7.1 Creating Object Repository by adding objects manually
Working with Object Repository
After successfully login into the OpKey Web, select the appropriate Project in which you want to create an Object Repository File.
You will be navigated to the screen as shown below:
You can mark the “Don’t show me again” checkbox as checked if you do not wish to view this notification again.
Click “End Tour” to proceed with the process of creating an Object Repository file.
How to create an Object Repository File?
Method 1
After clicking on “End Tour”, you may “Click to Create New Artifact“.Select Object Repository.
The “Object Repository” text will appear highlighted.
Click on the highlighted icon to create a New Object Repository file. A Create Object Repository window will get open as shown.
The fields marked with * are mandatory. Enter the Name of the Object Repository. You can also enter the Description. Click OK.
Method 2
Go to Project Workspace > Select the root Folder > Click Create New file icon > Select Object Repository.
An Object Repository file will be created in the Root Folder of the Project Workspace.
You may rename the Object Repository accordingly.
Method 3
Right click on root folder > select Create New > select ‘Object Repository ’.
An Object Repository file will be created in the Root Folder of the Project Workspace.
The Object Repository window will open up as shown :
Select the page (Html Page, Frame or Page) of the web application from where objects are to be fetched along with page area (Base, Button, Checkbox, etc.) corresponding to that page as shown below.
The properties of added objects are shown in the right pane. You can add & delete the object(s) as well. The IsUsed checkbox is used to consider or skip that respective object property during execution. In this way, an Object Repository file has been created which contains few objects.
Save the objects by using Save OR button. You can rename the object with the help of Rename Object button. It also allows you to delete the unwanted object(s) by using the Delete Object button. Refresh button can be used to refresh the whole Object Repository file.
Once Objects are fetched successfully, you can have a look at the complete list of objects along with their properties.
This Intellichoose (middle pane) is used to automatically consider all the object properties during execution whether they are checked or unchecked.
This intellichoose (right pane) is used to consider that all object properties of the particular selected object are used during execution whether they are checked or unchecked.
Any enterprise application would have dynamic controls. Hence we have build IntelliChoose™ – A smart object recognition technology. With IntelliChoose, along with object properties, we also capture surrounding objects to enable visual identification of dynamic element. This makes automated tests much more robust and reliable.
IsRegex stands for Regular expression which is used to handle dynamic changes made to the object. For more details about IsRegex, refer: https://opkey.wordpress.com/2013/07/16/how-to-handle-dynamic-objects-with-opkey/
You can rename, delete, copy & paste objects by right click on the particular object.
The copied child node can be pasted only to the parent node.
You can not rename, delete or copy the Root Node as these options are disabled on Right Click.
Name of the Root Node is the name of your Object Repository. (Here Root Node is Mobile_OR).
Hierarchy of Nodes is: Root Node > Parent Node > Child Node or Objects
Making a duplicate (copy & paste) & Replica of an OR file –
You can copy the child & parent node but you can paste or make a replica of the copied parent/child node only within a parent node.
In case of making a duplicate (Copy & Paste) copy, when you copy a test case file that is mapped with an OR file then you are able to paste that test case file at the desired location and it will remain mapped with the original OR file.
When you make a replica of a copied test case which is mapped with OR file then all the associated artifacts including that OR are also copied and pasted at the desired location in the form of dependent artifacts. This test case will be an independent test case file and there will be no relation between this test case file and the original OR file.