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  4. 8. Working with Jobs
  5. 8.2 Creating a Job

8.2 Creating a Job

Working on a Job File and Performing Actions on it

Go to OpKey Test Surge Dashboard > Click on Jobs.

A Manage Jobs window will get open.

The Manage Jobs Window displays the list of all Existing Job(s). This List of Job(s) can be in either of the two views. One is the Grid View and the Other is the Label View.

Now, let us learn how to create a Job in OpKey Test Surge.

Creating a Job

A Job File can be created in either of the two views.

For Grid View

To add a new Job

  • Click on Create Tab.


Select a Label and Right Click on It. Now, select Create Job.


Select a Label and click on the Create Job icon.

  • A pop-up window will get open.

  • The field marked with * is mandatory.  Enter the Name of the Job.
  • Also, Enter the description of the Job. Click on Create.

For Label View

Go to the Label view, by clicking on the Grid View Tab.

The Existing Job(s) will get displayed in Label view. To add a new Job, Click on Create.

A pop-up window will get open.

The field marked with * is mandatory.  Enter the Name of the Job.

Also, Enter the description of the Job.

Click on the Labels Dropdown. The dropdown of  Labels is auto-populated with all the pre-built Labels. You may select the Labels from it.

Click on Create.

  • The Modify Job window opens
  • Click on the highlighted icon to Add Test Case into the Job. A pop-up window will open where you have a Test Case Dropdown.
  • Click on it. The dropdown will get auto-populated with all the available Test Cases.
  • Select the Desired Test Case.
  • Click Add.
  • The Selected Test Case will get added to the Job as Step no 1.

Getting Familiar with the Job Icons

  • Once the Test Case gets added to the Job, the message “Test Case added successfully” will get displayed at the right-hand corner of the screen.
  • Similarly, you can add other Test Step(s) to the Job as per the requirement of your Test Scenario.
  • You can delete a selected Test Case by clicking on the highlighted icon below:

  • Select the Test Case to view its flowchart as shown above.
  • Once all the required Test Case(s) are added in the Job. Click on Save.
  • The message “Jobs Saved successfully” will get displayed at the right-hand corner of the screen.
  • Click on the Execute icon to Execute it.

Let’s see what are the actions that can be performed on the Job File.

Create Copy

You can create a duplicate file for the Selected Job. To do so-

  • Select the appropriate Job file in the Manage Jobs window.

For Grid View

  • Here, the Selected Job file is  “Modify: Daily Suite“.Click on Create Copy Tab.


          Right Click on the Selected Job  File and Select Create Copy Option.


          Click on the Create Copy icon.

For Label View

  • Here, the Selected Job  File is “Modify Daily Suite”. Switch to Label view and Click on Create Copy Tab.

  • A Duplicate file will be created for the selected Job.


You can Synchronize the Data of the Selected Job(s) of one Project with another. To do so-

For Grid View

Case 1:Selecting a Job for Synchronization

  • Select the appropriate Job file in the Manage Job window. Let’s say “Modify: Daily Suite” and click on the Sync  Tab.


          Right Click on the Selected Job File and Select Sync  Option.


          Click on the Sync icon.

Case 2:Selecting a Label for Synchronization

  •  You can also select a  Label for Synchronization. It can be best used in case you wish to Synchronize multiple Job(s).
  • Select the appropriate Label in the Manage Jobs window. Let’s say “Label Next” and click on the Sync Tab.


          Right Click on the Selected Label and Select Sync  Option.


         Select the appropriate Label and click on the Sync icon.

For Label View

  • Switch to Label View
  • Mark the Checkboxes Corresponding to the Job(s) you wish to Select for Synchronization.
  • Click on Sync  Tab.

  • A pop-up window will get open as

  • All the fields marked with * are mandatory. Enter the URL Name.
  • The User Name and Password Fields are Auto-populated with the relevant details.
  • Click on the Select Project dropdown. The Dropdown will get auto-populated with all the existing Projects.
  • Select the appropriate Project.
  • Click on the Sync Icon.

In this way, the data from one Project can be Synchronized with the Data of another Project for the selected job(s).


You can Export the Selected Job(s) to a win.rar Zip File. To do so-

For Grid View

Case 1:To Export a Selected Job File

  • Select the appropriate Job file in the Manage Jobs window. Let’s say “Modify: Daily Suite ” and click on Export Tab.


