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32.2 Opkey Release – 5.45

New Features

Integration of Bamboo with OpKey

Bamboo is a popular Command Line Integration (CLI) tool which has now been integrated with the OpKey. By using Bamboo environment, you can easily execute OpKey Suites through command line syntax. You need to add OpKey Jar given by OpKey team and integrate Bamboo with the OpKey. Being a CLI tool, you need to use commands (syntax) and trigger Suite execution. You can also schedule multiple Suites for execution.
There are some environments which are not supported for test execution by using Bamboo so far. They are OpKey Cloud, pCloudy, BrowserStack, Run with Tag version, Scheduler, Grid Execution, Portal, Runtime Global Variable, Collection, List, Secure String, Randomize Object & Highlight object. Support for test execution using Bamboo on these environments will be delivered in forthcoming releases.

Improvements in Collection Variable feature
Newly added Collection Variable feature has various improvements in this OpKey release. Now, it is available with Local Data Repository (LDR), MBT (input parameter & output parameter, Custom Keywords, Function Library (Input parameter & output parameter) etc. Audit Trails tab in dockable panel, now contain information related to Collection variable editing. You can also sync & make replica of artifacts collection variables & modify global Collection variables at runtime. You can use the Collection & KeyValuePair type of variable by using specific keywords which are created for these keywords. There are few additional new keywords added in this release corresponding to the Collection & KeyValuePair variable type. They are given below:

  1. AddItemInCollection
  2. AddItemInKeyValuePairCollection
  3. SetGlobalVariableCollection
  4. GetValueFromKeyValuePair
  5. GetKeyFromKeyValuePair

Improvement in Coded Function Library
The functionality of Coded Function Library has now been optimized significantly. The Intellisense feature comes in action even when you work with your Private Functions. It would suggest you some relevant popup list of files & functions from where you can select as required.

Optimized speed of Debug mode of Execution
The debug mode of test execution has now been optimized significantly in this OpKey release. Previously there was an inherent 2 seconds delay after every keyword, running in Debug Mode of execution. In addition, it was taking a bit more time to start test execution due to this inherent wait but now it waits only for 20 milliseconds between every step so that the Debugger Window can function properly. Thus, the overall speed of test execution has been optimized.

Execution Session Limit & Multiple deletion
Now, there is a limit of 1000 execution sessions per project. When count of executed sessions reached to 1000, you need to delete old executed sessions from execution result. You would be unable to perform execution once execution session count reached to 1000. In fact, large number of execution sessions results slowness of working with OpKey. Now, user can delete multiple session by selecting desired sessions through checkbox.

Sparkin feature improvement
There are some important improvements in Sparkin feature delivered in this OpKey release. Now, you can sync, import, export, make replica of Sparkin files. In addition, you can also map Sparkin scenarios with TMT & Jira so that automatic bug can be logged & associated bug can be updated as well.

Improved visibility of OR Object
The visibility of the fetched OR object has now been improved. When objects are fetched through recording, now size of the fetched object may be up to 1MB which will have optimized visibility.

Other Improvements
Performance of the test execution using heavy LDR, has been optimized significantly. There is filter in Execution Result using which you can search desired session easily.

Breaking Changes

OpKey WEb Plugin improvemnts:

There are some major improvement changes done in the functionality & behavior of OpKey Web in this OpKey Release. These changes results quick & smart object recognition for performing respective action during test execution. So, here are the points describing the behavioral changes done:

  1. If multiple objects (>5) are found during finding an element by any property, filter out invisible objects to see if object can be identified uniquely. Otherwise, move to the other property & search for it.
  2. First search all elements by tagName and then search for the element by specific property using elements found (This need to be done using FindByJavascript).
  3. We have two finders in our OpKey Web Plugin: JavaScript & Selenium. It first searches by using JavaScript. In case JavaScript is unable to find an object, it try to find it by Selenium. This is the existing behavior. As per new changes, now findByJavaScript will also return multiple objects (similar to findBySelenium). The decision whether to use the object or continue the search will be same as existing implementation of FindBySelenium.
  4. Implement TextContent and InnerText provided by recorder and in plugin.

