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  4. 5. Working with Business Components
  5. 5.6 Creating a Business Component

5.6 Creating a Business Component

Once the Business Component File is Created,

You will be navigated to the Modify Business Component window. You can see a blank flowchart with Start and End boxes.



To add Test Steps in Business Component

Click on Add Keyword Icon. A window will get open at the right-hand corner of the screen having four Tabs :

Frequently UsedKeywords, Business Component, and Service Repository.

Frequently Used Tab is highlighted by default.


You can add a Test Step in the Business Component by any of the following

By Using Frequently Used

Click on the Frequently Used Tab. The List of all Frequently Used Keywords will get displayed.

Click on the desired Folder, Let’s say Frequently Used Keywords. The List of all Keywords which are frequently used will get displayed.
You can also search for a specific keyword by typing its name in the search box. All the keywords corresponding to the entered keyword will get displayed in the list. Clicking on the Clear Search icon will clear the Text Written in the Search box.


Select the desired Keyword, It will get highlighted as shown in the figure. Mouse-hovering on the selected keyword will display the type of Keyword [In the above example -It is Add OpKey Generic Keyword]. Clicking on the Add Keyword icon will add the selected keyword to the Business Component.

Clicking on UpdateKeyword icon will Update the selected keyword in the Business Component.

By Adding Keywords

Click on the Keywords Tab. The List of all Keyword categories will get displayed.

Click on the desired Keywords category, Let’s say OpKey Generic Keywords. The List of all OpKey Generic Keywords will get displayed.
You can also search for a specific keyword by typing its name in the search box. All the keywords corresponding to the entered keyword will get displayed in the list. Clicking on the Clear Search icon will clear the Text Written in the Search box.
Select the desired Keywords, It will get highlighted as shown in the figure. Clicking on the Add Keyword icon will add the selected keyword to the Business Component.


Clicking on Update Keyword icon will Update the selected keyword in the Business Component.

By Adding Business Component

Click on the Business Component Tab. The List of all folders containing Business Components will get displayed.

Select the specific folder to expand the Business Component Tree. Keep on Expanding the Business Component Tree unless you reach its smallest unit.
Select the desired Business Component. You can also search for a specific Business Component by typing its name in the search box. All the Business Component corresponding to the entered Business Component will get displayed in the list. Clicking on the Clear Search icon will clear the Text Written in the Search box.


Clicking on the Add Component icon will add the selected Business Component to the Test Step.


Clicking on the Update Component icon will Update the selected Business Component to the Test Step.

By Adding Service Repository

Click on the Service Repository Tab. The List of all folders containing the Service Repository will get displayed.


Select the specific folder to expand the Service Repository Tree. Keep on Expanding the Service Repository Tree unless you reach its smallest unit.

Select the desired Service Repository. You can also search for a specific Service Repository by typing its name in the search box. All the Service Repository corresponding to the entered Service Repository will get displayed in the list. Clicking on the Clear Search icon will clear the Text Written in the Search box.
Clicking on Add Soap Method icon will add the selected Service Repository to the Business Component.
 Clicking on the Update Soap Method icon will Update the selected Soap Method to the Business Component.
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