20.2 User Management
User Management
User Management section is accessible to user(s) having admin rights which displays user information like active users, user limit, name, user name, email address, login access, type and actions. It allows you to add new user(s), edit user, Delete User & release lock for the selected user. You can search a particular user by typing name, user name or email of that user in the search-bar. It includes two sub-sections named as Login Audit Trails & User Audit Trails.
Here, you can view all the listed users along with their account details. List of Active Users and User Limit is shown on the top. You can customize list of number of user items being displayed on the page.
- Create User:
Click on Create User icon to adda new user. Enter all required fields and then click on Create. You can provide admin rights to newly creating user.
- Edit user:
Click on Edit User icon to edit details (Name, Email, & Password), accessibility (Allow User To Login, IsAdmin) of a user. Click Update.
- Release lock for this user:
Click on Release lock for this user icon to release lock from all the artifacts locked by the user. Click on OK to continue.
- Delete User:
Click on Delete User icon and then click OK to validate the same.
Login Audit Trails
Login Audit Trails information under User Management of OpKey Web displays detailed information about the login and logout status of OpKey Web Users working on the specified OpKey Web domain. Login Audit Trails information is displayed in a tabular format in which column names are UserName, Task, Source, and Date/Time.
User Name column denotes the the name of the user for whom task has been performed. Task column denotes the task (Login/Logout) performed by the user. Source column denotes the source or platform on which task has been performed. Date/Time column denotes the date and time when task was performed. Showing Date/Time details are as per the time zone of OpKey Web user.
- Click on Refresh button to refresh the Login Audit Trails.
- Only 400 records of Login Audit Trails are displaying on a page. Click on Next to view other records.
- You can filter the Login Audit Trails record as per the specified Date range under search bar. To do so, enter From & To date and click on Search.
- To refine Login Audit Trails record displaying, you can select a date range (From & To) of 90 days only. In case you select a date range out of 90 days, a warning message appears that “Only 90 days Audit Trails can be viewed, you have selected … days.”
- You can export the list of Login Audit Trails. To do so, click on Export to Excel and fill From & To dates and click on OK.
- The given date (From & To) in the Search Bar of Login Audit Trails, will be displaying on the Export To Excel popup window in From & To field.
- If you have not refined/filtered Login Audit Trails then the showing Date range in Export To Excel window will be as follows:
1. From: First date of the current month
2. To: Current date of the current month
- Once Login Audit Trails has been exported in Excel format, you can view them.
User Audit Trails
User Audit Trails under User Management section of OpKey Web provides the detailed information about the task performed for OpKey Web users working on the specified OpKey Web domain. Audit Trails information are displayed in a tabular format in which column names are Task, UserName, Field, Old Value, New Value, By User & Date/Time. Task column denotes the task performed. User Name column denotes the the name of the user for whom task has been performed. Field column denotes the field in which task has been performed. Old Value column denotes the previous value of the field before performing the task. New Value column denotes the current modified value of the field after performing the task. By User column denotes the user who has performed the task whereas Date/Time column denotes the date and time when task was performed. Showing Date/Time details are as per the time zone of OpKey Web user.
- Click on Refresh button to refresh the User Audit Trails.
- Only 400 records of User Audit Trails are displaying on a page. Click on Next to view other records.
- You can filter the User Audit Trails record as per the specified Date range under search bar. To do so, enter From & To date and click on Search.
- To refine User Audit Trails record displaying, you can select a date range (From & To) of 90 days only. In case you select a date range out of 90 days, a warning message appears that “Only 90 days Audit Trails can be viewed, you have selected … days.”
- You can export the list of User Audit Trails. To do so, click on Export to Excel and fill From & To dates and click on OK.
- The given date (From & To) in the Search Bar of User Audit Trails, will be displaying on the Export To Excel popup window in From & To field.
- If you have not refined/filtered User Audit Trails then the showing Date range in Export To Excel window will be as follows:
1. From: First date of the current month
2. To: Current date of the current month
- Once User Audit Trails has been exported in Excel format, you can view them.