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  4. 7. Working with Test Case
  5. 7.4 Parameterizing the Test Case using Data Input Arguments

7.4 Parameterizing the Test Case using Data Input Arguments

Once the Test Case file is created, you can provide data to Test Case by using Data Input Arguments. All you need to do is

Open the Created Test Case  File in a New Tab-

Read More: How to Open the Created Test Case file in a New Tab?

You will be navigated to the Modify Test Case window. You can see the flowchart with mapped Business Components [associated with the Business Process], Start, and End boxes.

You can provide value by either by Static Data or Local Data Repository.

Static Data

 Click on the Static Data Tab. The Selected Tab will get highlighted as shown below

You will find that the Business components composed in the Business Process are being displayed.

Click on the specific Business Component Dropdown in which you wish to provide data. Click on the Provide Data Cell. Enter the Desired static value. The value provided will get displayed as follows

Click Save.

Local Data Repository

 To provide Value through  Local Data Repository, Click on the Local Data Repository Tab.  The Selected Tab will get highlighted as shown below

Now, move to the Data Cell and Click on the highlighted icon to open the Local Data Repository.

The Local Data Repository will open as a pop up as shown-

Click on the Enable Editing tab. Provide data in the Local Data Repository as shown and click Save.

Read More: Working with Local Data Repository

Getting Familiar with the Icons of Local Data Repository Tab

Similarly, You can add another Local Data Repository by clicking on the Add icon.

Is Default checkbox should be marked checked for the Local Data Repository which will provide data to the Test Case, by default.

You can also add details of the Local Data Repository in the Description column corresponding to each Local Data Repository.

Click Save.

Congratulations! You have successfully provided Data to the Test Case.


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