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  4. 6. Working with Business Process
  5. 6.6 BPMN View of the Business Process

6.6 BPMN View of the Business Process

The Business Process Designer icon on the Opkey Surge Dashboard consists of two Artifacts namely Business Component and Business Process.




There are two views in Business Process. They are Process Builder and Swim Lanes.

While creating a new Business Process, you’ll have two radio buttons to select the View Mode of a Business Process- Process Builder and Swim Lanes.

The Details tab of the Business Process in both the views displays tabs and buttons. Let us discuss about them.

It has 4 buttons of 


Save – It helps the user to save the details of the artifact.

State Maker Checker – It allows the user to publish the flow in a specific state.

Refresh – With the refresh button, user can refresh after the saved changes.

Backup – The backup button will help the user to take the backup of created tasks.


The next section is of Tags. This is present in both the Details as well as Business Process Tab.

This tab allows the user to tag the artifact to distinguish between them.

The 4 buttons alongside tag allows to 

Add the Tag with the (+) icon

Edit the Tag with the Edit icon

Delete the Tag with the Cross icon

Refresh the tag with the Refresh button


The next window alongside tags displays the name of the user who modifies the artifact. Modified by Name and Date can be seen in the right corner of artifact window.

The Information tab displays the details of Created By, Version, and ID.

Created By displays the Name of the User who created it.

Version displays the Version of the Business Process

ID displays the ID of the artifact.

Description– It allows the user to add a description of the artifact.


Next Tab is of Used By

The Used By tab displays the details about 

Name – Provides details about on which the artifact is called or used i.e the higher component.

Full Path – It contains the path of the Artifact in which the particular artifact is used on that project.

Description – This field will show any description of the artifact provided by the user.

Component Type – It will show on which artifact the particular artifact is called or used.

Impacted Info – This will inform the user whether the higher components are impacted or not. If they are impacted, the artifact will be impacted else it will display the status as False.

Impacted – This will let the user know, if the components are impacted or not.


The Audit Trial tab displays the details of activities of the user on that particular artifact.

This has fields of:


Task – This field shows the name of the activities done by the user on a task. 

Field– The activities done by the user in a particular area in the task.

Old Value– It shows the previous value of the particular field before any changes are done.

New Value– It shows the new data post the changes done.

Time Stamp– It shows the time on which any particular activities had been done.

By User- It shows the name of the user who performed the activity.


The Backup tab will have information about the backup taken of the artifact.


It has 4 headers namely:

Name contains the name of the artifact for which the backup is taken.

Number contains the number of times a backup is being taken for the artifact. It helps the user identify while restoring the artifact when the need arises. User can choose the respective number for which the artifact needs to be Restored.

Comment mentions about the backup description which helps the user identify, for what data is present on that particular backup. User can select the artifact basis its description mentioned in the comment section and take decisions accordingly, which may be either restoring or any other task.


Actions tab under BackUp is further divided into 4 sections. 

Backup Details.- It consists of 4 subsections of Information about the backup namely:

Created By– It shows the name of the user who has created the backup.

Created On– It shows the date and time  on which the backup is created.

Modified By – It shows the name of the user who has done any sort of modification on the backup of the artifact.

Modified On – It shows the date and time on which the modification has been done.

Restore Backup – Changes are reflected in the same artifact with the data on that backup version

Restore To that creates a new artifact with the data present on that particular backup version.

Delete backup that lets the user delete a certain backup version.


Under the Business Process heading user can view icons as shown below

The icons on the left corner of the window perform the following functions:

  1. Save – It allows the user to save the artifact.
  2. Discard – It allows the user to discard the Flow and its steps.
  3. Highlight Impacted Components It allows the user to highlight the Impacted Components
  4. State Maker Checker – It allows publishing the flow in a specific state.
  5. Delete – It allows the user to delete any selected node present in the graph.
  6. Zoom In – It allows the user to view the flow with Zoom View.
  7. Zoom Out – It allows the user to view the flow in Zoom out view. 
  8. RefreshWith the Refresh Button present on the extreme left, the user can refresh after the saved changes. 
  9. Create Backup – It will help the user to take a backup of the created tasks.

This Tags and Modified By section will be common for both Details as well as Business Process.

Let us have a look at Process Builder View Mode which is entirely manual. Here users have to create the workflow by dragging and dropping each node manually in the canvas and connecting them between the start and Stop node. The add button present on sequence flow allows you to add the required tasks between two tasks. And the task present after the particular task will then be auto arranged. The canvas in which the diagram is created as an infinite scrolling, so that the diagram created by the user is large enough to be easily scrolled.

For the Process Builder View, the Business Process will be created as shown in the image below.

