21.1 Manage Requirements
Introduction to Quality Lifecycle Management:
We are trying to create a management tool in similar terms with Jira, TFS, etc. The Impact portal has been merged with OpKey Surge and the UI has been slightly modified.
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Creating a Requirement
If the release gets planned, the complete requirement is created in the section. All the details will have to be filled in and priority will have to be defined. When the priority gets defined, the development team gets notified about the different sprints and they pick the one with the highest priority. Post that user creates the Test Cycles.
What are the Requirements in Quality Lifecycle Management in OpKey Surge and how to create a Requirement?
Test Management is the collection of manage requirements, manage releases, and environment settings. Manage requirement tab allows you to create new requirements and manage your existing requirements. Details tab provides detailed information about the manage requirement. Dimension tab provides a list of dimensions and you can manage them as required. The test cases tab provides a list of mapped test cases, which too can be managed as well. The release tab provides you a list of releases and allows you to manage them. The audit trials tab provides the audit trails about the manage requirements.
How to create a Requirement in OpKey Surge?
To create Requirement in OpKey Surge, login to the OpKey Portal. On the left side panel, click on the “Home Button” to Switch the platform to OpKey Surge. The last button of the ribbon is “Manage requirement”. On selecting the tab, it opens the page. Click on the “Plus +” sign button on the left side row, below the Project Dashboard, and named accordingly.

Details tab provides detailed information about the manage requirement.

Dimension tab provides a list of dimensions and you can manage them as required.

Test Cases
Test cases tab provides a list of mapped test cases, which too can be managed as well.

Releases tab provides you a list of releases and allows you to manage them.
The releases are also known as “sprint planning” is prepared as per requirement by clicking right on the selected folder. On viewing the panel, complete details will be visible such as “modified by”, “created by”, “version”, “date” and “status”. Currently, users has three plugins for the Impact Portal of SAP, Oracle Fusion, and Salesforce.

Audit Trails
Audit trials tab provides the audit trails about the manage requirements.