3.2 Account Registration & Getting Ready to work with Opkey
Quick Start Screencast:
Account Registration
Opkey Web is now available with 30 days of trial period. Before accessing Opkey Web, you will need to register your account. After successful account registration, the 30 day trial period begins. Opkey Account Registration is an easy process and you need to follow just few simple steps.
- Go to the Opkey Sign Up page (https://www.opkey.com/Signup), enter your Team Name, Business Email & check “I’m not a robot” checkbox as shown below.
- Your Team name must contain at least 4 characters (alpha-numeric). The given name will be the address for your team to log on to your Opkey portal.
- Enter your Email which must be a business domain name. Click on Sign Up.
- Here, you can view a popup message regarding sent verification mail on the registered email id. You need to verify your account by clicking on the given verification link with mail.
- Before login to your Opkey Web portal, you must verify and activate your account. For this, go to your mailbox and verify Opkey verification mail.
- Here, you can view the sent verification mail to the registered email. Click on Click to Verify to verify your account.
- In this step, you are required to configure your Opkey portal. Fill in all required fields and click on Register.
- Here, your Opkey resources are being allocated. It will take a while.
- Once, resources are allocated to your registered Opkey domain, you are redirected to your registered Opkey Portal.
- Fill in your valid credentials (Email & Password) and click on Login.
- You’ll be redirected to the Launchpad Homepage, where you need to launch the Opkey Web Portal.
- From here, you can select a Project upon which you want to work. In this demo, we have created a sample project named Testing with pre-built artifacts
- You can select your own created Project. You can go to the Admin section to manage users, projects, agents, etc.
- Here, you can view the Opkey Web dashboard page.
- Just within few minutes, you receive a welcome mail from Opkey. It contains few important help links (Online Help, Tutorials & Videos).
- Once all the above-mentioned tasks have been done successfully, you need to download and configure the Opkey Execution Agent to execute your tests.
- Go to the Download Center showing on Opkey dashboard and download Opkey Execution Agent.
- Once, Opkey Execution Agent gets downloaded successfully, install it on your machine by following standard installation steps: (For more details, refer: Downloading & Installing Opkey Execution Agent)
- There are a few other supporting applications that should be installed on your machine, please refer: Installing supporting components
- Now, you need to configure Opkey Execution Agent for executing your Tests. Refer to the following link for Agent Configuration: Opkey Agent Configuration
Trial Management:
While launching Opkey Web from Launchpad, you can view the number of remaining days of your trial account period.
Forgot Password
Opkey allows you to recover your forgotten password for login to Opkey Web. If you have forgotten your password then click on the Forgot Password.
- Enter your registered email ID and click on Reset Password.
- A link of reset password has been sent on the registered email id.
- Here, you can view the email sent to reset the forgotten password in OpKey. Click on the link as shown below to reset the password.
- Enter your new Opkey password from here and click on Reset Password.
- Now, you can login to Opkey by using your new password.