2.2 Opkey Smart Recorder
Step by Step process to Install OpKey Smart Recorder
- Create an Object Repository. The Object Repository window will get opened.
- Click on the Add to OR icon.
- A window will open up configuring the OR Selector. The OpKey Smart Recorder will get downloaded.
- There will be two options provided to the users: Keep and Discard.
- Click on Keep will allow you to keep the downloaded file.
- Click on the Opkey Smart Recorder.jnlp file.
- The starting application window will get opened as shown below:
- The downloaded application is being verified as shown below:
- A pop up window will get opened asking the question “Do you want to run this application?”
- Click on Run. The current window will get closed and a new window will open as follows:
- Click Next. You will be navigated to the following window:
- Select the radio button stating that you accepts the terms of licence of this agreement and click on Next. The following window will get opened defining the path for the target directory.
- Click OK and then Click Next.
- Click on Next.
- Once the installation will get completed, the Next button will get enabled.
- Click Next.
- Click Next.
- Click Next.
- Click on Done.
- Congratulations! You have successfully installed the Opkey smart recorder on your system.Similarly, you can install OpKey Smart Recorder, by clicking on the record icon, in case of Test Case and Function Library.
- Once, OpKey Smart Recorder gets installed on your machine, you can see a shortcut file icon for Start OpKey Smart Recorder on your desktop.
- When user selects the web recorder, the Jnlp file gets downloaded every time and detects OpKey Smart Recorder. If it is installed on your machine then you are required to open it and then proceed for recording otherwise you need to install the Opkey Smart Recorder on your system following the above mentioned process.
- If you have already invoked the smart Recorder on your local machine before the initiation of recording process then the procedure of downloading JNLP file will be skipped and user will be redirected to OR Selector window.