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  4. 34.2 How to Record Your First Test Using Opkey App

34.2 How to Record Your First Test Using Opkey App

OpKey-Continuous Test Automation is available with a whole new experience to the test automation community.

  • Record your test cases using the powerful OpKey recorder extension available in the chrome store.
  • Create and manage your entire test automation scripts.
  • Run the recorded test cases from Salesforce itself.
  • Access real-time mobile devices and browsers using our pCloudy integration.
  • OpKey Impact Analysis will save your precious debugging time by which the user can simply validate the change and update the scripts accordingly.
  • The Salesforce Scanner lets the user create Function Libraries of the Salesforce Objects

Install OpKey Recorder Extension

The first thing which the user will need here before starting recording is the OpKey Recorder extension for Chrome. This extension will enable you to record the steps required for your test automation.

  • Go to “Chrome Web Store” and search for OpKey recorder.
  • Select “OpKey Recorder” add-on.
  • Click on “Add to Chrome” button.

  • Wait for the chrome installation to complete.
  • Now you are all set to start your OpKey recording.

Record your first test using OpKey

  • Sign-in to your OpKey account by providing valid credentials.
  • OpKey Domain URL: The domain URL of your OpKey portal.
  • Username: Username available on the provided OpKey domain.
  • Password: User’s password which you have for your user in provided OpKey domain
  • Alternatively, you can also use “Try OpKey using trial domain” option for sign-in.
  • After successful sign-in, you can access Launchpad of OpKey.


  • Now let’s create a test case from option available on the Launchpad.
  • Click on “Test Case” option available under “Create New” section in Launchpad.
  • Provide a name for your test case “Test Case 1”.
  • Click on “Create” button.

  • You have successfully created a test case on your project workspace tree available under “Test Automation” tab.
  • Project workspace is a section where you can create different files like Test Case, Function Library, Object Repository, Global Data Repository, Suite and manage it using folder.

  • Open the test case which you created “Test Case 1”.
  • Click on “Record” button available on toolbar. This option will initiate the recording process.

  • A popup for object repository selection will open up. Object repository is a collection of objects of the application upon which the actions are performed during test run.
  • All the objects related to your recorded steps will be stored here.



  • Here, we have two methods of choosing an object repository for your recording.
  • Default Object Repository: If this method is selected before starting recording then all the recorded step’s objects will be stored into a newly created object repository which will be created under the folder where the current test case is present.


  • Choose Object Repository: Using this method you can choose an existing object repository that is already present on your project workspace tree.
  • Let’s start recording using the 1st method i.e. Default Object Repository.
  • Click on “Start Recording” button available on the popup.

  • Click on “Stop” button available on step capturing window when you have finished your recording .


  • Observe all the steps which were captured during the recording process has been saved into your test case now.


  • Apart from recording, you can also add the steps (i.e. keywords or existing function libraries) manually into your test case as a step.
  • Let’s add a keyword “CloseAllBrowsers” manually to the end of your recorded test which will close the browser window launched during run.
  • For adding the step manually, click on “Add” button available on the test case toolbar.

  • Search for the keyword “CloseAllBrowsers”.
  • Select the keyword and click “Add” button available on the popup.

On completion, the complete Test Script will be visible


Congratulations! You’ve successfully recorded the Test.

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