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  4. 32.16 Opkey Release – 5.61

32.16 Opkey Release – 5.61

New Features

New naming Rules

There are few new naming rules applied in our new product OpKey, for the naming of files (artifacts), folders, artifacts, etc. This document provides an overview of the naming rules that you are recommended to follow while working on OpKey. (This rule is applicable to both OpKey Web and OpKey-E).

OpKey section

Letters (Lowercase)

Letters (Uppercase)

Numbers (0 to 9)
















OR Parent Object/Child object






FL input-output parameters






Global Variable






Keyword/FL Step’s Output Data






  • There are a few Java reserved words that cannot be used for the naming of folders, files (artifacts), OR Parent Object, FL Input-Output Parameters, Global Variables & Keyword/FL Step’s Output data in OpKey. (This rule is applicable to both OpKey Web and OpKey-E)



























































  • There are a few window reserved words that cannot be used for the naming of folders, files (artifacts), OR Parent Object, FL Input-Output Parameters, Global Variables & Keyword/FL Step’s Output data in OpKey. (This rule is applicable to OpKey Web only)























  • There are a few window reserved words that cannot be used for the naming of folders and files(artifacts) in OpKey-E. (This rule is applicable to only to the OpKey-E).























  • There are a few Special Character that cannot be used for naming a Project. (This rule is applicable for OpKey-E only).

Asterisk (*)

Vertical bar or Pipe (|)

Colon (:)

Double quote (“)

Less than (<)

Greater than (>)

Question mark (?)

Forward Slash (/)

Backward Slash (\)

Coded Function Library enhancement and Interoperability

Now there are a few significant changes in the functionality of Code Function Library. Now you can import your Coded Function Library file to the OpKey-E environment and do more with your Coded Function Library file. But, once the Coded Function Library file is imported from OpKey-E to the OpKey Web environment, you would not be able to make any changes as it will be non-editable. Here in OpKey-E, the Coded Function Library is embedded with advanced features that allow you to write your own code, import libraries as external resources, use OpKey keywords, map OR object, use data from Data Repository and automate your application. Here, you can write Java code and add package to automate your application. Internet connection is required only when you want to automate a web application with OpKey-E. It is empowered by an enhanced Intellisense feature which suggests to you a list of applicable syntax which can be used as per the requirement.

Bundle java in agent

Now, Java is integrated with the OpKey Agent in this OpKey release. So there is no need of installing Java externally and applying the required settings. From now, you just need to install the latest released OpKey Agent on your machine and start test automation of your application.

MS Dynamics Recorder and Plugin

This OpKey release allows you to automate your MS Dynamics CRM application using OpKey’s MS Dynamics specific recorder and playback engine. You can easily record your actions performed on the MS Dynamics application, create a Test Case or Function Library and execute it using MS Dynamics specific plugin. There are MS Dynamics specific keywords implemented in OpKey to perform specific action during test execution.

Password Complexity Enhancement

Now your OpKey login password gets expired in 90 days and you would not be able to re-use your 6 old passwords. In addition, if a non-admin user enters the wrong password continuously 10 times then his/her account gets blocked automatically. In order to unblock that account, he/she needs to contact the corresponding admin user.

New Extension “OpKey Token Request Plugin” for fetching OAuth2 Token

Now there is a separate chrome extension (OpKey Token Request Plugin) for fetching OAuth2 token that needs to be installed manually from Chrome Extension Store. Previously it was integrated with the OpKey Recorder internally.


Note: You are recommended to download the latest released OpKey Execution Agent, install it and then use for the successful test execution and work upon the newly released features.

