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  4. 18. Commonly Used Features
  5. 18.8 Making Replica of File & Folder

18.8 Making Replica of File & Folder


OpKey Accelerator users can now make a replica of the files & folders in the same or different OpKey domain, as required. There are two ways to make a replica of the artifact: Import/Replica & Copy/Paste but both ways are fundamentally the same. You can make a replica of the exported artifact as well as make a replica of the copied artifact.

Here, we have exported an artifact/file, Job which contains Test Case, Business Process and Business Components. We have to make a replica of that exported artifact/file (Job).

  • Go to the Import Artifact button under Tools menu in the OpKey Accelerator dashboard page.

  • Import/Replica wizard opens. Select the Replica option and click on OK.

  • Browse and select the exported artifact (file) and then click on Open.

  • From here, you can choose or create a folder in which you want to make an artifact replica.
  • Click Next to continue.

  • From here, you can add tags.
  • Keep the checkbox Retain Original Tag(s) checked to keep original tags added.

  • File Replica has been created successfully.

  • Have a look at the newly created Replica of the File.
  • As we have made a replica of a Job which contains other artifacts (like TC, BP, & BC) mapped with it so it has created a folder named as Dependencies which contains mapped or added artifacts.

  • Here at the corresponding OpKey Web platform, you can have a look that a folder named Dependent_Artifacts has created has been created automatically in the Project Workspace which contains the supporting Function Library and Object Repository files.

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