The first icon present on the left panel, is of Show or Hide the Left Panel Button. This panel contains New Task as well as Existing task

In the New task user can drag and drop any task icon in the canvas and connect to the flow between Start and Stop Node. And post connecting users can link it with any Business Component or methods of Service Repository.

In the Existing task, the already created Business Component and Service Repository is being displayed. Users can directly drag and drop it in the canvas and connect between Start and Stop Node. 


The icon shown in the image is to Show Diagram Overview. 

As the canvas uses infinite scrolling, in the Show Diagram overview, the whole canvas is shown in a single window, so that if the user wants to move to any particular area in the canvas, then they can just click on the particular area to move over there.

The Next Icon is of Legend as shown in the image below. 


This provides the user information about the different icons consisting of respective activities like Linking the Task, Unlinking the Task, Creating the  Group, Providing Input Data, Providing Step Details, providing Output Data and Ungroup the task. 

The buttons with these icons  will be shown when the user clicks on a linked or unlinked task present in the canvas. 


Most commonly used icons of the task are placed below the Legend Icon. Users will be able to view these icons when the Show Panel in the collapse mode. By default the 10 new task icons are placed below the legend Icon. Users will be able to directly drag and drop these icons on the diagram and create the flow in the canvas.


The Corner button for Internal Impact allows the user to: 

Internal Impact lets the user view the impacted flow of the artifacts with any modifications. It highlights the areas where the modifications have been done, due to which the flow of the artifact gets impacted internally.

For the SwimLane View user can create different lanes according to flow, scenarios and scripts.

To Create the Business Process in Swim Lanes Mode, user will have to select the Swim Lanes radio button and click on Create.

Here is a look at how Swim Lanes view look like


The first icon present on the left panel, is of Show or Hide the Left Panel Button. This panel contains New Task as well as Existing task .

In the New task user can drag and drop any task icon in the canvas and connect to the flow between Start and Stop Node. And post connecting users can link it with any Business Component or methods of Service Repository.


In the Existing task, the already created Business Component and Service Repository are being displayed. Users can directly drag and drop it in the canvas and connect between Start and Stop Node. 

The Next Icon is of Legend as shown in the image below.

This provides the user information about the different icons consisting of respective activities like Linking the Task, Unlinking the Task, Creating the  Group, Providing Input Data, Providing Step Details, providing Output Data, and Ungroup the task. 

The buttons with these icons will be shown when the user clicks on a linked or unlinked task present in the canvas. 

The most commonly used icons of the task are placed below the Legend Icon. 

Users will be able to view these icons when the Show Panel is in collapse mode. By default, the 10 new task icons are placed below the legend Icon. Users will be able to directly drag and drop these icons on the diagram and create the flow in the canvas.

The Corner button for Internal Impact allows the user to


Internal Impact lets the user view the impacted flow of the artifacts with any modifications. It highlights the areas where the modifications have been done, due to which the flow of the artifact gets impacted internally.


The Swim Lanes view allows you to add multiple lanes in the window by clicking on the (+) sign present on a particular lane borderline. Users can also add the lane with the icon present on the left pane.

If a task is planned to be executed on a planned scenario one after another, you can create the workflow accordingly on the created lanes. Each lane can be assigned a name to keep a track of the tasks which have been assigned for each lane. The naming of the lane is basically used for representation. 

If the user right-clicks on any task, multiple options appear on a pop-up window. Let us discuss them one by one.

1. Open in New Tab – With this button the user can open the linked task in a new window. 

2. Link Task – With this button, the user can link a task on the script. User can add Business Component and Service Repository as a test step from the Node Associator, through link task.

3. Unlink Task – With this button the user can unlink a task on the script.

4. Add Parameter – With this button, user can Add Input and Output Parameter on the linked Business Component, directly from here.

User can add the Input Parameter, Delete, Move Up or Move Down and Refresh the parameter.

Its default value can be added as shown in the image below.

Similarly user can also add Output Parameter from the section as shown below.


The (+) sign lets the user add the Output Parameters.

User can also Delete the Output Parameter with the Delete Button.

The Up arrow allows the user to move the steps Upwards.

The Down Arrow allows the user to move the steps Downwards.

Group – User can create group by pressing the Ctrl button on the keyboard and selecting the tasks for which the groups will be formed. 


After group creation, user can view the grouped task as below.

 On selecting the task, user can view different icons of

Input Data, which allows the user to provide Input Data

Step Details which allows the user to view Step Details.


Output Data which allows the user to provide output data.

Link Task allows the user to link the tasks in the flow.

Add Lane – With this button, user can add lane according to flow. When the user selects any particular lane, the Add lane icon gets enabled.

Delete –  With this button, users can delete the selected lanes

Change Link Color – With this button, user can change the color of the linking sequence flow.. 

Add Sign button – With this button, user can add blank tasks. 



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