Major Bug Fixes

Issue key Summary
SAS-37960 MS Dynamics | Plugin || MSD_MouseHoverInTableCell is not hovering on given table cell
SAS-37959 MS Dynamics | Plugin || MSD_HighlightTableCell is not highlighting the given table cell
SAS-37958 MS Dynamics | Plugin || MSD_GetTableRowValue is fetching wrong value
SAS-37957 MS Dynamics | Plugin || Delimiter concept is not working in MSD_GetTableRowValue
SAS-37956 MS Dynamics | Plugin || Delimiter is not working in MSD_GetTableColumnValue
SAS-37955 MS Dynamics | Plugin | MSD_GetTableColumnCount is fetching wrong Column Count
SAS-37954 MS Dynamics | Plugin || MSD_GetRowsCountHavingSameData is giving method not found
SAS-37953 MS Dynamics | Plugin || MSD_ClickTextInTableCell is throwing index is invalid message
SAS-37952 MS Dynamics | Plugin || MSD_ClickLinkInTableCell keyword is giving Index is invalid
SAS-37928 Getting Exception | when user enter wrong DB name and click to perform backup/restore operation.
SAS-37847 CFL | Web | Accelerator | Not displaying message for Kronos and MS Dynamics plugin as plugin is not supported for Coded FL.
SAS-37815 Password Complexity | Getting wrong notification “Password will expire in – 737596 days” when log-in through a SSO user
SAS-37800 CFL | Web | Accelerator | Web plugins should be set as target plugin when user creates a new CFL.
SAS-37779 Keywords || 2 keywords have arguments with same name
SAS-37767 Exception Appears when user rename temporary folder name during backup/restore operation.
SAS-37766 Backup/restore| when user open temporary backup folder during backup/restore operation is getting perform then exception appears when during Application deleting temporary data from folder.
SAS-37752 CFL | Web | Accelerator | Selected plugin is getting remove from the target plugin field when we select plugin save the coded FL and refresh the CFL. Issue is coming with Kronos and MS Dynamics Plugin
SAS-37750 Forgot Password link is getting expire after entering password which is used recently
SAS-37738 Password Complexity | Notification is not visible on UI
SAS-37712 Error message is not getting proper when user enter same last six used passwords on | Reset password | change password | password change with profile| password change with user management|
SAS-37709 Reset /Change Password window | Tooltip in ‘ i ‘ should be updated for password field in context to new password complexity rules
SAS-37699 Password Complexity | Notification “password already used before” should appear on same window after clicking on Change button in Reset Password window
SAS-37696 Text on button is different on stg and prod for Reset Password window
SAS-37694 Password Complexity | “Change password” should be highlighted like Reset Password
SAS-37693 Password Complexity | Getting exception on stg when click on “Back To login” on Reset Password window / mail sent window for Forgot Password
SAS-37691 Password Complexity | Notification should be highlighted with red color
SAS-37661 MSD Recorder || Data Field is not Coming when we Choose MSD _TypeTextonEditBox , or input Taking Keyword in Add Step / Edit Step After Changing the Recording Mode …
SAS-37658 Data Field Of input data taking keyword like Type Text on Editbox keyword is Missing In Add Step and Edit , in Add On || in All Recorder
SAS-37652 logout button is not getting clickable on project selection window on stg.
SAS-37632 Password Complexity | Admin user is able to set recently used password of other users (last 6 passwords should not be set)
SAS-37631 Password Complexity | Getting exception when user is updating its own password from profile page/ user management
SAS-37594 CFL | Web | Accelearator | CFL toolbar UI is not proper. Buttons position is changed.
SAS-37593 Login | Password Complexity | Admin user should not get blocked after 10 incorrect login attempts
SAS-37590 unsuccessful login attempt count is not getting remove after any successful login by user.
SAS-37586 Alert message is not getting available on password field when user try to login with wrong password.
SAS-37544 Login | Password Complexity | Notification should appear for user blocked after entering wrong password 10th time
SAS-37543 Login | Password Complexity | User should be able to reset 1st password(which is given at the time of user creation) after 5th changed password
SAS-37542 Error message message is not getting displayed on web platform when user tries to map a testcase (web) to a manual test of ALM Octane which is already mapped with some other test case.
SAS-37534 when user tries 4 unsuccessful attempt | Application is provide any alert message regarding login attempt left.
SAS-37533 Login | Password Complexity | There should be a notification on UI , reminding user that password will expire in 5 days and so on
SAS-37530 User enter details click on login then application redirect to user on reset password window.
SAS-37528 After a maximum of 10 unsuccessful tries User’s account is not getting locked.
SAS-37427 JIRA | Status of report in bug is incorrect if multiple TC are mapped with same bug and only one TC (pass) is executed
SAS-37400 VerifyEditBoxValue/Text || both keywords are giving wrong status
SAS-37399 Not Able to Save Recording After the Recording in MainFrame Recording .
SAS-37396 Spelling Mistake Of People Soft Recorder , In Recorder -OR selector Wizard
SAS-37251 Not Able to Save Recording In Chrome Addon
SAS-37208 SR Impact Analysis | Getting exception when executing SR of salesforce method with check box and date type field
SAS-37036 ImageBasedExecution|| Random || The back button is getting tapped after every keyword.
SAS-36921 Exception comes if Files uploaded do not match with Report type
SAS-36912 GetEditBoxValue || The msg should be done
SAS-36681 Refresh Button is Not working in Recorder …
SAS-36569 Save button is Green Color In Save & Close Wizard in Recorder…….
SAS-35772 ImageBasedExecution || The keyboard is not getting hide after typetext keyword
SAS-35498 Kronos Recorder Is Block in New HTTPS Domain (test1.opkey.com)
SAS-31887 output of first step is used in input of secound step then also user able to make secound step as first and vice versa manually
SAS-31188 FreshDirect v6.9.7 || Not downloading in cache showing pk[][][] on agent.
SAS-5322 Record (Windows 7 Chrome 1280 X 1024)- Click on Insert Action then it is showing Bad GUI


