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  4. 4. Working with Local Data Repository

4. Working with Local Data Repository

What is Local Data Repository?

OpKey Test Surge provides end-user friendly data storage and management feature known as Local Data Repository.

The Local Data Repository consists of a spreadsheet which is divided into number of rows and columns.

It provides flexibility to the Business user to add and manage data by providing features to add rows/columns, move rows or cells, copy/paste the data and save it.

While working with Test Case(s) in OpKey Test Surge, you can provide data driving value from Local Data Repository. You can either create Local Data Repository file or import data from an Excel sheet (.xlsx files only) as per your convenience. Once it has been created, it can be mapped with the Test Step(s) as required.

Getting Familiar with Local Data Repository Icons

You can provide the values to the Local Data Repository. Clicking on the Clear Search icon will clear the Text Written in the Search box. You can search for a any Data  by typing its Name in the Search Box.

Export to Excel icon allows you to Export the Local Data Repository to Excel. It shows you the format in which you have to enter the data. Here, you can enter the data  in the required format.

And import it back to the Local Data Repository.

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