Matrix explaining the OpKey Web Plugin changes:

Object not visible but available in DOM

Keyword Type

Previous Behavior

New Behavior
















Object available in DOM and visible also

Keyword Type

Previous Behavior

New Behavior
















Major Bug Fixes

Issue Key Summary
SAS-22623 Copy-Paste|Replica| Unable to create replica or copy-paste of OR and getting exception i.e. System.ArgumentNullException: Buffer cannot be null.
SAS-22636 SR | getting exception when editing SR
SAS-22093 Unable to execute suite through Cloud Agent.
SAS-21683 Java Recorder || GanttProject* : Recorded steps of application are not getting play on playback .
SAS-21728 Java Playback || yED Graph Editor : Java_wait for window is not working and it fails to call / play any steps of application on playback
SAS-21746 Java Playback || Java Common application : Java_select item from list is not working or fails to play element on playback
SAS-22506 Grid Execution|Scheduler| Unable to execute Run through Grid and Scheduler.
SAS-22472 FL/TC|Object Image| Getting exception i.e. Array cannot be null. Parameter name: bytes
SAS-19139 Sleep, SF_SelectCheckBox & SF_TypeTextOnEdit box is getting failed while execution.
SAS-22023 Oracle App | Run are not executing on Oracle App
SAS-22352 JavaPlayback || GanttProject || jd-Gui || Java_SelectItemFromList getting failed with message “Item not present in JList :”.
SAS-21991 JavaRecorder || Java_DoubleClick Keyword recorded in both Grid and Div but not added in FL Steps.
SAS-22046 JavaRecorder || None of the control recorded in recorder grid if it contains [“”] Double Quotes in its contents.
SAS-22007 Exception get occurred for Win_TypeSecureText keyword.
SAS-21987 JavaRecorder || Java controls not recorded in Any Application Mode.
SAS-21661 Keywords getting skipped even when only one data input argument i.e Index remains blank
SAS-22375 JavaPlayback || ArgoUML || Bottom Factory || Java_TypeTextOnEditBox, Java_Click, Java_SelectDropDownItem, Java_SelectItemFromList keyword getting failed in ArgoUML Application Bottom Factory.
SAS-22577 Recorder|Capture Image| If user capture image more than 64 Kb then notification should be display to the user.
SAS-22405 JavaRecorder || Applcitaion Specific || jxProject_2.7.1.4 || Java_DoubleClick recorded two times whenever a user double click on the row.
SAS-22040 VarifyButtonDisabled : Keyword fails to verify disable element from web page
SAS-22039 VerifyRadioButtonNotSelected || Keyword get fails to verify not selected radio button by index
SAS-22574 ChromeRecorder | TextContent attribute is not getting any value when user recorder through chrome recorder.
SAS-22144 MBT | Default value of input parameter is not getting reflected under FL input parameter .
SAS-22615 Chrome_Recorder /Mouse hover | Property text contents is getting recorded when user record the script.
SAS-22526 At first click UI of keyvalue pair data type is blank
SAS-20715 Artifacts (FL with input parameter in TC or BC in BP) will not get imported or synced if once imported/synced and then delete at destination
SAS-21715 Java Playback || SoapUI 5.3.0 : Sometime some recorded steps are not getting call or play by playback.
SAS-21705 Java Playback || jEdit : When user increase size of popup ” Tip of the day ” It give scratched UI ” Like bar-code “
SAS-22593 Keyvaluepair data type in CFL
SAS-21971 DR|Import| Getting exception i.e. Object reference not set to an instance of an object.
SAS-22244 JavaPlayback || Java_TypeTextOnEditBox getting failed.
SAS-21988 JavaRecorder || Java_TypeTextOnEditBox getting failed with Object Not Found.
SAS-22576 ChromeAddon || Recorder : InnerText is missing from property of TypeTextInTextArea , and TextContent get appeared .
SAS-22587 JS Playback || Elements are getting fails to find by TextContent and InnerText Element , when user cheacked as IsUsed .
SAS-22460 Associated libraries are not getting saved after selection Keyword Management wizard.
SAS-21924 SR Issue : User is adding a input parameter through “XML” and “Header” but suddenly , user try to delete that added parameter then message displayed “Unable to delete method ” it is used in some higher component
