Issue ID |
Summary |
SAS-25601 |
[Mobile_recorder_native] | jabong | Recording | Application keeps closing / crashing when try to perform few swiping actions on home page |
SAS-26255 |
When user open pdf file in acrobat adobe reader then image and text are getting blurred in its default view. |
SAS-25945 |
Go Back option is not working under gherkin report when user view snapshot. |
SAS-25946 |
Image is getting downloaded while clicking on view original option under gherkin report. |
SAS-26309 |
Getting exception while importing i.e. file is encrypted or is not a database as zip file does not contain “.db” file in it. |
SAS-26110 |
ALM | Snapshot link is not available in reports if Keyword approach is executed through TC |
SAS-26107 |
Tunnel | Stats, Report,Attachment is not uploading in Defect (TFS/ALM/JIRA) |
SAS-26296 |
SAAS Accelerator | Import | Importing artifact get stucked and count sent “0” , when user do refresh browser while having import is in progress |
SAS-26302 |
SAAS Accelerator / Web || Sync || While having sync is in progress on state to start lock checking ,user reload page then syncing get stuck and submit button also get blocked |
SAS-26270 |
Spock Agent coded FL Issue | Teleporting Tunnel utility is not invoked automatically when Coded FL jesry server is already open and user try to execute flow through Spock agent |
SAS-25574 |
Spock agent Issue | Teleporting Tunnel automatically not closed when user execute multiple flow like “15” on multiple machine through Spock agent |
SAS-25816 |
Coded FL auto highlight UI Issue | User not properly getting description of coded FL error on tooltip when user compile the code and mouse hover on Error |
SAS-25573 |
Spock Agent Issue | User getting exception “Object reference” when user try to execute multiple flow like “15” flow |
SAS-25156 |
Workday || WD_SelectCheckboxInTableCell : Kyeword getting fail and send msg in dubug info : no such element: Unable to locate element: |
SAS-25525 |
Workday Keyword |WD_FindAndSelectLovInTableCell | WD_SearchAndSelectLovInTableCell | Keywords done movement in all over same page and not able to redirect at defined position |
SAS-25570 |
Workday Keyword | Wd_FindAndSelectLov | Keyword Doing Multiple Action and Not able to Find and Select any Data |
SAS-25520 |
“ClickOnObjectInTableCellByQuery” keyword is getting failed during execution. |
SAS-26162 |
Need to change datatype of keyword “GetSalesforceAuthorizationToken”‘s data input argument. |
SAS-25571 |
Northwell_Dashboard| When user delete tag at the time of request job or modify job then refresh button get disabled. |
SAS-25408 |
|Spock Agent| Unable to execute multiple session at a same point via spock agent |
SAS-26027 |
SaasImpactAnalysis|| Salesforce||Unable to view a impact report loader persist although was able to generate impact report.Object count was 174. |
SAS-23297 |
“Download logs” IE specific Issue | when user click on download logs two or three times then user getting a separate window of logs. |
SAS-24853 |
“GetRadioButtonCount” keyword is getting failed while execution. |
SAS-22047 |
“New Test Cases” are getting displayed for “Model Test Coverage” on impact analysis window even though user has not deleted or added any new vertices/edges on existing model. |
SAS-23926 |
Accelerator || IE || Tags || Getting error “Unable to Find selected Tag, it might have been deleted.Kindly refresh.” whenever user Add Tag. |
SAS-25413 |
Bitbucket || (race condition issue) In parallel execution, if auto generated Build and Suite then getting exception. |
SAS-21202 |
CFL || Constructors and overloading methods are not visible in intellisense suggestions at UI level. |
SAS-21268 |
CFL|| Icons are missing for ‘Static method’, static and non-static fields. |
SAS-23785 |
Chrome Addon/ Chrome Recorder | Overlapping of tab under chrome recorder . |
SAS-21100 |
CodedFL || When importing a package from associated jar then colon at end of the statement is not getting added. |
SAS-20351 |
Correct path/test case is getting displayed under “Impacted” category for “Model Test Coverage” and “Model Automation Implementation” on impact analysis window. |
SAS-23308 |
Data-set is displayed for session under business process detailed report which are not executed using LDR on session dashboard in accelerator platform. |
SAS-24432 |
Detailed report is not getting exported correctly |
SAS-24810 |
Error message “Cannot Move Step” is displayed on screen when user try to move a step upwards on business component or business process on accelerator platform. |
SAS-23322 |
Galen and Accessibility || Unable to execute the flow on MAC. |
SAS-23501 |
GDR | Run-time value of GDR is showing incorrect in result |
SAS-21726 |
Gherkin | Linked FL is not getting executed when user execute Gherkin. |
SAS-21732 |
Gherkin | Loader appears continuously when user copy and paste under gherkin. |
SAS-23925 |
GV of collection of string or keyvaluepair is not coming in drop in data input argument if GV is blank |
SAS-24704 |