          Right Click on the Selected Job File and Select Export Option.


      Click on the Export icon.

Case 2:To Export a Selected Label

  •  You can also select a  Label for Export. It can be best used in case you wish to Export multiple Job(s).
  • Select the appropriate Label in the Manage Jobs window. Let’s say “Label Next” and click on the Export Tab.


          Right Click on the Selected Label and Select Export Option.


         Select the appropriate Label and click on the Export icon.

For Label View

  • Switch to Label View
  • Mark the Checkboxes Corresponding to the Job(s) you wish to Export
  • Click on Export Tab.

  •  win.rar Zip File will get exported.

In this way, you can Export the Selected Job(s) in the OpKey Test Surge.

Open in New Tab

You can Select a Job and then Open it in New Tab. To do so-

For Grid View

Select the Job, which you wish to Open in New Tab. Here, “Modify: Daily Suite”.

  • Click on the “Open in New Tab” Icon.


               Right Click on the Selected Job and Select Open in New Tab Option.

For Label View

  • Switch to Label View
  • Select the Job you wish to Open in New Tab.
  • Click on Edit this Job icon.

The selected Job will get Open in a New Tab in “Modify: Jobs ” window.

In this way, you can open the Selected Job in a New Tab in OpKey Test Surge.


You can Select a Job and then Delete it. To do so-

For Grid View

Select the Job, which you wish to Delete. Here, “Modify: Daily Suite”.

  • Click on the “Delete” Icon.


             Right Click on the Selected Job and Select Delete Option.

For Label View

  • Switch to Label View
  • Select the Job you wish to Delete.
  • Click on Delete this Job icon.

A pop-up window will get open as

Click OK.
The Selected Job will get Deleted and the Message “Artifact Deleted Successfully” will get displayed.

In this way, you can successfully delete a Job in OpKey Test Surge.


You can Select a Job and then Modify its name. To do so-

For Grid View

Select the Job, which you wish to Rename. Here, “Modify Daily Suite”.

  • Click on the “Rename” Icon.


            Right Click on the Selected Job and Select Rename Option.

For Label View

  • Switch to Label View
  • Select the Job you wish to Rename.
  • Click on the Rename Job icon.

A pop-up window will get open as

Click OK.

The Name and Description field will be editable and auto-filled with the Existing JobDetails. You can Modify the Name and Description of the Job as per the requirements.

Click on the Label dropdown. It will get auto-populated with all the Existing Labels in the Project. Select the appropriate Label to which the Job has to be assigned.

Click Update.

The Job will get Updated Successfully, and a message “Job Updated Successfully” will be displayed on the screen.

In this way, you can successfully Rename a Job in OpKey Test Surge.


You can Search for a specific Job(s) by it’s Name or the Name of the Label to which the Job(s) is assigned in the Search Box [depending on the Type of View Selected]. To do so-

For Grid View

Let’s Say, you are looking for a specific Job “Modify: Daily Suite”.

  • Once you start typing the name of the Job in the Search Box. The List of the Job(s) starts filtering accordingly in the Manage Jobs window.

  • You can also Type the Keywords related to the Name of the Job in the Search Box. Still, the Search will begin and the Job(s) will get filtered accordingly.

For Label View

  • In the Label View, a Job can be searched by either typing its name/Keyword or Selecting the Name of the Label to which the Job(s) is assigned to in the Search box.
  • To Search by Name of the Job, Go to the Search by Keyword Search Box and Type the Keyword/Name of the Job to be Searched.
  • Once you start typing the name of the Job in the Search Box. The List of the Job(s) starts filtering accordingly in the Manage Job window.

  • To Search for Job(s) assigned to a specific label, Go to the Search by Label Dropdown. The Dropdown will get auto-populated with all the Existing Labels.
  • Select the appropriate Label.
  • All the Job(s) assigned to that Label will get filtered accordingly in the Manage Jobs window.

  • Clicking on the Clear Search icon will clear the Text written in the Text Box.
  • You can also search by entering the Start Date and End Date of Executing the Job and clicking on the search button.

In this way, you can successfully search for a specific Job (s) in the OpKey Test Surge.

Execute Job

You can Select a Job and then Execute it. To do so-

For Grid View

Select the Job, which you wish to Execute. Here, “Modify: Daily Suite”.