SAS-22549 JS Playback || Workday : WD_TypeSecureText ,WD_ClickButton and sometime WD_click keyword is not getting any locator for their element and not print any data on console .
SAS-19927 Chrome Add-on || ShadowDOM || Unable to record the elements in shadow DOM under iframe on https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/HTML/Element/select
SAS-20477 Loader UI is continuously getting displayed when user clicks “Cancel” button on “Auto-Start” browser popup on model while auto starting MBT utility.
SAS-22385 JavaRecorder || JDeveloper Studio|| Application Specific || Win_LaunchApplication get recorded for this particular java application.
SAS-21795 Logs are coming in distorted way
SAS-21861 Random /FL/Input parameter | Exception “Until the serializedDtoString improper or is not a guid” occurs when user provide value under mobile keyword.
SAS-22431 Values are not getting picked for Keyvaluepair type data arguments when given data through Input parameter of KeyvaluePair data type.
SAS-22207 Format of keyvalue pair in Audit trails or data input arguments
SAS-22422 OR| Unable to open the object image if user crop the image through recorder.
SAS-10408 Custom Keyword | Behavior of close button is not working properly.
SAS-10391 Custom Keyword | Wrong behavior of close button under custom field.
SAS-22374 OR| User should be able to view the thumbnail image on clicking the image under OR from right side panel.
SAS-22373 FL/TC|OR| Thumbnail image is not displaying in OR.
SAS-A51:B70 JavaRecorder || Application Specific || IntelliJ IDEA 2017.2 x64 ||For first time Java_WaitForWindow not recorded in Recorder Grid and DIV when user start recording in Any Application Mode for this Application.
SAS-22570 Jar files are not in Keyword Management Wizard
SAS-22513 JavaRecorder || Win_LaunchApplication get recorded for Java Application.
SAS-21979 JavaRecorder || Keyword Java_SelectDropDownItem getting failed.
SAS-22511 JS Playback || Workday : Fails to find some elements by any locator .
SAS-22414 JS Playback || While having a playback with autoscout24.com , zip/city type box elements are fails to found the locator ( Present CSS & Xpath ) , from which it get the path of recorded element in console of F12
SAS-22425 JS playback | While having already ClassName (Which is also unique ), JavaScript skipped it and return ( By querySelectorAll: 1 VM1232:502 Found by CSS unique element ) By CSS
SAS-22353 JavaPlayback || GanttProject || Java_SelectDropDownItem getting failed with Object Does Not Exist.
SAS-22547 Mobile Management || While uploading any application(.apk) in Mobile Management , the loader shows only 100% status even when it just starts uploading
SAS-21597 Error pop up for having message “value will be removed” available, when user changes data type from Key-Value to String
SAS-22501 Filter|Execution Result| Build status calendar is displaying in the filter of execution result tree.
SAS-21227 FL/BC|Input Parameter|LOV| New value which is moved to next page should be unselected and select all check box should get unseleted.
SAS-22527 Object_Image|FL|TC| Getting exception i.e. Object reference not set to an instance of an object.
SAS-21690 TC/FL/ FL-Viewer | Exception “Unknown primary object type ‘Flow’ ” occurs when user delete added step from FL when user expand FL viewer.
SAS-20537 Last executed build name is not getting saved in “Execution wizard” of Tag Execution.
SAS-22406 GetKeyFromKeyValuePair and GetValueFromKeyValuePair keyword is getting pass when blank value is passed.
SAS-22135 FL/FLOW CHART | Loader gets stuck when user switch for Flowchart to normal.
SAS-22358 snapshot of execution results are not visible and a black screen is available in “Captured Screen” of execution result when flows are executed
SAS-21751 Playback || Sel_WD || Keyword “MouseHover” is getting Fakepass
SAS-22029 JavaRecorder || Java_SelectTreeItem not recorded in grid for few specific controls.
SA+A71:B90S-A51:B70 Sel_WD || Keyword “Web_SelectRadioButtonByText” is getting failed.
SAS-22436 Update TMT check box is disabled in TC if QC/ALM/TFS/Qtest is configured