GV || List Type GV || At Run Time || List Items Popup size should be bigger as it can show multiple list items. |
SAS-23882 |
IE || Added Output parameter gets disappear whenever user provide invalid value in Collection Data type output parameter. |
SAS-23749 |
LDR/DataSet | Live result is not uploading when execute a TC with heavy data |
SAS-23093 |
Login project load time has been increased from last optimized timing 7sec (in US machine) to 11sec. |
SAS-19267 |
MBT /Overlapping | Overlapping issue when user create edge from one node to another node under MBT. |
SAS-20143 |
MBT | Edge Overlapping issue when user link edges from one node to another node. |
SAS-20073 |
MBT | Edge overlapping issue when user link node through edges. |
SAS-20255 |
MBT | Edge should be properly visible when user drag node in between Node and edge with less distance coverage. |
SAS-23901 |
MBT | Impacted Test case remains visible after selecting Mark a resolve checkbox checked. |
SAS-19077 |
MBT | Issue in Auto arrange when user drag node in between Self loop. |
SAS-21569 |
MBT | User is not able to create FL through model having more then 200 FL in it. |
SAS-18000 |
MBT | User is not able to Drag existing FL under MBT . |
SAS-19979 |
MBT/DRAG DROP | Drag drop issue under MBT when user drag node under Edge . |
SAS-20185 |
MBT_DragDrop | Behavior of drag and drop is not proper when user drag any node in between edge and node. |
SAS-21463 |
MBT| Unnecessary loader appears when user click on New Test case Tab under analyse window. |
SAS-20703 |
Model | User is able to move editable field under MBT when user edit any node. |
SAS-21203 |
Newly added business component is getting added to wrong position when user clicks “add” button after selecting group on business process/component. |
SAS-25297 |
PeopleSoft Plugin | IE Browser || PS_SelectCheckBoxInTableCell keyword is getting fail but is selecting the desired checkbox. |
SAS-24219 |
Project updation performance || Time taken to update a project details on project management=21sec in |
SAS-24664 |
qTest || Search by ID field should get cleared whenever user switch option from Requirement to Test Case via-versa in qTest Filter. |
SAS-19225 |
Some other steps are also getting Grouped in BP if select any two step and rigt click to group |
SAS-25166 |
Some validation required on UI level for Integer and Double data type in ADG |
SAS-24422 |
SR || LDR is saving the date format “1999-01-01T23:01:01+01:00” into “1/1/1999 10:01:01 PM” which is causing to fail SR. |
SAS-25043 |
SR || Usability || Need to improve usability of data which appeared under “Method/Service Details.” |
SAS-23262 |
TC|GetGlobalDRValue| Share GDR radio button is not getting selected when user click on share GDR radio button. |
SAS-24694 |
Template fonts are not very clear on FF browser for Gherkin Report |
SAS-24639 |
Template of Gherkin Report is hazy |
SAS-24872 |
UI of grouping done in BP between added steps (i.e. multiple BCs) are not visible in TC on accelerator platform. |
SAS-21111 |
Unable to export detailed pdf report of 30000 steps and an error “504 Gateway Time-Out” occurs. |
SAS-23528 |
Unable to release lock of SSO users as projects are assigned through groups to the users and are not directly assigned from project management. |
SAS-23953 |
Validation should be implemented for different data type in Excel file LDR |
SAS-18399 |
Value is not showing correct in Integrated if FL is called in another FL1 and input parameter is added in FL1 also. |
SAS-23167 |
Wrong order(Different order from which user has added and has been executed) of datasets is displayed under each testcases displayed under business process detailed report section on session dashboard. |
SAS-21561 |
Spock agent issue | If in between execution connection is lost then session is not continue and message appears on screen “Channel and connection has broken” |
SAS-21768 |
Spock Agent Issue | User not getting Snapshots when user execute Desktop flow through Desktop plugin |
SAS-21770 |
Spock Agent Issue | Tunnel connection automatically broken when user execute flow which is more than 1 hour on our network |
SAS-21791 |
Spock Agent issue | Native player still running in Task manager when user execute flow of Opkey Desktop keywords through Desktop plugin |
SAS-21268 |
CFL|| Icons are missing for ‘Static method’, static and non-static fields. |
SAS-21219 |
CFL || Description of Input parameter created inside CodedFL is not visible in FL and TC. |
SAS-21100 |
CodedFL || When importing a package from associated jar then colon at end of the statement is not getting added. |
SAS-21016 |
SalesForce_Classic || Keyword “SF_Click” is getting failed with message “Object not found”. |
SAS-18077 |
MBT (Auto-Arrange) || Model after auto-arranging model is not usable as edge labels and edges are overlapping added vertices. |
SAS-19267 |
MBT /Overlapping | Overlapping issue when user create edge from one node to another node under MBT. |
SAS-20497 |
