Issue Key |
Summary |
SAS-22623 |
Copy-Paste|Replica| Unable to create replica or copy-paste of OR and getting exception i.e. System.ArgumentNullException: Buffer cannot be null. |
SAS-22636 |
SR | getting exception when editing SR |
SAS-22093 |
Unable to execute suite through Cloud Agent. |
SAS-21683 |
Java Recorder || GanttProject* : Recorded steps of application are not getting play on playback . |
SAS-21728 |
Java Playback || yED Graph Editor : Java_wait for window is not working and it fails to call / play any steps of application on playback |
SAS-21746 |
Java Playback || Java Common application : Java_select item from list is not working or fails to play element on playback |
SAS-22506 |
Grid Execution|Scheduler| Unable to execute Run through Grid and Scheduler. |
SAS-22472 |
FL/TC|Object Image| Getting exception i.e. Array cannot be null. Parameter name: bytes |
SAS-19139 |
Sleep, SF_SelectCheckBox & SF_TypeTextOnEdit box is getting failed while execution. |
SAS-22023 |
Oracle App | Run are not executing on Oracle App |
SAS-22352 |
JavaPlayback || GanttProject || jd-Gui || Java_SelectItemFromList getting failed with message “Item not present in JList :”. |
SAS-21991 |
JavaRecorder || Java_DoubleClick Keyword recorded in both Grid and Div but not added in FL Steps. |
SAS-22046 |
JavaRecorder || None of the control recorded in recorder grid if it contains [“”] Double Quotes in its contents. |
SAS-22007 |
Exception get occurred for Win_TypeSecureText keyword. |
SAS-21987 |
JavaRecorder || Java controls not recorded in Any Application Mode. |
SAS-21661 |
Keywords getting skipped even when only one data input argument i.e Index remains blank |
SAS-22375 |
JavaPlayback || ArgoUML || Bottom Factory || Java_TypeTextOnEditBox, Java_Click, Java_SelectDropDownItem, Java_SelectItemFromList keyword getting failed in ArgoUML Application Bottom Factory. |
SAS-22577 |
Recorder|Capture Image| If user capture image more than 64 Kb then notification should be display to the user. |
SAS-22405 |
JavaRecorder || Applcitaion Specific || jxProject_2.7.1.4 || Java_DoubleClick recorded two times whenever a user double click on the row. |
SAS-22040 |
VarifyButtonDisabled : Keyword fails to verify disable element from web page |
SAS-22039 |
VerifyRadioButtonNotSelected || Keyword get fails to verify not selected radio button by index |
SAS-22574 |
ChromeRecorder | TextContent attribute is not getting any value when user recorder through chrome recorder. |
SAS-22144 |
MBT | Default value of input parameter is not getting reflected under FL input parameter . |
SAS-22615 |
Chrome_Recorder /Mouse hover | Property text contents is getting recorded when user record the script. |
SAS-22526 |
At first click UI of keyvalue pair data type is blank |
SAS-20715 |
Artifacts (FL with input parameter in TC or BC in BP) will not get imported or synced if once imported/synced and then delete at destination |
SAS-21715 |
Java Playback || SoapUI 5.3.0 : Sometime some recorded steps are not getting call or play by playback. |
SAS-21705 |
Java Playback || jEdit : When user increase size of popup ” Tip of the day ” It give scratched UI ” Like bar-code “ |
SAS-22593 |
Keyvaluepair data type in CFL |
SAS-21971 |
DR|Import| Getting exception i.e. Object reference not set to an instance of an object. |
SAS-22244 |
JavaPlayback || Java_TypeTextOnEditBox getting failed. |
SAS-21988 |
JavaRecorder || Java_TypeTextOnEditBox getting failed with Object Not Found. |
SAS-22576 |
ChromeAddon || Recorder : InnerText is missing from property of TypeTextInTextArea , and TextContent get appeared . |
SAS-22587 |
JS Playback || Elements are getting fails to find by TextContent and InnerText Element , when user cheacked as IsUsed . |
SAS-22460 |
Associated libraries are not getting saved after selection Keyword Management wizard. |
SAS-21924 |
SR Issue : User is adding a input parameter through “XML” and “Header” but suddenly , user try to delete that added parameter then message displayed “Unable to delete method ” it is used in some higher component |
SAS-22549 |
JS Playback || Workday : WD_TypeSecureText ,WD_ClickButton and sometime WD_click keyword is not getting any locator for their element and not print any data on console . |