Known Issues

Issue ID Summary
SAS-37811 At the same time open same utility build more then one time and perform work.
SAS-37769 ALM | In configuration when select project then it throw error message on UI
SAS-37751 Password Complexity | User should not be allowed to login in Agent, Hub and sync if his password expires
SAS-37727 In opkey_surge at the time of loading of an artifact click any manage artifact button present at left panel and observe loader gets stuck
SAS-37726 If user gave (java, window) reserve words, special character, (space, number) at starting of the name then error comes and artifact does not created but logs of artifact creation is coming in kibana for opkey_surge and job_portal artifacts
SAS-37720 User click on refresh button then Application re-enter same wrong user &password and decrease the count of login attempt.
SAS-37578 Impact Analysis Portal | Selected project is not focusing after click on Switch project button
SAS-37560 Error message of already mapped manual test to same TC is getting displayed when user maps additional manual test to the already mapped TC for ALM Octane.
SAS-37553 Impact Analysis Oracle fusion| Getting exception when updating fl which contains 2 different modules with 2 setmetadata kewyords
SAS-37532 Opkey Surge Restore To|| Random || Getting Exception when we try to Restore TC
SAS-37518 VNC || IE || The vnc is appearing in half part of the popup
SAS-37494 MultiBrowser || No device should be appeared in the list
SAS-37492 Azure | UI of Fields in filter are not proper
SAS-37474 Close (*) button is not Working in Help Window
SAS-37463 Impact Analysis | Salesforce| Getting Error while opening impact report in salesforce if page layout name contains special character
SAS-37424 JIra mapping are not removing from TC (opkey surge side) if user changes the jira credentials
SAS-37372 Jira | Values are not showing in the fields of JIRA filter
SAS-37351 Admin Panel || Getting GateWay Time Out When we Open File Transfer History First Time
SAS-37291 In job portal create a job and open any tab just afterthat modify tab and close that particular tabwith cros button when auto focus come to modify job tab the name of the job changes
SAS-37254 JIra | Getting exception in console when clicking on Additional Setting
SAS-37247 Keyword Management || Alignment Issue
SAS-37225 Impact Analysis | pages are not in sequence in impact report (oracle fusion)
SAS-37110 In Global variables when user give special character or reserve words then error comes that its not allowed but text remains in the name field till user click save button instead as error comes text should change to previous text
SAS-37075 when user drag a task present in BPMN diagram and drop it on another task present in BPMN then BPMN diagram gets blocked
SAS-37019 Sequence of bar graphs is not correct if there are so many components
SAS-36926 from second lane when user add task that it reaches third line in serpentine layout click serpentine layout and save and then switch tab and come again to that tab then ui is not proper
SAS-36920 Blank row with no data will get generated in table if during iteration iteration key is found in some other table also in same Sheet of Oracle Report
SAS-36919 when user add three task , link 1st from link associater and then link third from link associater and then drag Existing BC and drop after second step then that existing BC should be the second step but its coming first in Backend Flow
SAS-36918 After Direct Recording with Chrome Addon its Not Redirected to TC/FL
SAS-36917 Getting exception When i am Stoping the Recording through Chrome Addon
SAS-36916 When we move up /down artifact through arrow keys , Step are Gets Selected in Tc / Automatically ….
SAS-36915 in kibana logs of open artifact is not coming fr opkey web and opkey surge, its only coming for job-portal
SAS-36913 Get Extension is Not Coming, When We open opkey After the First Time without addon
SAS-36908 Value on Y-axis is not correct on graph in case of 1 unit
SAS-36907 Pcloudy Recorder || Spy Mode || The data is not getting pulled
SAS-36902 in serpentine layout if user add task in second lane that it reaches second line in second lane and the click linear layout then lane size is not increasing and flow going outside the lane
SAS-36901 Wrong date-time format displayed on value section for datatype “Collection (DateTime)” in “Add Parameter” popup available in Model.
SAS-36900 LOV values added for “DateTime” type input parameter from Model’s “Add Parameter” popup are not saving.
SAS-36898 Inconsistent font size for field “OpKey Admin” on “Add Group”/”Edit Group” popup available in Group management (Admin).
SAS-36893 unlink impacted FL in BPMN and | After save right click on Fl and open impact information then exception apperas.
SAS-36889 CFL | Web | Accelerator | Functionality of highlighting same name variable inside code editor is not working.
SAS-36886 highlighted artifact is not getting dismiss when user again click on highlight button .|ACC|
SAS-36881 when user select a linked BC task and click delete button present in ToolBar then its unliking the task instead it should delete the task
SAS-36880 when user delete task then sequence flow is not coming proper
SAS-36876 when user right click on second task and link BC then highight is not coming on that task in Backend flow and showing in UI as when user open right pane overlay window then first step overlay window is opening
SAS-36874 when user drag end task in second lane and then the last task in linear layout then its not coming from starting point
SAS-36869 when user hide left panel and again show that panel then lane size increases and does not come to its default size when user show panel
SAS-36868 user adjust size of lane through this icon but in linear layout it will be very hard for user to scroll and search this icon so from the whole border user should able to adjust the size of lane
SAS-36865 when task is present in first lane and user drag drop end event and last task to another lane then click serpentine layout then its arranging from that position only in created lane instead in created lane task should get arrange from starting position
SAS-36863 when end event is at second line in serpentine layout and user selected end event and then the task and drag drop to next lane then ui is not proper
SAS-36856 getting exception on database utility when select Create or upgrade DB.
SAS-36855 Debug mode is getting hide when TC ,FL is in freeze state.
SAS-36847 Error appears when create replica from ACC.
SAS-36836 By default flow which comes on creation of BP in BPMN size and position is different and when user add task then it changes
SAS-36835 when user drag drop task present just below the end event in different lane then ui is not proper, end event changes the position and default lane size increases
SAS-36834 if user drag drop default task from one lane to third lane when no other task are present then default lane size is increasing
SAS-36832 NO button is not working on pop up window when save is enable and user closes, switches the tab or click refresh button
SAS-36818 Description of added FL/BC step are not getting displayed in “Step Details” under “Step Information” section which does not have any input parameters added in FL/TC(web)/BC/BP/TC
