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  5. 21.3 Manage Releases

21.3 Manage Releases

Introduction to Releases:


Creating Releases

Creating Releases

To create Releases in OpKey Surge, login to the OpKey Portal. On the left side panel, click on the “Home Button” to Switch the platform to OpKey Surge. The last button of the ribbon is “Manage requirement”. On selecting the tab, it opens the page. Click on the “Plus +” sign button on the left side row, below the Project Dashboard, and name accordingly. 





Details tab provides detailed information about the manage requirement.




Manage requirement tab allows you to create new requirements and manage your existing requirements.

Test Cycles

This is an entity similar to the Test Suite, where users can add multiple Test cases and execute. The flows which have been created in the Surge for testing can be added in the Test Cycle by Drag and Drop and then executed to verify if it’s functioning appropriately or not.


Audit Trials

Audit Trails

Audit trials tab provides the audit trails about the manage requirements.


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