  • Click on the “Execute Job” Icon.


            Right Click on the Selected Job and Select Execute Job Option.

For Label View

  • Switch to Label View
  • Select the Job you wish to Execute.
  • Click on Execute this Job icon.

A Local Execution Wizard window will get open as

Enter all the Relevant Details.

Click Finish.

In this way, you can successfully Execute a Job in OpKey Test Surge.

Execute Job With Tag Version

You can Select a Job and then Execute it with Tag Version. To do so-

For Grid View

Select the Job, which you wish to Execute with Tag Version. Here, “Modify: Daily Suite”.

  • Click on the “Execute Job with Tag Version” Icon.


            Right Click on the Selected Job and Select Execute Job with Tag Version Option.

For Label View

  • Switch to Label View
  • Select the Job you wish to Execute Job with Tag Version.
  • Click on Execute this Job with Tag Version icon.

A pop-up window will get open as

Click on the Tag Keys dropdown. It will get auto-populated with all the Existing Tag Keys in the Project. Select the appropriate Tag Key to which the Job has to be Executed.

Click Ok.

A Local Execution Wizard window will get open as

Enter all the Relevant Details.

Read: How to Execute a Job?

Click Finish.

In this way, you can successfully Execute a Job with its Tag Version in OpKey Test Surge.

Schedule Job/Job Scheduler

OpKey manages Job execution from a single place by facilitating distributed execution. The overall execution time can be reduced by distributing the run on different machines.

A separate utility named Scheduler allows Job execution management from a single place.

Job execution can also be scheduled later for the night to maximize team productivity.

You can Select a Job and then Schedule it. To do so-

Case 1: For Grid View & Label View

For Grid View

Select the Job, which you wish to Schedule. Here, “Modify: Daily Suite”.

  • Click on the “Schedule Job” Icon.


            Right Click on the Selected Job and Select Schedule Job Option.

For Label View

  • Switch to Label View
  • Select the Job you wish to Schedule.
  • Click on Schedule this Job icon.

A Schedule Job window will get open as


Case 2: For Dashboard

Go to Dashboard > Jobs > Job Scheduler.


The Job Scheduler window will get open and a Calendar will be displayed having the time slots mentioned within a gap for one hour. You can also adjust the calendar for Next Week and even after depending on the requirements for the schedule.


To schedule a Job on the specific Date and Time, Click on the appropriate calendar cell. The Schedule Job window will get open as follows-


The Right-hand side of the window will initially be disabled. Select a Job to enable it.

The Fields marked with * are mandatory. The Session Name, Build Name, Plugins used, Execution Time, Time Zone, and Generic Plugin fields are auto-filled with the Existing JobDetails.

However, these fields are editable and can be modified as per the requirements.

Click on the agent dropdown. It will get auto-populated with all the Existing agents. The agents which are online are accompanied by a Green color radio buttonThe agents which are offline are accompanied by a Red color radio button.

Select the appropriate Online agent. In case you have selected an offline Agent, still, the Job can be scheduled, for the future.

** It is mandatory for the OpKey Hub to be Online for the Scheduled Session(s) to get Executed.

Click on the icon Next to the Schedule Button for the Execution Advanced Settings.

You can adjust the

Take Snapshot of: The Steps for which you wish to take snapshots like All Steps, Failed Steps, No Steps.

Snapshot Quality: The Quality of Snapshots required like Low, High or Medium.

Step TimeOut: The Step Timeout can be adjusted from 5 – 300 Sec.

Mail Report: The Type of Reports that has to be mailed like Integrated, Outline, Detailed, Summary, Failed or none.

You may Check/Uncheck the

Skip Empty Data Steps: By using this feature, you can skip the execution of test steps having blank mandatory data arguments.

Randomize Input Default Value :

Select Run Time Global Variable Tab to make changes in the Value of the Global Variable at Runtime.

Click Ok to save the Settings for the Execution.

Click Schedule.

The Job will get Scheduled to be executed on the specific time defined and the highlighted message will get displayed on the screen.

The Scheduled Jobs will get Displayed in the Calendar as :

Go to Tools > Schedule Sessions to View the Scheduled Jobs.

In this way, you can successfully Schedule a Job in OpKey Test Surge.

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