SAS-22418 Detailed logs should be provided for execution in Debug Mode.
SAS-22299 FL/TC | Loader get stucked when user login to SAAS .
SAS-21741 FL/OUTPUT PARAMETER | User is not able to delete output parameter.
SAS-22363 Object reference exception is coming if convert any data type to keyvaluepair in FL input parameter
SAS-22097 UI of Tag is not correct
SAS-21973 Jenkins| Unable to execute run on pCloudy through jenkins as devices are not getting saved.
SAS-21912 Global Variable || SR : When user change the data type of global variable which is already added ( Int to Secured string ) through Global variable in input Data, and give run to steps , it changed data type into secured string and give exceptions in logs
SAS-22356 JS Playback : JavaScript is fails to get the locator of button with clickButton keyword
SAS-20393 Desktop Recorder ||Abricotine Application: Typetext does not record additional console window getting open
SAS-22031 GetEditBoxName /Keyword | No output data is getting visible when GetEditBoxName keyword passes sucessfully.
SAS-21960 Coded_FL || When No plugin assign in Project and saving a code in CFL , throws Exception
SAS-22143 JavaRecoreder || Java_SelectDropDownItem not recorded in Recorder Grid in case whenever user select any drive like C, D, E from a dropdown.
SAS-22141 JavaRecorder || Java_Click Keyword getting failed with Object does not exist.
SAS-22354 JavaPlayback || GanttProject || Menu Items not properly open whenever user click on the menu items after closing an opened child window.
SAS-19880 Sel_WD_3.13 || GetTableCellText and VerifyFullTableText is getting output as “null” in case of blank cell
SAS-21282 SR || Entered User Name and Password in Authentication Credentials under SR comes in Base 64 format in Function Call.
SAS-21959 JavaRecorder || Select_ItemFromList recorded two times whenever user double click item list.
SAS-22145 Execution getting failed with “Object does not exist” for keywords which controls having Double Quotes in Name or in X-path.
SAS-21830 Java Recorder || Ultra Mixer : Wrong Data getting record in Java_WaitForWindow Keyword and wrong keyword getting recorded o click over the obbject
SAS-21541 CFL || Space is missing in between LocalVariable name and it description.
SAS-22377 “Web_DeSelectCheckBoxByText” and “Web_SelectCheckBoxByText” keywords are not working and message “Object Not Found” occurs, while object was visible.
SAS-21893 Java Recorder || Rec.Div : Info Icon Doesnot show info in Dom Column
SAS-21538 Workday || Incorrect X-Path captured for Search Field control whenever user record the object through Smart Recorder/ChromeAdon.
SAS-22237 If user getting 504 timeout then balloon popup’s text is not properly aligned.
SAS-20572 Login Page should only appear on Opkey App tab. It should not be redirected into Home tab.
SAS-22139 User is not able to Stop or Pause the execution with message “Unable to Communicate with Agent– Agent Deleted–“.
SAS-21961 JavaRecorder || Java_SelectItemFromList get recorded in place of Java_RightClick whenever user Right click on List item.
SAS-21956 JavaRecorder || Check Box not recorded in the Recorder Grid while it is recorded in Div.
SAS-21970 JavaRecorder || Radio Button not recorded in Recorder Grid while it is recorded in DIV.
SAS-21056 Concurrent License Issue | User getting “Null” for Idle user and when user try to logout and click on refresh option it is visible again
SAS-21060 Concurrent License Issue | Logged out user appears on login/logout panel when user click on refresh option
SAS-22043 Concurrent License Issue | User not able to login Even user limit is not exceeded
SAS-21977 JavaRecorder || Java_SelectItemFromList getting failed with Object Not Found.
SAS-21978 JavaRecorder || Control not recorded in Recorder Grid and Div when user click on this control.
SAS-22009 Java_LaunchApplication get recorded when user launch a Desktop Application.
SAS-22012 JavaRecorder || Application Specific || Java_Click not recorded in Grid while recorded in DIV when user click on the control.
SAS-21891 CFL || Distorted Execution result page UI. 1366*768
