5.4 Automated Business Component
You can view the Automated Business Component in OpKey Surge by clicking on the Business Component Tab from the Dashboard of OpKey Surge as well as from the Business Component Dialer tab present on the Dashboard of OpKey Surge.
On clicking, a page up consisting of
Automated Business Component
Automated Business Component allows you to create Business Component automatically.
You can add the test step with the “Add Step” Button(+). It can also be moved “Up” and “Down” with the up and down arrows. Please refer to the image below.
You can add “Frequently Used Keywords” with the tab present in the second row. More functionalities that can be performed with the additional tabs include “Delete”, “Refresh”, “Create Back-Up” and do more with the “Settings” tab.
You can also add “Tag” and “Refresh Tag” with the buttons shown in the image below.
Let’s have a look at the “Settings” tab functionalities.
The three fields of:
All Continue on Error: If any keyword is failed while executing the run, the system will continue the execution after the error, if the “All Continue on Error” is checked.
All Want Snapshot: If the snapshot is not required for any keyword, the system will continue executing by taking a snapshot for the rest, if the “All Want Snapshot” is checked.
All is Negative: If the keyword’s output is required to be failed, the “All is Negative” checkbox will have to be checked which will display the keyword’s output message as failed.
The “Settings” tab is also present on the keywords Output Data section, which allows providing details for the specific keyword rather than for the whole script.
You can switch to the Grid or Flowchart view by clicking on the highlighted tab.
Grid View
Flow Chart View
In the Flow Chart View, the user can view side tabs of Step Details, Add Step, Test Object, Static Data, Output Data.
The Step Details Tab is used to click on the specified text in the application, It takes the text field object as Object Input Argument. It also takes text, which has to be clicked, as Data Input Arguments.
The “Add Step” tab allows you to add the required Keywords, Business Component, Service Repository for the script.
The “Test Object” tab allows you to add Objects.
The “Static Data” allows you to provide static value as an input.
The “Output Data” will let you view the output of the provided data.
In the Grid View scenario, let us have a look at the tabs of Test Object, Input Data, and Output Data:
Test Object
The Test Object allows the user to add the Object Type from its 3 sub-tabs of
Dynamic Object
Object Repository
Object Output
The Object’s Property can also be provided with the present 3 tabs of
Input Data, Output Data, and Global Variable.
The property value provided through the Input Data, Output Data, and Global Variable gets added to the Test Object.
For the Input Data, we have 5 sub-tabs of:
Data Input
Data Output
Global Variable
Auto Data Generation
Token Manager
The Output Data will display the Output Type, Parameter Name, and Output Variable.
You can also view Associated Step Output and Internal Impact with the below-highlighted images.
You can now execute it by clicking on the Run Button and filling all required details in the Local Execution Wizard and clicking on Finish Button.
You need to fill in all the details in the Local Execution Window.