SAS-36816 Input parameter data-source mapping is not working when user selects added input-parameter from data-source mapping grid available in “Input Data” section in manual step grid in FL/TC/Business Component.
SAS-36815 By default scroller is coming from middle in manage artifact of Accelerator
SAS-36814 when user unlink Funtion library from a task then a pop up opens , message on that pop up is not proper in BP created in BPMN mode
SAS-36806 When user create a BP in BPMN mode then save button is coming in enable state
SAS-36793 when flow each second line in serpentine layout and user delete a task from second line then auto arrange is not working
SAS-36790 Previously searched filtering is not clearing from data-source mapping grid available in “Input Data” section in FL/TC/BC/BP.
SAS-36784 Admin Panel | Project WorkSpace Audit Trails | Getting invalid dates notification when we are opening project workspace audit trails.
SAS-36780 Manual TC/FL | Notification is appearing “Step copied successfully ” even when there is no step selected or tc/fl is empty
SAS-36777 Getting Wrong Recorder Window Appears When click Mainframe Recorder Appears through Right Click menu
SAS-36774 Sparkin |Unnecessary pop-up is showing while creating FL/GDR in sparkin
SAS-36773 Text Overlapping Issue in Add HTML/Frame /page Drop Down in Or
SAS-36772 multi browser | in execution result in step details with status background color not appeared
SAS-36768 When We Move Up Bottom object Property( Attribute and Value ) gets Disappeared in recorder
SAS-36767 when user select tasks from right to left and group them then the all the task present at right side of the selected task comes under the group instead only selected or task present between selected should come under group
SAS-36766 if BC has a large name then user not able to drag that BC till right side of the screen
SAS-36763 Pink dot is not coming in subprocess to connect it with different sub-process or task
SAS-36762 Auto arrange is not working with grouping
SAS-36757 when only one task is selected then group option should be disable
SAS-36756 if 3rd task is present in different lane and user select 1st and 4th task and group them then the task which is present in different lane is also coming in the group instead in that case validation should come
SAS-36752 user not able to drag drop existing BC in sequence flow as “X” sign is coming while draging existing BC instead it should also get drage aas blank task
SAS-36750 In Created lane if user created a flow opposite to the direction according to serpentine layout and click serpentine layout button then it should get arrange and desired pink dot should get connected according to layout
SAS-36749 when user drag drop an existing bc in a lane then its not droping on the correct position where user drops it
SAS-36742 Select current date| Build list is not getting visible on “build session Analytic ” | execution result dashboard|
SAS-36741 Skipover TC is not getting visible in ” Test execution summary report” and build session analytic” on execution result dashboard.
SAS-36737 Autorefresh is not working when user click on dismiss button on internal impact | Opkey surge|
SAS-36735 Impact Artifact is not getting highlight in Grid view |Acc|
SAS-36734 Internal impact highlight button not working on BP in BPMN view.
SAS-36732 when user click on highlight button | Impact artifact is not getting highlighted in Flowchart view.
SAS-36731 when user select last sequence flow then right click option should come to delete the sequence flow and tool bar delete button should also be in enable state
SAS-36727 Call a BPMN TC in Job and click that TC in Job and see diagram showing is of flowchart view
SAS-36726 in manage BP and Manage Tc flowchart diagram is showing even if artifact are created in BPMN mode
SAS-36719 Attachment is not getting available on Execution result help .
SAS-36710 After the Hard Reload and Clear Cache ,we are getting Start Recording instead of Get Extension , When We open opkey the First Time after the Deleting a chrome add on From Manage Extension
SAS-36700 Test document and internal impact content is not getting available on job help.
SAS-36699 Change view on BC (Flowchart and grid ) is not getting available in help video and link.
SAS-36698 BPMN view on BP and TC is not getting available on Help.
SAS-36697 Attachment on help page is not getting updated according to New UI of OpKey.
SAS-36696 Parameterizing the Business Component Using Data Input Arguments is not getting complete .
SAS-36694 help model is not getting close when user switch tab |Acc|
SAS-36689 when user create two group in a BP created in BPMN then secound group is not coming connected
SAS-36682 grouping is not created in same line
SAS-36680 when user select task from right to left direction then grouping does not work and after that even if user wants doing it from left to right then also it does not work
SAS-36676 lane is placed above the frame in bp created in bpmn mode
SAS-36661 Project Dashboard || The color is not same as theme.
SAS-36625 in IE browser ,After Move UP / down Selected Step It Recorded Step Grid Blinks in Recorder
SAS-36623 multiple theme| smart recorder window pop up
SAS-36612 Theme is not getting applied on project selection screen displayed after OpKey login.
SAS-36602 Appium Importer|| Connecting device through custom connection,details are blank
SAS-36573 Recorder & Spy Buttom Grid of Web / Salesforce is not Coming After the Desktop Recording
SAS-36565 CFL | Web | Accelerator | Tooltip of compile error is getting hide behind the icons of of side bar.
SAS-36544 Content is not available on Backup Action button on All artifact .
SAS-36531 If in a job of jenkins more than two build and post build action is present then teleporting tunnel got stuck while closing session and user have to close the teleporting tunnel manually otherwise it remains stuck at that position
SAS-36527 tour is not getting highlight on “Add new task and Add exsiting task on BPMN .
SAS-36517 Double click on space bar continiously then application open focus point on artifact
SAS-36514 Automatic tour is not getting appears on screen when user open first time Artifactsin opkey surege.
SAS-36492 Random|| when user discard BPMN and new BPMN is loaded right click on that blank task and click link Business component ans see node associater window is not opening
SAS-36488 At the time of opening BP created in BPMN mode, loader should come below the tab field as in case if loader got stuck for currupted artifact then user should able to close the tab instead of url refresh
SAS-36415 Step focus selection is not working properly using shortcut keys (Shift+ Arrow keys) in FL/TC/Business component automated step grid.
SAS-35984 Data in Used By do not come if data is heavy
SAS-35957 OR tree is not getting expand when user click to map object in test object of keyword.
SAS-35814 Agent management | when spock client offline then on UI client status not update on one refresh or it change status after few second
SAS-35810 Agent management | once agent online then if user exit the agent and without refresh the agent management if user click on register agent then loader is loaded continiously
SAS-35787 list of TC is not present on smtp Integrated Report. web|Acc|Multibrowser|
SAS-35786 Skipped over TC is not visible in TC list on SMTP Details Report .
SAS-35784 Coded BC/FL is not getting visible in Integrated report |ACC| multibrowser|jobportal