SAS-21968 JavaRecorder || Close button not recorded whenever user click on it to close the window.
SAS-21096 Chrome Extension || NavigateTo keyword is not getting added after navigating to a website in Chrome AddOn.
SAS-18395 Oracle EBS|Java 6| Getting exception in recorder window i.e. Agent jar is loaded but agent fail to initialize.
SAS-22600 JavaPlayBack || NetBeans IDE || Application Specific || Java_TypeTextOnEditBox getting failed.
SAS-21936 Edge Specific| Alignment of text and icon is not proper in data input argument.
SAS-22482 JavaRecorder || Net Beans IDE || Application Specific || Java_DoubleClick recorded two times with different objects when user double click on the control.
SAS-22613 Use default value is not editable and drop down are not getting open on Mac safari
SAS-22505 When refreshing CodedFL after creating new one getting exception at server side.
SAS-22044 Scheduler| Auto scroll is not working when user schedule the suite or job.
SAS-22484 JavaRecorder || Net Beans IDE || Java_SelectItemFromList getting fake pass.
SAS-22579 JavaRecorder || Application Specific || NetBeans IDE || TypeText keyword get recorded without data in both Recorder Grid and DIV.
SAS-21818 UI issue on alert message when try to add same element twice in OR
SAS-22480 JavaRecorder || Net Beans IDE || Application Specific || Provided value in the edit box not coming in the Data Field of Recorder Grid while its coming in the DIV.
SAS-22424 OR| When user click on the object image under OR then on clicking the image flickering is appearing and hidden text is displaying.
SAS-22052 AddDateTime Keyword || Date getting revert to current date whenever user change time of future/past date under Data input argument in TC/FL
SAS-22357 JavaPlayback || GanttProject || Java_SelectItemFromList getting Pass with message “java.lang.NullPointerException”.
SAS-20125 Sel_JS || WebSelectListItem is unable to find element inside frame giving ONF and STO
SAS-22049 Global Variable || List | Whenever user Add List datatype and try to add value then pop up of list gets disappear.
SAS-19184 Sel_JS_3.13 || IE Driver(3.13.0) crashed on Win7 64 bit machine (Browser IE11)
SAS-20127 Dashboard | Issue whenever user cancel the pop up .
SAS-22362 In FL input parameter when change data type from Keyvalueapair to string or vice-versa then value should get deleted
SAS-21660 Scheduler| It should display No Plugin Required in Plugin Name field if user used system keyword and webservice keyword in its flow and schedule its suite and job.
SAS-22076 Suite| UI| Text getting overlap in search box field.
SAS-22011 GetEditBoxLength | GetEditBoxlength keyword gets length when user mapped it with Radio object.
SAS-22430 JavaRecorder || NetBeans IDE 8.2 || Java_SelectDropDownItem get recorded in place of Java_SelectItemFromList when user click on List Item.
SAS-21903 Maker Checker || Admin || Wrong Paging no. & entries count not displaying in State Audit trail under Admin.
SAS-19939 Sel_JS_3.13|| 2x Speed || Plugin Settings are not getting back to default setting after installing or replacing the new Selenium-JS build ( as it is fetching value from %temp%–>local–>SeleniumJS.xml )
SAS-22034 Concurrent License issue | User getting exception when user try to login with valid credential
SAS-22075 Salasforce||3.14 || SF_SelectWindow keyword is closes the child window
SAS-21994 JavaRecorder || Java_Click keyword get recorded two times in Grid and Div whenever user click on specific control.
SAS-22504 JavaPlayback || GanttProject || Java_SelectItemFromList Keyword getting Pass with message “java.lang.NullPointerException” for Application Specific controls.
SAS-22516 JS playback |Workday : Returning wrong data on console (F12) , element get find by class and return “Found by css unique”
SAS-22098 Remarks not getting saved on Execution result
SAS-21976 JavaRecorder || Win_LaunchApplication get recorded in Recorder Grid when user launch a java application.
SAS-22187 Chrome_addons || There should be a placeholder for date-time format in data input argument(value) of SF_SetDateTime keyword
SAS-21754 Sel_JS_3.14 || Keyword “MouseHover” functionality not visible at Playback time