Accelerator|TC| Implementation of Queuing in TC at accelerator end. |
SAS-20535 |
FL is getting opened from session result which was executed on tag basis, while left panel is having files and folders of execution result. |
SAS-20351 |
Correct path/test case is getting displayed under “Impacted” category for “Model Test Coverage” and “Model Automation Implementation” on impact analysis window. |
SAS-20255 |
MBT | Edge should be properly visible when user drag node in between Node and edge with less distance coverage. |
SAS-20185 |
MBT_DragDrop | Behavior of drag and drop is not proper when user drag any node in between edge and node. |
SAS-20143 |
MBT | Edge Overlapping issue when user link edges from one node to another node. |
SAS-20073 |
MBT | Edge overlapping issue when user link node through edges. |
SAS-19095 |
MBT | Drag drop issue under MBT whenever user drag node. |
SAS-14003 |
Object available on Object input argument OR tree is getting duplicated when user refreshes OR tree on TC/FL. |
SAS-18545 |
Recorder Auto Start || JNLP is getting downloaded even when the OpKey Smart Recorder is installed in the system (Scenario Specific). |
SAS-18286 |
Recorder Auto Start | Firefox| Edge Browser || JNLP is not getting downloaded if OpKey Smart Recorder is not installed on the system. |
SAS-15810 |
Connected links available on flowchart is wrongly aligned when user collapse/expand nested IF/For blocks. |
SAS-15415 |
Folder-Replica| Getting an Exception System.TimeoutException: Timeout performing EVAL when user queue replica with 11 users. |
SAS-15422 |
Folder-Replica|Queued Replica| Getting exception resTech.OpKey.Exceptions.DatabaseException: Fatal error encountered during data read. |
SAS-16176 |
GDR | Audit trails are not showing correctly when deleting a row |
SAS-16180 |
GDR | Column name is showing incorrect when adding a column after deleting 25 columns |
SAS-16958 |
Gherkin | Browser hangs when press enter after giving space in statements |
SAS-14167 |
Input Parameter|| Once FL is called in TC,If we change data type as file type to string, and if we refresh TC, in data input argument, attached file continue to be shown. |
SAS-16211 |
Intellisense Coded_FL Issue | user getting object intelisense outside of the Scope |
SAS-15422 |
Folder-Replica|Queued Replica| Getting exception resTech.OpKey.Exceptions.DatabaseException: Fatal error encountered during data read. |
SAS-15415 |
Folder-Replica| Getting an Exception System.TimeoutException: Timeout performing EVAL when user queue replica with 11 users. |
SAS-15326 |
Negative Scenario|Folder-Replica| An Exception when user delete on going replica folder then CresTech.OpKey.Exceptions.ForeignKeyFailedException: Upsert failed as some referenced entity doesnt exist. |
SAS-15810 |
Connected links available on flowchart is wrongly aligned when user collapse/expand nested IF/For blocks. |
SAS-14003 |
Object available on Object input argument OR tree is getting duplicated when user refreshes OR tree on TC/FL. |
SAS-15693 |
MBT|Replica| Getting Exception when user create replica of MBT i.e. System.NotImplementedException: The method or operation is not implemented. |
SAS-13648 |
Oracle 2.0 Playback || Oracle_SyncForm keyword needs implementation. |
SAS-14209 |
Sync Issue | Global Variable not reflected when user use all global variable inside Dynamic Object and try to sync |
SAS-14105 |
QC | Wrong Status displaying of Report which was created through Opkey on ALM. Also, zero count displaying on report. |
SAS-14003 |
Object available on Object input argument OR tree is getting duplicated when user refreshes OR tree on TC/FL. |
SAS-17451 |
Chrome Extension || User should be able to add Chrome AddOn when OpKey Web is open in incognito window from Start Recording Button and Download Center. |
SAS-17452 |
Chrome AddOn || User should be able to launch ChromeAddOn from Start Recording and Download Center when OpKey Web is open in Incognito Window. |
SAS-17336 |
Chrome AddOn | Live View || Any modification done on the recording grid should also be reflected on Live Recording View. |
SAS-14655 |
Chrome Extension | OpKey Smart Recorder Windiw || ObjectImage property with object’s image is not coming. |
SAS-14642 |
Chrome Extension | OpKey Smart Recorder Window || There should be a toggle switch to record Desktop as well as Web applications. |
SAS-23308 |
Data-set is displayed for session under business process detailed report which are not executed using LDR on session dashboard in accelerator platform. |
SAS-16683 |
Chrome Extension || Chrome AddOn should start in AddToOR when OpKey Web is open in Chrome. |
SAS-23528 |
Unable to release lock of SSO users as projects are assigned through groups to the users and are not directly assigned from project management. |
SAS-23561 |
SAAS Impact Analysis || Oracle | Salesforce | Setting : User Enter ” NULL ” in Added team as System identifier , Environment Credentials get diapered and it save blank row of environment in Team and Environment in new snapshot get disable. |