SAS-35718 Accelerator BP | when user map a data source (collection type) then if user click on edit button then in opened pop up loader loaded continuously
SAS-35709 Object image and Attachment is getting miss from shared file |when user create copy-paste ,replica,sync Export-import .
SAS-35695 session getting logout after one hour during Replica.
SAS-35661 Accelerator TC | if admin user change the status of a TC from draft to publish then if non admin user open directly the TC then loader loaded continuously
SAS-35559 External Tool mapping Export import | after modify the mapping then if user export/Sync then updation not reflect in destination project
SAS-35482 After mapping all data source get diappear from FL and TC in keyvalue data type keyword
SAS-35480 Open in New tab should work in TC and FL when TC or FL get freezed
SAS-35461 in gherkin if the name of gherkin contains scenario or scenario outline then when the gherkin is executed then in result dashboard when user open in new tab the gherkin then its parent artifact open which is linked with scenario or scenario outline
SAS-35435 Delete sub menu in the right click context menu should not come instead what ever is selected should get deleted from the delete button only in BP created in bPMN mode
SAS-35428 Sequence contain no element exception is coming in LDR
SAS-35418 Unknown primary object type ‘Flow’ at CresTech.OpKey.MVC.Models.CFComponentModel.getAllOutputParameters is coming
SAS-35281 Database Backup Utility getting hang when user click on search button to search DB list on Backup window.
SAS-35245 Unable to rename or delete of newly created Artifact in Recorder Wizard
SAS-35243 Is file checkbox issue in SR
SAS-35214 CFL | Web | Accelerator | Bottom scroll bar and end statement bracket are getting hide inside the footer of CFL.
SAS-35199 CFL | Web | Accelerator | User is not able to switch to the selected module in sidebar from coded FL when he\she is clicks on Yes button in save changes confirmation pop up.
SAS-35197 CFL | Web | Accelerator | CFL and Coded BC is not getting save when user clicks on NO button in confirmation pop up for save changes. User is also not able to move on selected module.
SAS-35144 right pane buttons is not getting highlighted in flowchart view of automated FL and TC when user highlight that button from tour popup
SAS-35089 Is file checkbox is not getting synced in SR Rest
SAS-34885 Accelerator TC | in firefox, in accelerator TC when user enter value in static section then typing time lag appeared
SAS-34882 Pop-outs and internal tabs are taking 1-2sec to perform action after clicking respective area on TC/FL/BC.
SAS-34879 Mobile Recorder || The scroll bar is going to down automatically after clicking on recorder steps.
SAS-34878 Duplicate entry exception is coming when click on FL refresh button after syncing SR
SAS-34874 Mac || Safari || Mobile Management || The queued app is getting cut by row border.
SAS-34714 external tool | after mapping if user again right click on TC then details tab not required
SAS-34711 Input argument with datatype “ORObject” should not be visible inside “Input Data” of added manual function library/manual business component for setting data in it.
SAS-34710 Input argument’s datatype icons are not available in manual step grid of Manual FL/Manual TC/Manual Business component.
SAS-34708 Mapped data-source value is not auto-scrolling and highlighting on mapping grid for input data in Manual FL/Manual Business Component.
SAS-34696 Local | SMTP Detailed Report & Exported Detailed Report | Firefox | Edge | Snapshots are not opening on firefox browser.
SAS-34690 In-correct data-source mapping icons of “ADG” and “Token” are displayed on “IF” keyword input argument.
SAS-34686 Pcloudy Execution Wizard || The loader is getting stuck.
SAS-34680 when user click minimize and maximize button present in For and If block then the connecting line changes the position and goes near the maximize and minimize button
SAS-34642 Sparkin | loader alignment issue in step associated pop up with some condition
SAS-34626 SMTP Detailed Report | Keywords are overlapping in detailed report.
SAS-34619 Wrong position and incomplete text when user hovers mouse pointer over inline edited value in “Input Data” field on automated TC/FL/BC grid view in firefox browser.
SAS-34464 LDR | when user use file type Input parameter then user not able to remove mapping from that input parameter from BP
SAS-34458 Kibana in current Login dashboard different data is showing in data table and graph in which data of graph is correct in local environment
SAS-34456 CFL | Web | Mac | Safari | Not displaying tool tip for buttons add tag, edit tag and delete tag in toolbar section.
SAS-34455 CFL | Web | Mac | Safari | Not displaying tooltip for user name in modified by section of toolbar.
SAS-34454 CFL | Web | Mac | Safari | Not displaying tooltip for tags when we hover mouse on it.
SAS-34453 CFL | Web | Mac | Safari | Not displaying tool tip of input and output parameters in preview section.
SAS-34436 Flowchart view is getting truncated when user inserts IF/FOR conditional blocks between grouped steps on TC in web platform.
SAS-34406 GDR | Unable to save GDR when change state from published to draft
SAS-34403 Two calls are going when user opens a FL or TC in opkey web and 3 calls are going when user open BC , and BP in accelerator and 4 calls are going when user open TC accelerator as in kibana 2,3 and 4 logs are coming respectively
SAS-34397 Project selection dropdown size is not proper in jenkins
SAS-34382 CFL | Web | Accelerator | Displaying “false” output for boolean type output parameter when we provide “true” value through LDR in boolean type input parameter.
SAS-34309 when user delete all propertied from test object in a keyword then after save pop up with message not appeared
SAS-34306 Multi browser | in run health Opkey web execution also display
SAS-34300 User lock remains with the user if some error occurs while modifying associated step output with invalid datatype value on a function library or business component.
SAS-34247 MultiBrowser || If plugin is not installed in the system then msg is not appearing.
SAS-34168 when fl is empty then open fl viewer in manual fl or tC
SAS-34154 Value provided in column “Parameter” and “Default Value” for added input argument of manual step is not saving when user directly selects another added step after providing parameter name or parameter value in manual FL/TC/Business component.
SAS-34152 Desktop/Java Recorder| after stopping the Recording the opkey SaaS Recorder window Remains As it is
SAS-34112 In Live Execution Result Dashboard Accelerator FL icon is coming instead of BC icon
SAS-34073 Input Data pop-out should not open if added manual FL step does not have any input parameters added in it in FL/TC/Business component for manual part.
SAS-34069 CFL | Accelerator | In pop up displaying name as “Open Coded FL compiler ” whereas it should display message “Open Coded BC compiler”.
SAS-34046 CFL | Web | IE | Loader is not moving round or rotating in please wait compilation is in progress.
SAS-34017 Step focus gets disappeared when user perform right click inside “Add Step”/”Test Object”/”Input Data”/”Output Data” popout in TC/FL/BC.*
SAS-33958 user not able to open Fl when Impacted Fl map into MBT and Right click on Fl and select “open in new tab “