SAS-19927 |
Chrome Add-on || ShadowDOM || Unable to record the elements in shadow DOM under iframe on |
SAS-20477 |
Loader UI is continuously getting displayed when user clicks “Cancel” button on “Auto-Start” browser popup on model while auto starting MBT utility. |
SAS-22385 |
JavaRecorder || JDeveloper Studio|| Application Specific || Win_LaunchApplication get recorded for this particular java application. |
SAS-21795 |
Logs are coming in distorted way |
SAS-21861 |
Random /FL/Input parameter | Exception “Until the serializedDtoString improper or is not a guid” occurs when user provide value under mobile keyword. |
SAS-22431 |
Values are not getting picked for Keyvaluepair type data arguments when given data through Input parameter of KeyvaluePair data type. |
SAS-22207 |
Format of keyvalue pair in Audit trails or data input arguments |
SAS-22422 |
OR| Unable to open the object image if user crop the image through recorder. |
SAS-10408 |
Custom Keyword | Behavior of close button is not working properly. |
SAS-10391 |
Custom Keyword | Wrong behavior of close button under custom field. |
SAS-22374 |
OR| User should be able to view the thumbnail image on clicking the image under OR from right side panel. |
SAS-22373 |
FL/TC|OR| Thumbnail image is not displaying in OR. |
SAS-A51:B70 |
JavaRecorder || Application Specific || IntelliJ IDEA 2017.2 x64 ||For first time Java_WaitForWindow not recorded in Recorder Grid and DIV when user start recording in Any Application Mode for this Application. |
SAS-22570 |
Jar files are not in Keyword Management Wizard |
SAS-22513 |
JavaRecorder || Win_LaunchApplication get recorded for Java Application. |
SAS-21979 |
JavaRecorder || Keyword Java_SelectDropDownItem getting failed. |
SAS-22511 |
JS Playback || Workday : Fails to find some elements by any locator . |
SAS-22414 |
JS Playback || While having a playback with , zip/city type box elements are fails to found the locator ( Present CSS & Xpath ) , from which it get the path of recorded element in console of F12 |
SAS-22425 |
JS playback | While having already ClassName (Which is also unique ), JavaScript skipped it and return ( By querySelectorAll: 1 VM1232:502 Found by CSS unique element ) By CSS |
SAS-22353 |
JavaPlayback || GanttProject || Java_SelectDropDownItem getting failed with Object Does Not Exist. |
SAS-22547 |
Mobile Management || While uploading any application(.apk) in Mobile Management , the loader shows only 100% status even when it just starts uploading |
SAS-21597 |
Error pop up for having message “value will be removed” available, when user changes data type from Key-Value to String |
SAS-22501 |
Filter|Execution Result| Build status calendar is displaying in the filter of execution result tree. |
SAS-21227 |
FL/BC|Input Parameter|LOV| New value which is moved to next page should be unselected and select all check box should get unseleted. |
SAS-22527 |
Object_Image|FL|TC| Getting exception i.e. Object reference not set to an instance of an object. |
SAS-21690 |
TC/FL/ FL-Viewer | Exception “Unknown primary object type ‘Flow’ ” occurs when user delete added step from FL when user expand FL viewer. |
SAS-20537 |
Last executed build name is not getting saved in “Execution wizard” of Tag Execution. |
SAS-22406 |
GetKeyFromKeyValuePair and GetValueFromKeyValuePair keyword is getting pass when blank value is passed. |
SAS-22135 |
FL/FLOW CHART | Loader gets stuck when user switch for Flowchart to normal. |
SAS-22358 |
snapshot of execution results are not visible and a black screen is available in “Captured Screen” of execution result when flows are executed |
SAS-21751 |
Playback || Sel_WD || Keyword “MouseHover” is getting Fakepass |
SAS-22029 |
JavaRecorder || Java_SelectTreeItem not recorded in grid for few specific controls. |
SA+A71:B90S-A51:B70 |
Sel_WD || Keyword “Web_SelectRadioButtonByText” is getting failed. |
SAS-22436 |
Update TMT check box is disabled in TC if QC/ALM/TFS/Qtest is configured |
SAS-22418 |
Detailed logs should be provided for execution in Debug Mode. |
SAS-22299 |
FL/TC | Loader get stucked when user login to SAAS . |
SAS-21741 |
