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  4. 10. Execution Results
  5. 10.1 Execution through Run Now

10.1 Execution through Run Now

Once You click on Run Now icon, the Local Execution Wizard window will get open.

Fields marked with * are mandatory. The Session Name, Choose or create Build fields gets auto-populated with the relevant details.

Note that the Session Name will be the name of your artifact along with Timespan being executed. The default Build name will be your last executed build. For a fresh user, the default build name will be New Build

Click on the Execution of Agent Dropdown. It will get auto-populated with all the agents available in OpKey. The agents which are Online are accompanied by a green Radio button. The Agents which are offline are displayed with the Red Radio button.

Select an Online Agent.

The Generic Plugin dropdown is auto-populated with all the available Plugins configured with OpKey Agent.

Select the desired Generic Plugin.

Select the Checkbox for Show Advanced Settings.

Show Advanced Settings:

As soon as the Show Advanced Settings checkbox is marked as checked, you get the option to click on Next.
Select Next. The coming window will allow you to configure the Advance Execution Settings.

Here, you can adjust the Settings like, what are the Test Steps for which you wish to take the snapshots of? You can set it as No Steps, Failed Steps or All Steps.

You can also adjust the snapshot Quality as Low, Medium or High. Similarly, you can adjust the Step Timeout within the range of 5 to 300 secs.

The Next adjustment is the Send Report Result where you can let the OpKey Test Surge knows about the Type of Report you want.

Click on the SMTP Settings Tab, the pop up will open up:

Read Here: SMTP Settings

Clicking on Next will navigate you to the Session Tags window.

Tags are key-value combination added in the tags panel that allows the user to provide any important detail/information related to the Artifact.

For example, the browser or environment on which the Artifact has been created. A user can add as many tags as possible in a particular component file.

Getting Familiar with the Tags Icons

Follow the steps given below, to associate Tags to the Artifact.

Click Add. A blank row will get added in the Grid.

By Default, a Key Name and Value will be added in the list. You can modify the Key Name and Value.

The Selected or created Tag will get associated with the Artifact.

Clicking on Next will navigate you to the Global Variable window:

Changing the Value of Global Variable at Runtime

  • You can change the value of the Global variables at runtime.
  • The Global Variables list is auto-populated with System Defined and User Defined Global Variables.
  • Select any global variable whose value has to be changed.

If the Global Variable is of List Type then, Select any default value from the list [for the runtime execution].

  • If the Global Variable is of Secured String Type then, click Decrypt value icon.

A pop-up window will get open. Enter the encryption password set at the project level.

Click Ok. Now, you will be allowed to edit the value at runtime.

Click Finish to proceed with the Execution.

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