SAS-33824 Unlink- Impacted Fl is getting highlight into MBT.|
SAS-33802 job portal | in last executed job when user hover on job name then tool tip not appeared
SAS-33681 Unlink Impacted Fl from MBT and save | Click on refresh button and then Right click on edge and click on Impacted Information | Exception Appears|
SAS-33650 Keyword EvaluateExpression’s 2nd argument (i.e. Operand2) should have drop-down which contains options +,-,*,/,Blank while performing inline editing for input data. Currently the field is enabled as normal text field accepting any value.
SAS-33647 Inline editing is not working for keyword “IF” on automated grid view in FL/TC/business component.
SAS-33615 Mobile Recorder || Focus issue on OR selection page.
SAS-33605 first time when user click on “view artifact name” button then correct artifact name appeared but after that if user click any other session “view artifact name” button then previous artifact name appeared
SAS-33537 Schedule session | after schedule session when user click on scheduled session in calendar view then in scheduled session pop up suite name and focus is not on that suite(scheduled suite)
SAS-33517 VNC | when user open VNC pop up then in “network” VNC password appeared in plain text
SAS-33463 Keyword Management || Keyword name is not getting appeared properly.
SAS-33460 Keyword Management || Overlapping Issue
SAS-33435 UI of FL input parameter
SAS-33393 External tools | filter window bottm UI not appeared correctly (with more extra space)
SAS-33372 Ios Executions || WEB || MultiBrowser || The validation msg is not getting appeared.
SAS-33336 right click anywhere other than the step and observe its opening in flowchart view of fl, bc
SAS-33326 Job portal | when user click on advanced setting button then loading time UI not appeared correctly
SAS-33251 VNC | when user execute a session in multi browser throw Spock agent using Firefox then after execution completion browser not closed automatically
SAS-33227 comment Keyword is not working in Flowchart view of automated BC
SAS-33169 Multi browser | spock | if user stop session at mid then opkey Teleporting tunnel is not closed automatically
SAS-33102 multi browser | confirmation pop up also opened when user delete unwanted combination from session summary
SAS-33051 VNC | At execution time if VNC disconnect and VNC pop up opened then VNC pop up is not closed automatically
SAS-33035 Job Portal | Size of currently executed sessions are not correctly appeared
SAS-33023 Spock Agent | Mac | Safari | Detailed Report | Snapshots of detailed report is not opening. A XML file is opening with error message of signature mismatch.
SAS-32881 In Post build action, if user addd accelerator job first and then Saas test suite then also saas test suite is coming above accelerator job in jenkins
SAS-32845 Automated steps of added FL is getting displayed in place of manual steps inside Manual FL-viewer on Manual FL/Manual Business Component/Manual Test Case.
SAS-32805 Pcloudy Recorder || Overlapping Issue
SAS-32798 External tool Azure/jira | when user search bug id in filter window then user not able to search bugs
SAS-32780 In grid view of manage artifact paste and replica button comes in enable state even if no checkbox is checked, when user copy and paste an artifact
SAS-32732 Manual FL-viewer functionality in Manual FL/TC is not working as expected. It is showing automated FL’s data in place manual FL’s data.
SAS-32711 MultiBrowser || Should appear a msg if user used static device in FL/TC.
SAS-32662 Error “The system cannot find the file specified.” is displayed on the screen when the user performing SSO login to OpKey provided that encryption is enabled in the OpKey application.
SAS-32655 copy button getting disable even if checkbox is checked in grid view of manage artifact in accelerator
SAS-32637 Mobile Recorder || The pop-up is going to the bottom.
SAS-32596 VNC | if execution is complete then if VNC pop up is automatically closed (Required)
SAS-32574 Job portal | user not able to update tag in created job
SAS-32569 VNC || The vnc is not getting connected to mobile.
SAS-32537 Mobile Management || The apk is not getting appeared in queue for instrumentation immediately.
SAS-32372 VNC | VNC icon is not auto refreshed after completion of execution
SAS-32197 Input parameters-Name of Input parameter and data type is not coming inside LOV window(Web and Acc both)
SAS-32089 right click option is not changing its position with task as user scroll this led to blocking several option like colors
SAS-31975 Old value and new value model should not be open without data .|CFL|Impact Analysis|
SAS-31970 VSTS Test | Run with Opkey button is not showing on VSTS Test UI
SAS-31968 Schedule session | After schedule if user delete used TC from web/acc then if user click on scheduled session in calendar view then it throw exception
SAS-31948 droping Task from BC tree is placing at different position in BPMN lane
SAS-31937 Focus of Application are not active window on Impact Review model|
SAS-31914 reports UI of graph is not correct in reports
SAS-31864 Sauce Labs | Account of one data centre is getting login with another data centre.
SAS-31841 Project workspace tree do not get refreshed if change state
SAS-31837 if a bc input parameter is linked with any data source in BP then in TC input data if user click that data source icon then it is vanishing
SAS-31795 Loader getting stuck when user copy-paste keywords into Fl .
SAS-31767 Artifact should highlighted when user click on highlight button of “Direct and Indirect Impact “
SAS-31763 MBT || The execution is getting started on second time.
SAS-31669 Close button are not clickable when user create Backup-Restore.|CFl|
SAS-31572 Schedule session | After complete the execution , scheduled session info deleted from the calendar
SAS-31532 Only one step should get highlighted if same step is added in artifact later on
SAS-31361 Spock Agent | Detailed Report | Firefox | Snapshots are not opening on firefox.
SAS-31180 User unable to open snapshot in Details Report .
SAS-31126 Kibana || if we give the name of a coded FL a number then we get a error “its not alowed” and an autogenrated name is given to the particular coded FL , But in kibana the name of the artifact field is coming blank in this case
SAS-31124 when we export an artifact then for a single artifact count is coming two in Kibana
SAS-31122 IE || During live execution in accelerator mouse hover to live execution status button , execution status is not coming on mouse hover in IE browser
SAS-31115 Update button of File type LDR is not working on Mac-safari browser
SAS-31105 user unable to open Screenshot of Execution Details report in Internet Explorer.
SAS-31086 In Safari Browser , Remove IE Browser from Recorder
SAS-31052 CFL | Web & Accelerator | GV Date and Time | In output of CFL GV date and time displaying wrong time.
SAS-31043 User Disable Grid/scheduled Execution” form Agent but Agent show online in Grid Execution .
SAS-31033 If I update the used attachment with different name and I refresh the FL again & again then It’s getting changed with new name sometimes & sometimes with previous name.
SAS-31032 IE || Browse different extension’s file while adding the attachments.
SAS-30993 Admin Panel | Group management | Group details is removing from the UI
SAS-30991 Executed builds are not display in Build Session Analytics.