Known Issues

Issue ID Summary
SAS-21774 MBT|LOV|Input Parameter| If user delete 2nd page values then selected values of 1st page getting unselected.
SAS-21561 Spock agent issue | If in between execution connection is lost then session is not continue and message appears on screen “Channel and connection has broken”
SAS-21768 Spock Agent Issue | User not getting Snapshots when user execute Desktop flow through Desktop plugin
SAS-21770 Spock Agent Issue | Tunnel connection automatically broken when user execute flow which is more than 1 hour on our network
SAS-21791 Spock Agent issue | Native player still running in Task manager when user execute flow of Opkey Desktop keywords through Desktop plugin
SAS-21268 CFL|| Icons are missing for ‘Static method’, static and non-static fields.
SAS-21219 CFL || Description of Input parameter created inside CodedFL is not visible in FL and TC.
SAS-21100 CodedFL || When importing a package from associated jar then colon at end of the statement is not getting added.
SAS-21090 SalesForce_Classic || SF_SelectDataFromPickList is giving unhand-led exception.
SAS-21016 SalesForce_Classic || Keyword “SF_Click” is getting failed with message “Object not found”.
SAS-18077 MBT (Auto-Arrange) || Model after auto-arranging model is not usable as edge labels and edges are overlapping added vertices.
SAS-20526 Grid Execution|Scheduler| Once agent is allotted and that plugin is not available on the agent then it should search another agent while notifying the message in the logs.
SAS-19267 MBT /Overlapping | Overlapping issue when user create edge from one node to another node under MBT.
SAS-20497 Accelerator|TC| Implementation of Queuing in TC at accelerator end.
SAS-20535 FL is getting opened from session result which was executed on tag basis, while left panel is having files and folders of execution result.
SAS-20351 Correct path/test case is getting displayed under “Impacted” category for “Model Test Coverage” and “Model Automation Implementation” on impact analysis window.
SAS-20255 MBT | Edge should be properly visible when user drag node in between Node and edge with less distance coverage.
SAS-20185 MBT_DragDrop | Behavior of drag and drop is not proper when user drag any node in between edge and node.
SAS-20143 MBT | Edge Overlapping issue when user link edges from one node to another node.
SAS-20073 MBT | Edge overlapping issue when user link node through edges.
SAS-19095 MBT | Drag drop issue under MBT whenever user drag node.
SAS-14003 Object available on Object input argument OR tree is getting duplicated when user refreshes OR tree on TC/FL.
SAS-18545 Recorder Auto Start || JNLP is getting downloaded even when the OpKey Smart Recorder is installed in the system (Scenario Specific).
SAS-18286 Recorder Auto Start | Firefox| Edge Browser || JNLP is not getting downloaded if OpKey Smart Recorder is not installed on the system.
SAS-15810 Connected links available on flowchart is wrongly aligned when user collapse/expand nested IF/For blocks.
SAS-15415 Folder-Replica| Getting an Exception System.TimeoutException: Timeout performing EVAL when user queue replica with 11 users.
SAS-15422 Folder-Replica|Queued Replica| Getting exception resTech.OpKey.Exceptions.DatabaseException: Fatal error encountered during data read.
SAS-16176 GDR | Audit trails are not showing correctly when deleting a row
SAS-16180 GDR | Column name is showing incorrect when adding a column after deleting 25 columns
SAS-16958 Gherkin | Browser hangs when press enter after giving space in statements
SAS-14167 Input Parameter|| Once FL is called in TC,If we change data type as file type to string, and if we refresh TC, in data input argument, attached file continue to be shown.
SAS-16211 Intellisense Coded_FL Issue | user getting object intelisense outside of the Scope
SAS-18504 Unable to sync “861” Business Component from accelerator.stg to qa1.stg while only two user’s were performing sync operation.
SAS-15422 Folder-Replica|Queued Replica| Getting exception resTech.OpKey.Exceptions.DatabaseException: Fatal error encountered during data read.
SAS-15415 Folder-Replica| Getting an Exception System.TimeoutException: Timeout performing EVAL when user queue replica with 11 users.
SAS-15326 Negative Scenario|Folder-Replica| An Exception when user delete on going replica folder then CresTech.OpKey.Exceptions.ForeignKeyFailedException: Upsert failed as some referenced entity doesnt exist.
SAS-15810 Connected links available on flowchart is wrongly aligned when user collapse/expand nested IF/For blocks.
SAS-14003 Object available on Object input argument OR tree is getting duplicated when user refreshes OR tree on TC/FL.
SAS-15693 MBT|Replica| Getting Exception when user create replica of MBT i.e. System.NotImplementedException: The method or operation is not implemented.
SAS-13648 Oracle 2.0 Playback || Oracle_SyncForm keyword needs implementation.
SAS-14209 Sync Issue | Global Variable not reflected when user use all global variable inside Dynamic Object and try to sync
SAS-14105 QC | Wrong Status displaying of Report which was created through Opkey on ALM. Also, zero count displaying on report.
SAS-14003 Object available on Object input argument OR tree is getting duplicated when user refreshes OR tree on TC/FL.
SAS-17451 Chrome Extension || User should be able to add Chrome AddOn when OpKey Web is open in incognito window from Start Recording Button and Download Center.
SAS-17452 Chrome AddOn || User should be able to launch ChromeAddOn from Start Recording and Download Center when OpKey Web is open in Incognito Window.
SAS-17336 Chrome AddOn | Live View || Any modification done on the recording grid should also be reflected on Live Recording View.
SAS-14655 Chrome Extension | OpKey Smart Recorder Windiw || ObjectImage property with object’s image is not coming.
SAS-14642 Chrome Extension | OpKey Smart Recorder Window || There should be a toggle switch to record Desktop as well as Web applications.
SAS-16683 Chrome Extension || Chrome AddOn should start in AddToOR when OpKey Web is open in Chrome.


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