FL/OUTPUT PARAMETER | User is not able to delete output parameter. |
SAS-22363 |
Object reference exception is coming if convert any data type to keyvaluepair in FL input parameter |
SAS-22097 |
UI of Tag is not correct |
SAS-21973 |
Jenkins| Unable to execute run on pCloudy through jenkins as devices are not getting saved. |
SAS-21912 |
Global Variable || SR : When user change the data type of global variable which is already added ( Int to Secured string ) through Global variable in input Data, and give run to steps , it changed data type into secured string and give exceptions in logs |
SAS-22356 |
JS Playback : JavaScript is fails to get the locator of button with clickButton keyword |
SAS-20393 |
Desktop Recorder ||Abricotine Application: Typetext does not record additional console window getting open |
SAS-22031 |
GetEditBoxName /Keyword | No output data is getting visible when GetEditBoxName keyword passes sucessfully. |
SAS-21960 |
Coded_FL || When No plugin assign in Project and saving a code in CFL , throws Exception |
SAS-22143 |
JavaRecoreder || Java_SelectDropDownItem not recorded in Recorder Grid in case whenever user select any drive like C, D, E from a dropdown. |
SAS-22141 |
JavaRecorder || Java_Click Keyword getting failed with Object does not exist. |
SAS-22354 |
JavaPlayback || GanttProject || Menu Items not properly open whenever user click on the menu items after closing an opened child window. |
SAS-19880 |
Sel_WD_3.13 || GetTableCellText and VerifyFullTableText is getting output as “null” in case of blank cell |
SAS-21282 |
SR || Entered User Name and Password in Authentication Credentials under SR comes in Base 64 format in Function Call. |
SAS-21959 |
JavaRecorder || Select_ItemFromList recorded two times whenever user double click item list. |
SAS-22145 |
Execution getting failed with “Object does not exist” for keywords which controls having Double Quotes in Name or in X-path. |
SAS-21830 |
Java Recorder || Ultra Mixer : Wrong Data getting record in Java_WaitForWindow Keyword and wrong keyword getting recorded o click over the obbject |
SAS-21541 |
CFL || Space is missing in between LocalVariable name and it description. |
SAS-22377 |
“Web_DeSelectCheckBoxByText” and “Web_SelectCheckBoxByText” keywords are not working and message “Object Not Found” occurs, while object was visible. |
SAS-21893 |
Java Recorder || Rec.Div : Info Icon Doesnot show info in Dom Column |
SAS-21538 |
Workday || Incorrect X-Path captured for Search Field control whenever user record the object through Smart Recorder/ChromeAdon. |
SAS-22237 |
If user getting 504 timeout then balloon popup’s text is not properly aligned. |
SAS-20572 |
Login Page should only appear on Opkey App tab. It should not be redirected into Home tab. |
SAS-22139 |
User is not able to Stop or Pause the execution with message “Unable to Communicate with Agent– Agent Deleted–“. |
SAS-21961 |
JavaRecorder || Java_SelectItemFromList get recorded in place of Java_RightClick whenever user Right click on List item. |
SAS-21956 |
JavaRecorder || Check Box not recorded in the Recorder Grid while it is recorded in Div. |
SAS-21970 |
JavaRecorder || Radio Button not recorded in Recorder Grid while it is recorded in DIV. |
SAS-21056 |
Concurrent License Issue | User getting “Null” for Idle user and when user try to logout and click on refresh option it is visible again |
SAS-21060 |
Concurrent License Issue | Logged out user appears on login/logout panel when user click on refresh option |
SAS-22043 |
Concurrent License Issue | User not able to login Even user limit is not exceeded |
SAS-21977 |
JavaRecorder || Java_SelectItemFromList getting failed with Object Not Found. |
SAS-21978 |
JavaRecorder || Control not recorded in Recorder Grid and Div when user click on this control. |
SAS-22009 |
Java_LaunchApplication get recorded when user launch a Desktop Application. |
SAS-22012 |
JavaRecorder || Application Specific || Java_Click not recorded in Grid while recorded in DIV when user click on the control. |
SAS-21891 |
CFL || Distorted Execution result page UI. 1366*768 |
SAS-21968 |
JavaRecorder || Close button not recorded whenever user click on it to close the window. |
SAS-21096 |