SAS-30983 Integrated SMTP settings do not remain save on Execution wizard
SAS-30957 CFL | Multiple calls are going for intellisense due to which garbage collector limit is exceeding.
SAS-30955 Keyword Management || Three validation msgs are appearing at a time instead of one..
SAS-30917 Keyword management || The selected argument type is getting changed automatically.
SAS-30914 user not able to execute input parameter with date type data type
SAS-30909 CFL | Web & Accelerator | CFL is getting fail due to unable to format error when we are using date and time type input parameter without providing any value.
SAS-30891 Accelerator | when user have large name of BC after that user change its name in small then if user click on refresh button then large name if display in grid view
SAS-30845 CFL | Web | Accelerator | Coded FL is getting fail due to unable to format argumrnts when we are using double type input parameter in it.
SAS-30823 Graph of “Executed Session ” are not proper on Accelerator.
SAS-30789 Total Execution time of tc display Negative time| some time its show incorrect time in Test Execution Summary Report.
SAS-30784 Selected session are not auto refresh when user uncheck on show session check box.
SAS-30783 Executed builds are not display in Build Session Analytics.
SAS-30755 when user call a FL in TC/FL then in grid view it show its mode with with added FL but in flowchart view user not able to differentiate between the FL mode
SAS-30747 Drag-drop functionality is not working if user drag-drops an existing FL from FL tree to the blank model watermark.
SAS-30744 CFL | Web & Accelerator | Displaying 00:00:00 in the output value of collection date and time for any value of time provided
SAS-30743 Total Execution time is not right in “Test Execution summary Report” on Executoin Result.
SAS-30736 session Successful Execution sign of green color is not display at session tab| but It is display in result tree.
SAS-30636 New Opkey Smart Recorder || I am Changing Recorder Version in Recorder File Source|| Unable To Get Update Wizard Window while i am start Recording
SAS-30632 TC | generate document | when user use custom logo in generate document then in report custom logo appeared and after that if use default logo but at this time custom logo display in report
SAS-30618 snapshot link is coming in skiped step in smtp detail report
SAS-30597 UI issue when comment keyword is focused on grid view in automated FL/automated TC/automated business component.
SAS-30420 Description and label takes more time in rename window then the name for loading in manage artifact accelerator
SAS-30347 artifact icon in detailed smtp report are blurr
SAS-30248 “Refresh” button available for input parameter grid is not refreshing value of input parameters with datatype= “MobileDevice”/”Mobile Application”/”File” in function library/test case/business component.
SAS-30234 |used BY|Artifact icon not showing in apk and device management
SAS-30232 |Used by|Device Management| Device path not showing if used in another project
SAS-30153 Regular open New analysis impact report window open blank. |impact analysis|saleforce|
SAS-30143 copy button gets diasable when you search from “search by keyword” and erase the text
SAS-30073 ALM | information button is getting enabled in requirement filter if test plan is mapped with TC
SAS-30005 Auto Refresh is not working when we close paste wizard or replica wizard and switch to manage artifact, so details value in the lower right pannel is vanishing in manage artifact in accelerator
SAS-29953 we are not getting any error message after any wrong search in search by keyword and even the tree is not vanishing in label view
SAS-29807 In jira setting , Project Configure , if we change “And issue Status is” then “change status to” is not changing with it
SAS-29670 when user move up and down the first encrypted row after that enter value in row user not able to enter the values
SAS-29655 when user export encrypted GDR then their is no security pop up window
SAS-29644 GDR | when user move up down blank row of encrypted column then it show exception
SAS-29639 when user use second column as encrypted column and then delete first column then move up the decrypted column 3-4 time then click on move down then encrypted value is in another form
SAS-29623 Artifacts which are freezed are not getting displayed as freezed under “Recently Used Artifacts in Folder” block in project dashboard.
SAS-29594 Expected result field should not be displayed if user has selected any web-service on service repository.
SAS-29460 Encrypted value passed to parameter of an service repository(SR) method is not getting decrypted using “Decrypt Result” functionality available in execution result.
SAS-29425 Visual QA | Attachment | Remove download button from attachment tab and remove download all attachments button inside the attachment window
SAS-29099 Blank audit trail entry is getting created in token management if user clicks on “Update Token” without making any changes in authorization server settings.
SAS-29061 CFL | Coded FL compiler jar is getting download again whereas it is already installed in the system.
SAS-29035 Error occured when User import artifact on local |UNSW|
SAS-29030 exception occured while scheduling Pcloudy jobs from jenkins , In the logs getting error json object not found
SAS-29029 when user call FL1 in FL2 and after that change the data type of IP from securedstring to string then value is in different form in called fL2
SAS-28983 “Create new folder ” modal takes time in hide when user click on preview button on Backup.
SAS-28974 GDR | when user move up and move down the row then it show value in different form
SAS-28970 Value get encrypted in decrypted view
SAS-28960 On moving focus decrypted value do not get encrypted
SAS-28944 LDR Encryption | after value decrypted value show in dots(…..) form
SAS-28923 If decrypt value once then again if click on decrypt button it opens password window-either it should encrypt value or should be disable
SAS-28912 Random|Do not have Proper STR|LDR Encryption | when user create LDR and open it and enter some value in search box then click on clear search then value is no visible on UI
SAS-28894 pause the execution at the time when all the step is been executed from agent side , when the result is uploaded the play button comes in enable state
SAS-28880 LDR Encryption | when user add “add data row” in LDR then it added with value in *** form
SAS-28853 Blank tag opens because of refresh button which gives exception when we close tab present at the right side of that blank tab because of auto focus
SAS-28830 LDR Encryption | when user export validation report then if we use string concate and called FL in TC/FL then string concate value is display wrong
SAS-28766 we are able to call collection double type in collection integer type data type in input parameters
SAS-28722 Copy the folder of more than twenty OR and paste into another folder at same project.| All data are not sussccefully paste on another folder.
SAS-28697 | If we click on refresh button Again and again | then Graph Data are update on the Prjoect workspace, execution result, Build session Analytics | In Running state|
SAS-28686 In Build-Session Analytics when select the build by date and check the check box of show session then session drop down session name is not visible (old data)
