set/tap on that place which I tapped at recording time.
SAS-31119 Hyperli || Application is getting slow after instrumentation.
SAS-31058 Urbanclap || The application is getting slow after instrumentation.


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