Chrome Extension || NavigateTo keyword is not getting added after navigating to a website in Chrome AddOn. |
SAS-18395 |
Oracle EBS|Java 6| Getting exception in recorder window i.e. Agent jar is loaded but agent fail to initialize. |
SAS-22600 |
JavaPlayBack || NetBeans IDE || Application Specific || Java_TypeTextOnEditBox getting failed. |
SAS-21936 |
Edge Specific| Alignment of text and icon is not proper in data input argument. |
SAS-22482 |
JavaRecorder || Net Beans IDE || Application Specific || Java_DoubleClick recorded two times with different objects when user double click on the control. |
SAS-22613 |
Use default value is not editable and drop down are not getting open on Mac safari |
SAS-22505 |
When refreshing CodedFL after creating new one getting exception at server side. |
SAS-22044 |
Scheduler| Auto scroll is not working when user schedule the suite or job. |
SAS-22484 |
JavaRecorder || Net Beans IDE || Java_SelectItemFromList getting fake pass. |
SAS-22579 |
JavaRecorder || Application Specific || NetBeans IDE || TypeText keyword get recorded without data in both Recorder Grid and DIV. |
SAS-21818 |
UI issue on alert message when try to add same element twice in OR |
SAS-22480 |
JavaRecorder || Net Beans IDE || Application Specific || Provided value in the edit box not coming in the Data Field of Recorder Grid while its coming in the DIV. |
SAS-22424 |
OR| When user click on the object image under OR then on clicking the image flickering is appearing and hidden text is displaying. |
SAS-22052 |
AddDateTime Keyword || Date getting revert to current date whenever user change time of future/past date under Data input argument in TC/FL |
SAS-22357 |
JavaPlayback || GanttProject || Java_SelectItemFromList getting Pass with message “java.lang.NullPointerException”. |
SAS-20125 |
Sel_JS || WebSelectListItem is unable to find element inside frame giving ONF and STO |
SAS-22049 |
Global Variable || List | Whenever user Add List datatype and try to add value then pop up of list gets disappear. |
SAS-19184 |
Sel_JS_3.13 || IE Driver(3.13.0) crashed on Win7 64 bit machine (Browser IE11) |
SAS-20127 |
Dashboard | Issue whenever user cancel the pop up . |
SAS-22362 |
In FL input parameter when change data type from Keyvalueapair to string or vice-versa then value should get deleted |
SAS-21660 |
Scheduler| It should display No Plugin Required in Plugin Name field if user used system keyword and webservice keyword in its flow and schedule its suite and job. |
SAS-22076 |
Suite| UI| Text getting overlap in search box field. |
SAS-22011 |
GetEditBoxLength | GetEditBoxlength keyword gets length when user mapped it with Radio object. |
SAS-22430 |
JavaRecorder || NetBeans IDE 8.2 || Java_SelectDropDownItem get recorded in place of Java_SelectItemFromList when user click on List Item. |
SAS-21903 |
Maker Checker || Admin || Wrong Paging no. & entries count not displaying in State Audit trail under Admin. |
SAS-19939 |
Sel_JS_3.13|| 2x Speed || Plugin Settings are not getting back to default setting after installing or replacing the new Selenium-JS build ( as it is fetching value from %temp%–>local–>SeleniumJS.xml ) |
SAS-22034 |
Concurrent License issue | User getting exception when user try to login with valid credential |
SAS-22075 |
Salasforce||3.14 || SF_SelectWindow keyword is closes the child window |
SAS-21994 |
JavaRecorder || Java_Click keyword get recorded two times in Grid and Div whenever user click on specific control. |
SAS-22504 |
JavaPlayback || GanttProject || Java_SelectItemFromList Keyword getting Pass with message “java.lang.NullPointerException” for Application Specific controls. |
SAS-22516 |
JS playback |Workday : Returning wrong data on console (F12) , element get find by class and return “Found by css unique” |
SAS-22098 |
Remarks not getting saved on Execution result |
SAS-21976 |
JavaRecorder || Win_LaunchApplication get recorded in Recorder Grid when user launch a java application. |
SAS-22187 |
Chrome_addons || There should be a placeholder for date-time format in data input argument(value) of SF_SetDateTime keyword |
SAS-21754 |
Sel_JS_3.14 || Keyword “MouseHover” functionality not visible at Playback time |