SAS-28547 Execution Dashboard Build-Session Analytics | Click on Check show session and select session and un-check it| Selected Session are not removed from session box.when select other build show incorrect data.
SAS-28544 If we dont have license of any platform then GoTo dropdown button should not come in screen or should be in a disable state
SAS-28543 When we do Restore-to of a BC in accelerator then some of the Kibana logs is showing wrong information
SAS-28542 Actions button are in disable state and not able to create replica when we click on backup compare button.
SAS-28522 Execution Dashboard Build-Session Analytics | Status- Running| No data displaying in graph.
SAS-28514 When we login into Impact analysis By default Latest “Team” is not displaying on project Dashboard.
SAS-28512 job portal | when we sync a project that contain job portal’s job after sync when we see in synced project job portal’s job does not contain data in job
SAS-28501 Spock Agent | Tunnel is not reconnecting with server after the communication channel breaks and due to this whole flow is getting stuck. In this case we have to manually close the tunnel to get the results.
SAS-28471 Restricted files are not getting displayed under “Recently Used Artifacts” module on project dashboard if user selects restricted hierarchy in project workspace tree without expanding the folder.
SAS-28443 Mac | Spock Agent | UI | Icon of Spock agent in Execution wizard is worng. It should be a star.
SAS-28438 external tool | when we login external tool and mapped TC and after this logout previous AZURE credential and login new Azure credential but previous mapped Azure bug id is not unmapped
SAS-28431 Random || Getting exception while placing a jar file.
SAS-28428 In Accelerator Review, Approved and Published state of BC, all the buttons are in disable state but if we switch tab then delete , move up, movedown buttons comes in enable state
SAS-28397 LDR | when we use “getvaluefromkeyvaluepair” keyword in LDR and add some value in keyword in LDR then after save the LDR and reopen The LDR then data are not visible in LDR
SAS-28392 Mac & Windows | Firefox | Coded FL jar | jar is not downloading when we are compiling CFL in firefox on mac.
SAS-28391 Mac & Windows | Firefox | Teleporting tunnel jar | jar is not downloading when we run execution on spock agent.
SAS-28364 Logs of pre-report is deleted after execution but it is showing as in-progress state in KIBANA , and if due to any exception session does not start it gets deleted from database it is also shown as in progress state in KIBANA
SAS-28336 Mac | Spock Agent | Teleprting tunnel jar | Jar downloading pop up comes everytime when we execute flow spock. Whereas its is already installed.
SAS-28293 ALM | when we execute FL in accelerator for external tool ALM then after execution reports heading not correct
SAS-28227 CFL | Not able to initialize constructors and call the methods with reference variables because during run time we are changing the name of Class.
SAS-28216 When we input data in “Double Datatype” with input parameter then data changing in incorrect form.
SAS-28063 CFL | Intellisense is getting turn off when when we start the execution of that CFL.
SAS-28050 Custom keyword is not getting disappeared after deprecation.
SAS-28000 when logout with opkey web and login but do not select any project it throws an exception ” no project selected”
SAS-27978 Wrong error message is displayed on screen when user performs “Open in new tab” functionality for auto-generated Suite/Job/TC/BP.*
SAS-27965 Preview backup | during preview backup “select a folder” window is opened for few second
SAS-27869 CFL | Microsoft Edge | Windows | pop up of open coded FL compiler comes everytime when we click on Compile button whereas coded FL compiler is already running.
SAS-27867 CFL | Windows | Microsoft Edge | Code is not getting compiled whereas the coded FL compiler is running.
SAS-27775 Random|| Able to upload same Jar file again in keyword management.
SAS-27464 Grid Execution| When user try to add a suite in the last row then scroll bar getting scrolled up.
SAS-27455 Tag Issue | Tags is not visible in all artifact when user add Tags in artifact and perform copy replica
SAS-27448 GDR || Local & Production Environment || GDR should not be Exported if it is in Unsaved Mode.
SAS-27445 GDR || Local and Production Environment || AES value is displaying for the Encrypted cells.
SAS-27257 Accelerator Replica Issue | User getting BP/BC/TC/Job checkbox checked in Grid view when user checked checkbox from grid view and move to label view and again move to Label view
SAS-27202 Continuous loader is displayed on test conflict popup when user clicks “Yes” button on sync cancel confirmation popup provided that test conflict/encryption password providing popup is displayed on screen.
SAS-27180 IE11 specific||Guid is displayed in place of dataset name in session dashboard on IE11 browser.
SAS-27178 SR|Execution Result| Method does not exist notification is appearing when user performing open in new tab option.
SAS-27170 Wrong message “Replica successfully done.” displayed on popup when user performs “RestoreTo” functionality using a backup.
SAS-27040 Field to fill source project’s data encryption password is not available on “Create Branch” popup even though folder selected for branch creation contains encrypted data.
SAS-26981 Accelerator Replica Issue | There should be a proper message displayed on screen when user try to perform replica with single user through multiple tabs
SAS-26893 Accelerator Replica Issue | Replica progress UI is not visible when user click on minimize option
SAS-26836 Wrong success popup with wrong text and button is displayed after completion of “Create Branch” process.
SAS-26752 All processes during syncing should be combined together to one progress bar instead of separate progress bar for each process.
SAS-26540 FL|Details Tab| Intellecense list should be display again when user once clear a single angular brace or clearing the text.
SAS-25816 Coded FL auto highlight UI Issue | User not properly getting description of coded FL error on tooltip when user compile the code and mouse hover on Error
SAS-25166 Some validation required on UI level for Integer and Double data type in ADG
SAS-24872 UI of grouping done in BP between added steps (i.e. multiple BCs) are not visible in TC on accelerator platform.
SAS-23926 Accelerator || IE || Tags || Getting error “Unable to Find selected Tag, it might have been deleted.Kindly refresh.” whenever user Add Tag .
SAS-23308 Data-set is displayed for session under business process detailed report which are not executed using LDR on session dashboard in accelerator platform.
SAS-23167 Wrong order(Different order from which user has added and has been executed) of datasets is displayed under each testcases displayed under business process detailed report section on session dashboard.
SAS-21957 Sequence contain no element while opening LDR on SAS end or Salesforce URL
SAS-21100 CodedFL || When importing a package from associated jar then colon at end of the statement is not getting added.
SAS-17995 MBT /TOUR AND HELP | User is not directed to respective link information.
SAS-14003 Object available on Object input argument OR tree is getting duplicated when user refreshes OR tree on TC/FL.


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