32.14 Opkey Release – 5.59
New Features
All New User Interface of OpKey Web
OpKey Team’s focus has always been providing the best test automation experience possible to the users, and the OpKey Web is here with all-new User Interfaces. It has gone a step further, by introducing a whole new user interface that is simplistic yet robust and interactive yet intuitive. Switch Platform, Tools, Download Center, Switch Project, Help & Profile are now shifted to the left sidebar panel. When you hover mouse on such links, it opens as a sidebar and you can select the desired link & open it to work.
The Test Case now contains three tabs of views like Details, Manual Test Case, and Automated Test Case. Details tab shows the details about the created Test Case. Manual Test Case allows you to create a Test Case by adding steps manually, by adding Function Libraries, providing input data to the particular test step, etc. Automated Test Case allows you to create a Test Case by adding test steps (keywords, FLs, or SR methods) manually, mapping them with OR objects (if required), etc. Here, you can also create a Test Case by recording flows of actions using application-specific Recorder, performed on the particular application during the recording session.
The Function Library now contains Coded Function Libraries also. There are 4 tabs as Details, Manual Function Library, Automated Function Library, and Coded Function Library. Details tab shows the details about the created Function Library. Manual Function Library allows you to create a Function Library by adding steps manually, by adding Function Libraries, providing input data to the particular test step, etc. Automated Function Library allows you to create a Function Library by adding test steps (keywords, FLs, Coded FLs, or SR methods) manually, mapping them with OR objects (if required), etc. Here, you can also create an automated Function Library by recording flows of actions using application-specific Recorder, performed on the particular application during the recording session. Coded Function Library tab provides you an editor view platform where you can write your own function code of tasks to be performed in test automation. Once, they are written in Java, you can compile Java codes and debug easily. You can execute your Coded Function directly or map them with Test Case and execute them. In addition, Coded Function works as a One Stop Solution for creating Custom Keywords in OpKey as you can write your Custom Keyword specific code in Java, compile it to fix code errors, associate required libraries, import pre-built libraries and execute it. Furthermore, this code can directly be called and used in a Test Case or a Function Library and get Executed.
Sync Performance Improvement
The performance of syncing OpKey data from one OpKey domain to another OpKey domain has now been improved significantly. Thus, you can easily and quickly sync your data across the OpKey domains. In case of any conflict or error, while performing syncing of OpKey data, you get notifications early without taking more time. Thus, the sync timing gets reduced.
- The algorithm of syncing files or folder in the OpKey Web has now been improved. Now, if any conflict occurs during the syncing process (due to any reason like mapped Global Variables, Custom Keywords, etc.) the whole syncing process gets stopped and you are not allowed to resume syncing process by skipping the occurred conflict/error. Here the complete syncing process gets stopped and there will be no synced data at the destination side. Earlier to this, you were able to skip the conflict/error that occurred during the syncing process and continue the syncing of the file or folder.
- In case of syncing an artifact in the OpKey Web having used GDR column data, the user can view only the mapped GDR column data at the destination environment after completing the syncing process. The unused synced (unmapped) GDR column data would not be visible to the user at the destination environment which results in significant improvement of the overall syncing process.
OpKey VNC Utility Feature Enhancement
OpKey VNC is a Utility that allows you to view your live test execution of any particular session running on a machine. Once you triggered the test execution & VNC Server is connected, you need to click on the VNC Viewer icon and view the live test execution on the machine in a popup window. TightVNC is a remote control software and we recommend you install it on your machine on which test execution would be running and you want to view live execution on that machine. Make sure that OpKey Agent (For test execution on a local machine) is also installed on the same machine.
Accelerator job execution through Jenkins
Now, OpKey Accelerator users can execute their created jobs by using Jenkins. You can add a build step by selecting the Execute OpKey (Accelerator Jobs) option from the dropdown, for job execution through Jenkins. Further, you need to login with your OpKey Accelerator credentials. After successful login, you can select the desired platform and then Project, Job path, Build Prefix, Session Prefix, Agent Name, Agent Plugin, etc. & then trigger the Job execution.
External Impact in Oracle & Salesforce Applications
The external impact feature in OpKey allows you to analyze the changes made on a particular Oracle Application page. It analyzes the impact made in the user interface of the Oracle web application. Suppose you have a recorded function library flow that executed successfully and but when you later executed the same flow it got failed due to some changes done on the user interface of the application. Now, if you want to analyze the made changes then you can use the external impact feature. Here, you need to add the failed flow (Function library) to a model and then click on the Highlight Impacted Component button. The impacted Function Library will get highlighted. Right-click on the highlighted Function Library and then click on the Impacted Information option. Here you can view the list of changes that occurred. The added fields on the application are shown with green color while the removed fields are shown with the Red color. You can click on the Self Heal button to remove the existing keywords (test steps) from the flow corresponding to the removed fields (shown with red color) whereas for the added fields (shown with green color), corresponding keywords (test steps) along with input parameters will get added automatically. Make sure that you have added a keyword named OracleFusion_SetMetadata before opening every web page of the Oracle application.
OpKey now allows you to analyze the external impact for the changes made on the Salesforce application that impact execution of your tests. External Impact can be performed now on the Business Component (BPMN View) in OpKey Accelerator and on Model (MBT) in OpKey Web. Suppose you have a recorded function library flow for a particular page of the Salesforce application which executed successfully and but when you later executed the same flow it got failed due to some changes done in the application. Now, if you want to analyze the made changes then you can use the external impact feature for Salesforce. Here, you need to add the failed flow (Function library) to a model (MBT) in OpKey Web or create Business Component (in BPMN view) in OpKey Accelerator and then click on the Highlight Impacted Component button. The impacted Function Library will get highlighted. Right-click on the highlighted Function Library and then click on the Impacted Information option. Here you can view the list of changes that occurred. The added fields on the application are shown with green color while the removed fields are shown with the Red color. You can click on the Self Heal button to remove the existing keywords (test steps) from the flow corresponding to the removed fields (shown with red color) whereas for the added fields (shown with green color), corresponding keywords (test steps) along with input parameters will get added automatically.
Note: You are recommended to download the latest released OpKey Execution Agent, install it and then use for the successful test execution and work upon the newly released features.
Major Bug Fixes
Issue key |
Summary |
SAS-31881 |
XML Data || Multiple Fields are not coming + Wrong Field name is coming |
SAS-31886 |
XML Data || Wrong Labels are coming for table object. |
SAS-31188 |
FreshDirect v6.9.7 || Not downloading in cache showing pk[][][] on agent. |
SAS-31078 |
OracleEBS Plugin || Oracle_TypeTextOnEditBox keyword is not scrolling automatically. |
SAS-35058 |
TC/FL | in unsaved mode if user click on recorder button then confirmation pop up not appeared for artifact saving |
SAS-35159 |
When We Select Tc between First Tc and Last Tc , One of the button Move up /move Down is always disabled |
SAS-35170 |
When We Select Tc between First Tc and Last Tc , and Right Click on them , in RightClick Menu One of the button Move up /move Down is always disabled |
SAS-35056 |
Frame Object is Not Recorded , Inplace Frame Object we Get an Html Page , Recording is Perform On W3SchooL (https://www.w3schools.com) for CheckBox |
SAS-35167 |
recorder is not seen When we Rightclick on keyword/Fl in tc /fl |
SAS-35168 |
When we Right Click on Blank TC/FL Recorder is Not Seen |
SAS-35001 |
Same named parent object page is getting recorded for every object added through recording in OpKey-E. |
SAS-35011 |
object property is not proper order in object Property Grid with compare to opkey SaaS which appear just recording |
SAS-35105 |
Compilation error occurred while executing a flow which a keyword “OpenBrowser” with valid argument values. Don’t have exact STR |
SAS-34915 |
Replace Placeholder (Search ) of Search Box with Search Global Variable.. |
SAS-35092 |
when user select a keyword and click add step button then an expanded tree opens up in which that particular keyword exist |
SAS-34935 |
TC/FL | in data source GV icon is not correct and un wanted scroll bar appeared in opened pop up |
SAS-34973 |
TC/FL | when user hover on input data then complete tool tip not appeared |
SAS-34987 |
“Run” button is not getting enabled after stopping recording in OpKey-E. |
SAS-34989 |
Application “OpKey-E” is getting minimized when user focus out mouse pointer after opening input data/test object/output data section in TC/FL. |
SAS-35015 |
We Wont Get Object Type In Or Grid |
SAS-35029 |
TC/FL | open in new tab button disabled when right click on called FL |
SAS-35032 |
After the Recording When We are open Or a Blank Or will be Seen , We have to refresh Or First |
SAS-35039 |
TC/FL | after provide value from data source and after that if user remove the value then complete data is removed from input data |
SAS-35046 |
TC/FL | with all keyword data type not appeared correctly |
SAS-35047 |
project workspace tree searchBox is funtionality is not proper as only pre existing folder is getting vanished when user search any keyword |
SAS-35067 |
In Add step window “Keyword” is showing in the header |
SAS-35073 |
In Add step window “FL” header should come as Function Library |
SAS-35074 |
In FL Bottom Pannel “Function Library” should come as “Automated Function Library” and “coded FL” should come as “Coded Function Library”and in Testcase bottom pannel “Test Case should come as “Automated Test Case”” |
SAS-35077 |
In Output Data window Header “Keyword” is coming instead “Output data” should come |
SAS-35080 |
Setting field in Automated FL and TC size should be smaller |
SAS-35093 |
Click on checkBox field and observe checkbox is getting vanished |
SAS-35096 |
even if user click outside the checkbox in the field in the same line then also the checkbox is getting checked and unchecked |
SAS-35098 |
when a FL is open in a tab and user open a new fl then the new fl is opening in new tab instead the existing tab should get updated |
SAS-35100 |
In Add step window click two times at the blank part of window and observe getting error |
SAS-34968 |
TC | not able to provide value in input data throw GDR |
SAS-35009 |
OBject Do Not have LiNk Property Which Come After Recording |
SAS-35010 |
Object do not have Index Propety of link objects which appears after recording |
SAS-35013 |
Index Property Of Link Object is missing |
SAS-34944 |
output of a keyword or a step is not getting mapped in input of another keyword |
SAS-34941 |
refresh a FL or TC and observe getting message “Test case saved” |
SAS-31844 |
Visual Script | Keyword Custom_GetTextArea is reading number 0 as O. |
SAS-32441 |
Spock Agent | Utility | Keyword GetSystemProperty not displaying output data in the output of execution result. |
SAS-33039 |
VisualValidation|| Custom_VisualValidation_checkpoint gets Fail during the execution where alterBox seen in the Website afterclick on its login Button . |
SAS-32962 |
With New Generic keyword VisualValidation_CheckPoint we are not getting attachments in attachment tab . |
SAS-32117 |
load testing || Visual Validation_CheckPoint is throws Exception(java.io.IOException: Server returned HTTP response code: 500 for URL: ) |
SAS-32118 |
VisualValidation_CheckPoint keyword fails with step timeout ( if the object is not loaded ) |
SAS-32327 |
getting exception while performing Cross Browser testing |
SAS-33177 |
Salesforce | Name of Input Parameter should be ColumnName\Number in Keyword SF_ClickButtonInTableCell instead of CellName |
SAS-34283 |
|Appium execution| appium directory path till nodemodules, not accepting in appium playback |
SAS-32302 |
Appium Studio || Microsoft News || Getting exception after clicking on click & update spy button. |
SAS-33165 |
|Appium execution|Unable to execute any flow if projects contains KW which is not implimented by selected plugin |
SAS-30969 |
Chrome Addon || Flow Chart Is Not Creating while i am Perform Recording with Chrome Addon .. |
SAS-33043 |
Dynamic Or || After the remove object mapping with the keyword , its doesnot reflect to the keyword , its has still object but there is no mapping with object any more |
SAS-29677 |
performance status of GDR with heavy data (30-35 column and 90-95 rows) |
SAS-29679 |
when user import excel sheet in GDR but in GDR column(8-10) is already encrypted it take much time to import |
SAS-30637 |
Web Plugin | Getting tool not set exception in the logs of every flow. |
SAS-31876 |
XML Data || Keywords execution time is getting increased due to XML data processing and comparison |
SAS-31877 |
XML Data || XML data of labels having more than 1 fields is not coming. |
SAS-31879 |
XML Data || Enum should be Permanent and Conditional. |
SAS-31882 |
XML Data || Two group headers are coming for single label. |
SAS-27262 |
Spy Mode|| whole page’s properties are coming while clicking on any object. |
SAS-35082 |
File focus shifts to root node “Project Workspace” when user creates a new folder/file or clicks “Refresh” button on project explorer tree in OpKey-e. |
SAS-35083 |
Only 1st level folders of root node (“Project Workspace”) should be in expanded form when user open a project in OpKey-e. |
SAS-34229 |
|appium execution| appium server not getting closed in appium server auto start scenario |
SAS-34284 |
|appium execution| appium server not getting start on saved data |
SAS-31528 |
Salesforce | Contact Preference field is getting fail in lighting mode |
SAS-29398 |
SF_PerformActionInRelatedList | The keyword is getting Failed with Message Object Not Found |
SAS-30269 |
Web_ClickByText | The keyword is unable to Scroll up the table if the Text is present at the bottom of the table and giving ObjectNotFound |
SAS-31460 |
Salesforce| SF_Typetextoneditbox is getting step time out |
SAS-31529 |
Checkbox field is getting fail in lighting mode |
Known Issues
Issue ID |
Summary |
SAS-34382 |
CFL | Web | Accelerator | Displaying “false” output for boolean type output parameter when we provide “true” value through LDR in boolean type input parameter. |
SAS-34069 |
CFL | Accelerator | In pop up displaying name as “Open Coded FL compiler ” whereas it should display message “Open Coded BC compiler”. |
SAS-34046 |
CFL | Web | IE | Loader is not moving round or rotating in please wait compilation is in progress. |
SAS-31052 |
CFL | Web & Accelerator | GV Date and Time | In output of CFL GV date and time displaying wrong time. |
SAS-30957 |
CFL | Multiple calls are going for intellisense due to which garbage collector limit is exceeding. |
SAS-30909 |
CFL | Web & Accelerator | CFL is getting fail due to unable to format error when we are using date and time type input parameter without providing any value. |
SAS-30845 |
CFL | Web | Accelerator | Coded FL is getting fail due to unable to format argumrnts when we are using double type input parameter in it. |
SAS-30845 |
CFL | Web | Accelerator | Coded FL is getting fail due to unable to format argumrnts when we are using double type input parameter in it. |
SAS-30744 |
CFL | Web & Accelerator | Displaying 00:00:00 in the output value of collection date and time for any value of time provided |
SAS-29061 |
CFL | Coded FL compiler jar is getting download again whereas it is already installed in the system. |
SAS-28392 |
Mac & Windows | Firefox | Coded FL jar | jar is not downloading when we are compiling CFL in firefox on mac. |
SAS-28391 |
Mac & Windows | Firefox | Teleporting tunnel jar | jar is not downloading when we run execution on spock agent. |